
‘Dog’ gone! CBS axes radio show after prank — Cripes. The politically correct police attack again. Now I realize that Howard Stern is a genius for getting off the airwaves and going to the satellite. This, of course, just opens things up for podcasts too.

The Don Imus effect took down more shock jocks yesterday after an Asian-mocking joke left CBS radio execs with another hole in their schedule.

CBS confirmed “The Dog House with JV and Elvis” show was canned permanently after an on-air prank call three weeks ago ordered “slimp flied lice” from a Chinese restaurant.

The show’s on-air hosts, Jeff Vandergrift and Dan Lay, were suspended as CBS decided their future.

” ‘The Dog House with JV and Elvis’ will no longer be broadcast,” said CBS Radio spokeswoman Karen Mateo.

Caspar Milquetoast is now in charge.

found by Aric Mackey

  1. gquaglia says:

    Another nail in the coffin of terrestrial radio, unless of course you like cookie cutter music and talk. Been on Sirius now for almost 2 years and I’ve never looked back.

  2. grog says:

    don’t kid yourself, if the republicans hold the white house in 08 (a sure bet if you’re asking me) you can rest assured that they will start censoring satellite radio too.

    the first and fourth amendments will wind up being sacrificial offerings to “security” or “protection of our children” or “supporting the troops”

    whatever, eventually the gop will find away to use tools like the patriot act and the dmca to eradicate the constitution, because it gets in the way of the war on terror.

    mark my words, the republicans will eventually bring down the republic and replace it with tyranny.

  3. Greg Allen says:

    I’m not very sympathetic of Imus and the whole “shock jock” thing.

    The airwaves are property of the public and should be generally non-offensive and suitable for all the public.

    In my mind, this isn’t censorship or enforced “PC” — it’s civil public behavior.

  4. grog says:

    #3 so what’s the cut off?

    51% ?


    how many people need to find something offensive before we take it off the air?

    what words and phrases or images count as offensive? who do we empower to make those calls?

    can i decide? i find everything ann coulter says to be classes offensive and hateful and i refuse to let her on in my house when my kids are around — can i get her banned from the airwave?

    seriously — how do i do it?

  5. faustus says:

    the growth in podcasting is just exploding… there isn’t enough time in the day to tune into the stuff thats totally interesting not to mention the stuff that might be but you don’t have time to find out…. good bye radio good bye tv… its the end of the world as we knew it… and i feel fine… long live crankygeeks and twit!

  6. TooMuchTravel says:

    You need to listen to the broadcast in question before you make a judgment. Then say something.

    The ‘antics’ of misogynistic, amoral, racially impugned, ‘entertainment’ segments have no place on public airwaves. Let them go to Sirius or XM (before they go bankrupt as cesspools of highly-marginalized ex-broadcasters).

    Ann Coulter’s fabrications and voter registration records should land her in jail. Don Imus’ implication that the Rutgers athletes were all black prostitutes is and was shameful. And it’s not his first misuse of the public trust. Michael Savage, Rush Limbaugh, and a host of others spew hate, disinformation, propoganda, and barely skirt the libel and defamation laws in this country.

    There is a responsibility in speech. Licentiousness and ‘yellow’ and sensationlistic journalism diminishes the currency of those that endeavor to tell the truth, research what they write about, and focus on non-biased information.

    Dvorak’s unmitigated arrogance makes him believe that his omnipotence is fully justified by the First Amendment. Instead, it’s the First Amendment that protects speech. The Communications Act of 1935, as amended, is what makes the public airwaves a public trust. That trust is violated by the obscenity imposed upon hapless restaurant owners by boors, mocking the event in a broadcast medium.

    You should know the difference, John. Shame on you and your milquetoast comment.

  7. TheGlobalWarmer says:

    It’s not possible to go through life without offending someone because too many idiots don’t feel happy unless they’re being offended by something.

    With any luck CBS will go under completely in such a huge flameout that everyone else will be forced to wake up.

  8. All I can say is thank god for the internet.

    Free speech is constantly being challenged by minorities that wait for offense. Personally I am waiting for the next attack against slightly overweight 30 something IT professionals so i can rally folks around me and bring down the man! While I wont have the blanket protection of being able to call it a ‘hate crime’ because there is no legislation that protects my butt more than anyone else, I can still effect change by crying loudly and long enough.

    Its stupid, the frequency with which we penalize the folks who point out something inherently harmless. Can you show me one way in which someone was hurt by the mocking of poorly formed speech? Its obviously funny, otherwise porky pig wouldn’t have lasted so long. Lets see how many Asian comics have I seen make fun of Red Necks….oh wait thats not wrong that funny! Hmm if thats funny then why not the reverse?

    Maybe if someone laughing at your actions hurts you should consider changing the action, especially if your action is to blame for the laughter in the first place. Its not easy to learn a second language, however if you do it half assed expect to be laughed at. It is possible to speak any spoken language perfectly unless there is a significant physical defect.

  9. gquaglia says:

    the gop will find away to use tools like the patriot act and the dmca to eradicate the constitution

    Your buddy Bill Clinton was the one who signed the DMCA into law.

  10. Gig says:

    Even XM and Sirius aren’t safe any more. Opie and Anthony got in a little trouble last week.


  11. RonD says:

    Caspar Milquetoast is now in charge.

