Firefighters in New Jersey kept an anxious eye on the weather Wednesday as they battled a massive wildfire that had consumed more than 20 square miles of brush and pine forest after a military jet dropped a flare on a bombing range.

The blaze sent walls of flames 80 to 100 feet high racing toward senior citizen communities, where elderly residents grabbed their pets and ran.

“It was as close to hell on Earth as you’ll ever experience in your life,” said Bert Plante, a spokesman for the New Jersey Forest Fire Service. He spoke in a trailer park where two homes were incinerated and others were damaged.

The Warren Grove Gunnery Range, about 25 miles north of Atlantic City, was also involved in a 2004 incident when a National Guard jet accidentally strafed an elementary school during a training exercise.

Nice to see our defenders are consistent – if nothing else. Although I never would have identified New Jersey as potential collateral damage.

  1. Unspeakable says:

    …without mankind, Earth has no reason to exist.
    Comment by TheGlobalWarmer — 5/17/2007 @ 9:56 am
    You do realize that the earth and the rest of the universe will continue to exist with or without the human race to see it? Physical reality operates independently from sentient observation and does not require a “reason” to be.

  2. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #26 – Just for fun (in a weird coincidence I just read this on another forum), in the Bible God told Adam and Eve to have dominion over the Earth and every living thing in it. By extension, it would be logical to assume that Satan’s instructions would be to let the Earth have dominion over Man. Hmmm, interesting……

    You are right. That is just for fun.

    While I appreciate your humor, and I love you like a brother, and all that, I was talking about the real world.

  3. mark says:

    “If there were ever a greater threat to freedom than Global Warming ™ I’m sure I never heard of it.”

    Then maybe your just not listening. Not a huge of Gore fan myself. But science is science, and GW is real, manmade or not it doesnt fucking matter.

  4. TheGlobalWarmer says:

    If you can control someone’s energy usage you have removed all their freedom because you essentially control their entire life. The GW crowd not only want to dictate what I drive, where I drive, when I drive, etc. They even want to dictate what light build I use.

    I too am talking about the real world. What’s the quote? “Live free or die”

    By the way, prove to me, to the standards of a court of law, the GW has actually harmed anyone.


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