“I guess I’ll stick to candy suckers, sorry guys!”

The Register – May 10, 2007:

Painstaking academic research indicates that promiscuous oral sex can carry a higher risk of throat cancer than smoking or boozing.

A report based on a hospital study of 100 oropharyngeal cancer sufferers and 200 controls, carried out by Johns Hopkins scientists, appeared today in the New England Journal of Medicine. In it, the splendidly-named Dr Gypsyamber D’Souza and her co-authors make some noteworthy conclusions.

“A high lifetime number of vaginal-sex partners (26 or more) was associated with oropharyngeal cancer,” the boffins wrote. It’s hard to say what that really means in terms of rumpy-associated risk; but El Reg suggests that it does offer at least one piece of concrete info. Namely, that if you are a Johns Hopkins scientist, chances are you have done it with significantly less than 26 people.

According to the scientists, oral sex is a vastly more dangerous business than plain-vanilla rogering, with just six or more partners required to increase the danger of throat cancer. Again it seemed that the Johns Hopkins crew had perhaps led relatively quiet lives, as they considered that half-a-dozen was a “high” final score.

  1. Micromause says:

    That’s why you stick to your favorite candy sucker and don’t go gorge on everything in the candy store.

  2. NOOBSTER/PIR8 '08 says:

    With even my limited proficiency in statistics from my Biology degrees, a prominent “take home” message was “CORRECTLY applied statistical analyses show the bare mathematical explanation of the observed events. Otherwise they simply show you everything else.”. I feel like we can drop this in the latter bucket.

  3. Hvac says:

    Some things are just to sacred to apply statistics to. I lived though war, famine, and drought. In my youth you took away Santa and it’s just not fair to mess with oral sex, shame on Dr. Gypsyamber D’Souza and shame on you for reprinting it. Thank the havens most of my dates can’t read the big words anyway.

  4. jz says:

    This study is complete bullshit!!! Merck just happens to have a vaccine that works on HPV 16 and lo and behold, HPV 16 causes oral cancer as well as cervical cancer. SO NOW IF YOU HAVE UNPROTECTED SEX, IF YOU DO NOT DIE FROM AIDS, YOU WILL FROM CANCER.

    If you read the report here, http://content.nejm.org/cgi/reprint/356/19/1944.pdf, you can see the money sentence at the end. “Our study and those of other studies show a rationale for HPV vaccination in both boys and girls.”

    That’s right. These fools think that a retrospective study done on 100 people justifies the spending of billions of dollars on Merck’s new vaccine “to prevent cancer”. The cost of this vaccine is $360 for a full course of treatment, and Merck wants to give this to every kid in America “for their own good”.

    Merck is counting on the fact that when you mention cancer to people that they freak out. In reality, the cervical cancer in young women is close to 100% curative if they undergo regular pap smears. Men do not have a significant increase in penile cancer associated with HPV so Merck had to work an angle on that one and came up with this neck crap.

    The problem with the head and neck cancer is that it is mostly a disease of the elderly In other words, it would take at least fifty years to see if the vaccine actually did work to prevent cancer. You can almost see the bubbleheads at Merck saying, “Yes, but can we really afraid to wait?” Yes, we can.

    Lipitor , a statin cholesterol medication, is the #1 prescribed medication in America, and Pfizer rakes in $10 billion a year with it. It’s great at lowering cholesterol but does it save lives? If you read here, you can see the answer is in serious doubt. “It is true that cardiovascular mortality has been
    decreased in primary prevention trials with
    statins in high risk populations but total
    mortality has not been significantly decreased”. The American people are spending $10 billion a year on Lipitor under the mistaken belief that Lipitor and other cholesterol drugs save lives. That has yet to be clearly shown.

    Ironic that yesterday the FDA and DOJ just spanked three drug companies. Purdue Frederick’s senior management plead guilty to criminal charges for lying about the addictive qualities of its drug Oxycontin. And JNJ and Amgen were spanked because their anemia treatments wound up killing people.

    Pardon the rant. But these ivory towered doctor whores and their drug company pimps REALLY piss me off.

  5. Micromause says:


    Right on, good rant. No need to pardon, at least from my part. =)

  6. G says:

    I’ll never tell my three wifes and four girlfriends about this artice.

  7. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #4 – I simply cannot assail your rant… In fact, I basicly agree with you on virtually every point.

    But I would like to point out that despite your valid points about the unethical nature of the drug companies and their motivations – HPV is a real problem and a viable solution in the form of immunization would have nothing but a positive impact on public health.

  8. BubbaRay says:

    Talk about getting something rammed down your throat — the Gov. of the State of Texas, Rick Perry, is trying to pass legislation that makes this vaccination mandatory for school kids. Good Grief !

  9. Jerk-Face says:

    9. What, you don’t want your daughter sucking cocks?!

  10. Angel H. Wong says:

    Hmm.. That explains that misterious lump on my throat.

  11. 2241 says:

    Poor Monica !
    Hope that she can see it all in the future and it all works out for her !
    “I did not have sex with that women”
    Famous people are for Americans in a way similar to an obsession with the power of royalty.

  12. Dan says:

    #14 – you ARE misinformed. The law in Texas had an opt-out provision – no one would be forced to be immunized against their will. Any parent opposed to their daughter receiving the vaccination would have the power to prevent it’s application.

  13. Noam Sane says:

    Ha Ha! Bill Clinton has sex sometimes! That’s too funny. Just can’t get enough of 10-year-old jokes (and I mean that in both ways).

  14. tallwookie says:

    woot clinton!

  15. joshua says:

    #4….That was my impression when I read this article yesterday. I thought **how interesting** then came the line about the vaccine. I understand OFTLO”s position, but the whole study suddenly went into my dubious file, sort of what liberals in here (like OFTLO) do when an anti-human cause story comes out about global warming.(they are imediatly suspect as being funded by the big oil).

    This became a scare story at that point. While the disiese may be real and spreading among the population, and the vaccine is a good idea, this story just makes it a bit more dubious.

  16. joshua says:

    oh…..and I LOVED the Clinton tie in. 🙂

  17. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #19 – Because it IS from Big Oil !!!! 🙂

  18. hhopper says:

    #14 – This opens up a can of worms. Many parents aren’t getting their children vaccinated for anything these days and some diseases that were virtually wiped out are making a comeback. Do we want new epidemics of measles, mumps, whooping cough, polio, etc. or should government step in and make vaccinations mandatory?

  19. venesa says:

    Wow, interesting study, thats why its important to play it safe @ all times. In other words “rap it up”, or lay off the “candy”

  20. sciguy says:

    Nope…you conspiracy theory people sure are wacky sometimes. Anyhow, I run a lab at a major cancer center in the U.S. We’ve known about this for many, many years. I remember going to a talk about 7 years ago where someone had presented his data on finding HPV DNA in head and neck tumors. Frightened, I raised my hand to ask the serotype, and was saddened to find out that it was 16 and 18 as I had guessed. This just makes sense, and the people here that were reporting this had NO financial incentive for vaccination. In fact, I don’t even think that the vaccine had been reported at that time.

    Tin foil is for cooking – keep it off your head.


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