    Good one! 🙂

  12. gquaglia says:

    #6 miss your coffee today. Maybe you should try taking the corn cob out of your ass. Satellite radio is the future despite what you may think. Also as far as Imus’ racial comment goes, it was humor, plain and simple. News flash for you, racial humor is funny. That is why black comedians use it all the time. And who here can’t admit that they have found racial jokes funny. The Imus thing was blown out of proportion by those who use race to secure and maintain their power base(Sharpton, Jackson)

  13. Improbus says:

    If all the “shock jocks” and morning “zoos” were taken off the air I wouldn’t even notice. I stopped listening to radio (except for NPR) a long time ago. I have a mp3 player with a hard drive and a car stero that plays mp3s off CDs. Radio is irrelevant.

  14. John Paradox says:

    Lets see how many Asian comics have I seen make fun of Red Necks…

    Henry Cho comes to mind.
    I love his ‘turn signal’ riff.


  15. Ben says:

    I’ve got to say that while I think Imus had something coming to him for the “ho” comment,

    The “slimp flied lice” jokes go back to Vaudeville and the Borscht Belt comics. i heard a lot of these jokes as a child. So why is this news and why did these Bozos get the axe for this tame AND OLD joke?


  16. TheGlobalWarmer says:

    ALL humor comes at the expense of someone.

  17. gquaglia says:

    Radio is irrelevant.

    I think the millions of radio listeners will disagree with you.

  18. Rob says:

    #18, you mean the millions who listen to ESPN’s 19 radio channels in each city, and the 16 right-wing talk stations, the 8 “PRAAAZE THE LAWD!” stations, and the 13 Clear Channel drivel-pop music stations? They don’t count, they’re just brain-dead zombies now.

    Yes, radio is irrelevant.

  19. Lauren the Ghoti says:

    John C, apparently you fail to recognize the debilitating psychological trauma and emotional damage that this sort of thing causes. How many thousands of people with any degree of Asian ancestry heard this and had their entire lives ruined? Some will have their self-esteem crushed, still others will react to this aggressively racist degradation by suicide, but all who heard this unspeakable verbal holocaust will have to bear the scars the rest of their lives…

    How can you possibly make light of such a deliberate, vicious hate crime with such obviously tragic consequences – unless you too are a white-supremacist racist hatemonger who wishes the destruction of all Asian peoples??

    The station should be immediately taken off the air and burned to the ground, Vandergrift and Lay should be given life in the electric chair, followed by an intensive reëducation program, and the parent company should have to pay 100 zillion bajillion dollars in punitive damages for intentional infliction of pain and suffering,

    It’s only fair.

  20. hhopper says:

    6 – Uh.. .You don’t have to listen to radio…you can TURN IT OFF!!!!!!

  21. BubbaRay says:

    I ‘watch’ baseball on the radio and listen to a few educational programs once in a while. As an experiment, I tuned the dial all day, both AM and FM and couldn’t find a single “Amos ‘n Andy” program. Hmmmm….

  22. tallwookie says:

    #3 – yeah… but if the satellite radio companies move their operations overseas… then its all up in the air

  23. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    No – You don’t have a right to not be offended.

    Yes – censorship in any form is wrong, although it isn’t illegal in this case.

    Yes – radio is irrelevant.

    Yes – millions of radio listeners are irrelevent (if only because they have no taste…)

    But can I possibly get worked up over this sudden silence on this one channel? No. Maybe they were fired for a bogus reason. But they, and every talk radio morning jock team like them, should be fired on the grounds that they aren’t funny or meaningful and they do for music what the Klan does for tolerance.

    I don’t think boisterous assholes are funny when they are screaming drunk in a bar, and I don’t think they are any funnier when they host morning radio.

    Radio is dead. It’s time to kill the souless corporate whores who murdered it.


    Elvis Costello is God.

  24. BobFromBuffalo says:

    They just announced that XM has suspended Opie and Anthony for 30 days…..this is really getting out of control.

  25. Gig says:

    And now even Opie & Anthony have been suspended for 30 days.

    I’m going to write and request that a month be added to my subscriptions. I’ll let you know how that works out.

  26. gquaglia says:

    XM must be a bunch of spineless pussies. Howard Stern is far more outrageous then O & A could ever be and Sirius worships him like a god.

  27. Angel H. Wong says:


    Heh.. Take those pink glasses off your face, it suits Elton John better.


    Been there, done that and still going through it. The biggest irony is that those who yap “I don’t understand why these minorities are so upset about a little joke” are usually the loudest whiners when the racial joke is aimed at them.

  28. Mr. Fusion says:

    What ever happened to the owner’s right (CBS Radio) to hire and fire whom ever they wish? They are under no obligation to to keep YOUR favorite personality on their radio station or any other media outlet.


    #13, gquaglia

    You’re a spineless, idiot pussy. But that is ok, no buddy expects pussies to have brains or bones.
    Ha ha ha ha …

    Your mother moved onto the Army Base to be closer to the business. Call it a horizontal promotion.
    Ha ha ha ha …

    We know why your dog keeps its tail between its legs.
    Ha ha ha ha …

    If brains were made of dynamite you couldn’t blow your own nose.
    Ha ha ha ha …

    Did you notice that if I put some laughter after the “joke” it makes it ok?

  29. jcarson says:

    All human humor is based on the pratfall. Suck it up whiners.


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