
Murfreesboro, TN – It was intended as a learning experience. But a mock attack on a group of sixth-grade students has sparked parental outrage.

Staff members of an elementary school in Tennessee staged the fictitious gun attack on students during a class trip, telling them it was not a drill.

Many of the children cried and hid under tables.

The assistant principal of Scales Elementary School says the incident lasted five minutes during a weeklong trip to a state park. He says students and staff got together and discussed what they would have done in a real situation.

But some parents say they’re upset with the exercise in light of the April 16th shootings at Virginia Tech. The school’s principal won’t say whether the staff will face disciplinary action, but she says the situation “involved poor judgment.”

    I don’t blame the parents for being upset. That’s a pretty severe
    way to teach young children.

    More here.

  1. nonStatist says:

    They should be tossed into a jail cell for ten years. The type of punishment a private citizen gets for something like that could be 10 to 20 years. Oh I forgot, they’re government bureaucrats, they are above the law, and in no way can they be held accountable.

  2. mark says:

    29. wow, so disturbing. Who would have a problem taking that animal out of this life?

  3. hhopper says:

    29 – Man would I like to have target practice on that scumbag!

  4. phil says:

    #3,#5 You are beyond stupid. I hope you are not a parent.

  5. Phil says:

    #30 Have a job? I’d say they should go to prison. And if I were a parent of one of those children, I would not let up until the DA prosecuted them accordingly.

    What a joke! A couple of weeks of pay forfeited (if that) for terrorizing children. If these were ANYONE other than schoolteachers, they’d be in jail.


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