Nope, credit card companies could care less about you!

Child porn accused tell of ordeal – Simon Bunce was one of 7,000 people whose credit cards had been used to buy pornography from an American website called Landslide.
And in May 2004, he turned up at his local police station in Hampshire to be told he was a suspected paedophile.
“I was absolutely devastated – I couldn’t believe it,” he says.
Simon was convinced he had been a victim of credit card fraud and set out to prove it. And after a six-month investigation, the police found nothing on his computers or at his home.

The police would not listen to reason, “They closed their minds absolutely to the possibility that this man’s credit card had been used illegally by a fraudster”.

John has said many times that credit card companies could do more to prevent fraud, but they just aren’t interested in doing it. How would you feel if the police wrongly accused you of being a paedophile?

  1. Mister Justin says:


    I never open my visa statements in the mail. They go to the shredder immediately. I just logon to the bank sites, make my payments and be done with it. Some people just don’t like opening mail. Doesn’t mean you’re guilty…

  2. KagatoAMV says:

    No, it doesn’t mean your guilty, but I think its the best way to discover if you have fraudulent charges.

  3. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    I’ll know if I have a fraudulent charge because there will be a charge on it.

    I try to never use my card, and when I do, it’s only for emergencies and I typically pay it off with a month or two at the most. But thats me. I do hold on to those statements a little while before I shred them.

    I also shred every credit card offer I get. Why take the risk?

  4. ZUG says:

    ZUG. I don’t think I’ve ever seen any of you reference ZUG.COM…

    Two cool ZUG links (there are many more):
    Credit Card ‘Security’

  5. hhopper says:

    #5 – The Credit Card “Security” prank was unbelievable. What a scam the $9.95 a month fee for “Credit Card Security” is. And the Super Bowl prank was amazing. Just goes to show how “Homeland Security” is mostly just for show and is a PITA to the innocent public.

  6. Mister Justin says:


    Well, my bank lists my visa charges online if I want to look at the history. No different than the mail…


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