BELLE ISLE, Fla. — A bizarre crime in a Belle Isle neighborhood has left the victims frightened and confused. A man dressed up like a ninja broke into a Belleville Avenue home, smashed furniture, attacked two people and then took off without saying a word. The victims didn’t want to go on camera, but one of them told Eyewitness News it was one of the scariest and strangest things he’s ever been through. He doesn’t know what the man wanted, just that the attacker was very violent.
Neighbor Vivian Heath said it isn’t something that normally happens in their quiet neighborhood. “It’s weird! No, it’s not anything we expect around here,” she said. Heath’s husband saw the ninja, dressed in all black, go into their neighbor’s house Sunday afternoon. Three people were inside watching the movie “The Green Mile” on television, when the ninja burst in, punched one of the men in the mouth and kicked another man. The costumed burglar slammed the DVD player and VCR into the dresser. Then he pulled out a knife and made threatening slashing and stabbing motions.
What makes the crime even more strange, the ninja didn’t take anything from the house, but he did take a couple of pictures of the victims with his cell phone. Then, without saying a word or making any demands, he took off down the street. One victim told Eyewitness News the suspect’s mask kept falling down, so they could tell he was a black man with a mustache. The man drove off in a black BMW.
ok! i’ll say it first… only in Florida!!! LOL.
a black Ninja drives off in a black BMW??? WTF???
i thought they were supposed to throw down a smoke bomb and disappear!
I look forward to…. breaking into your house and smashing stuff up?….. soon!
Well that’s just fucked up.
I mean, really whacked.
I really can’t say anything more than that.
He thinks that he is Kung-Fu Joe from I’m Gonna Get You Sucka!
The next thing you’ll hear is that large green turtles have been seen roaming near Pizza Hut.
Kowabunga, dude!
Hmm, never thought of wearing a ninja suit — I just break into peoples’ houses, beat the shit out of them, steal their electronics, ‘confiscate’ their drugs (for later use), and leave in my police car.