1. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    My hero…

  2. flyingelvis says:


  3. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #2 – Wal Mart shopper.

  4. SN says:

    2. “retard.”

    One thing all right-wingers have in common is their inability to engage in discourse. Whether it’s Coulter, Rush, O’Reilly, or even Sowell… if you disagree with them… you’re not just wrong. It’s not that you have a difference of opinion. It’s not that you simply misunderstand the issues. It’s that’s there is something mentally wrong with you. It’s that you physically cannot understand the issues because of a mental impairment.

    It’s a zero sum game. You either accept everything they believe or you’re a mental case. How does anyone argue against that? But, then again, that’s probably the point.

  5. Jägermeister says:

    Very funny! 😀

    #3 – Nice insult! 🙂

  6. flyingelvis says:

    another retard.

  7. elvissux says:

    you trailerpark dwelling, pbr drinking, el camino driving, pot belly having, hot dog eating, republican voting, illegal alien hating, deer hunting looser, fish catching bum….

    you sir are an idiot

  8. STEVE says:


  9. hhopper says:

    Oh yeah it is. My girlfriend is looser than yours. That makes you a loser.

  10. Harold Balzack, McMinnville, TN says:

    That was retarded strong.

  11. Sam W. , Bentonville, AR says:


  12. mark says:

    Funny piece, Henrys great.

  13. Peter says:

    He is hilarious. Terrible actor in Johnny Mnemonic, but a great speaker.

  14. SN says:

    13. “Terrible actor in Johnny Mnemonic”

    He was acting in that movie?! I always wondered what he was doing.

    Seriously, despite the fact he cannot act, I always thought he would have made a cooler Neo in the Matrix than Reeves. He’s more cyber-punk/superhero than Keanu could ever dream of.

  15. NappyHeadedHo says:

    I just went to the bathroom and gave birth to another #7.

  16. malren says:

    SN, if you think that is a hallmark of the left, may I invite you to read DU or Kos for a day?

    It’s not exclusive no matter how much you’d like to think it is. It’s a hallmark of stupid people regardless of party affiliation. Just look around the comments here for proof on your own doorstep.

    No one is very tolerant of the other side these days. Your comment wasn’t tolerant or understanding, it generalized and was highly insulting. You just used “civilized” words.

    Blogger, heal thyself.

  17. SN says:

    16. “No one is very tolerant of the other side these days. Your comment wasn’t tolerant or understanding…”

    To merely disagree with someone is not intolerance. To call someone names is not being intolerant. Intolerance is when you accuse everyone who disagrees with you as being a “retard.”

    What does O’Reilly do when some “liberal” starts making sense on his show? Does he point by point explain how he’s wrong? Nope. He hangs up on him. He stops the discussion and moves on. Anyone who disagrees with O’Reilly is not worthy of being spoken to. I could go on to the rest of the people I mentioned, it’s the same MO, but I assume you get my point.

    “it generalized and was highly insulting.”

    You’re correct it was a generalization. That’s what we all do. When we are confronted by vast data we make generalizations about it. You don’t really explain how or why that is wrong.

    As to the insulting part, I never intended to insult anyone. As you said, I was merely making generalizations based on the data I’ve seen.

  18. SN says:

    Continuing from 18….

    If this doesn’t prove my point, I don’t know what else could: The title of Coulter’s next book is “If Democrats Had Any Brains, They’d Be Republicans.”

  19. Bobby says:

    Wal-Mart sells goods that their customers want. I worked for Wal-Mart and it was a great company to work for.

  20. malren says:

    SN, are you so blind to the log in your own eye that you feel the need to cast about looking for the mote in someone else’s?

    In other words, do we really need to start a “Well, look at THIS!” war where I point out hundreds of comments on this site alone that are worse than anything you’re complaining about? Do I really need to link to literally thousands of examples of Democrat bloggers and commenters doing exactly what you are trying to claim only Republicans do? I can think of at least 5 places off the top of my head. Is it necessary to cut & paste before you admit that the left as a whole might also contain vile, repugnant commentary that serves only to try to dehumanize their opponents?

    Do I need to even mention Al Franken and his vile insults? Or doesn’t he count because he’s a Democrat? Rosie O’Donnell? Randi Rhodes? All despicable humans with nothing but hatred for anyone who isn’t exactly like them politically.

    You have ZERO legs to stand on here. The left is as vile as the right when people start slinging mud. To pretend otherwise is either extremely ignorant or extremely hypocritical.

  21. Bobby says:

    Oh thank you Mr. Rollins! Thank you for letting me know I should be embarrassed to shop at Wal-Mart. I would have never known that I am below everyone because I like to save money if it weren’t for you. Thank you, thank you! So, could you give me $850 bucks a month for my rent and utilities? What…no?? Mr. Rollins you won’t help me out every month? Mr. Rollins you seem like a generous person who, thankfully, let me know of my folly for shopping at Wal-Mart and you won’t help me out a bit? Oh, you like to keep your money eh? Tell me, what did you pay in taxes last year? Did your tax man steer you towards tax breaks Mr. Rollins? Hmmmm… I bet you would take me shopping with you Mr. Rollins, right? What! No again, you’re saying I couldn’t afford the places you shop? Mr. Rollins it’s the people like me in fly over country who help keep this country fed and clothed. Not only in fly over country but anyone who works hard and knows the value of a dollar. Everyone has it in them to succeed in this country. The beauty of America is that we are so affluent, that opportunity abounds for everyone if they have an attitude that is “can do”, rather than “can not”. I work two jobs, go to school and care about people. Your elite attitude is a product of our affluent society. I embrace your opinion but disagree with your consistency. I am sure there are areas of your life that we could pick apart and find that you are or was just like that person shopping at Wal-Mart. Our attitude in the country stinks. We are so affluent that we have the opportunity to complain about how affluent we are. The attitude in this country should be of thanks, instead of an entitlement to success. With much success comes great responsibility.

  22. SN says:

    21. “You have ZERO legs to stand on here.”

    I shouldn’t have to repeat myself, but apparently you missed it. Miss Coulter’s next book will be called “If Democrats Had Any Brains, They’d Be Republicans.”

    In case you don’t get it, she’s saying that people who support the Democratic party lack any brains. Basically, it’s just a different way of calling your enemy a “retard.” Which was the start of this conversation, wasn’t it?

    And if you don’t mind I’ll continue standing while you look for a place to sit and rest your legs.

  23. Bobby says:

    If you like Coulter’s book then let me recommend Michael Savage’s book: “LIberalism Is a Mental Disorder” ……..wait a second………i bet you like books like “Stupid White Men” by Michael Moore…or wait how about Al Franken’s “Rush Limbaugh is a big fat idiot”. Wait a sec…..so there are folks on both sides who try to sell books with outrageous titles!?! Ah man…my whole worldview is shaken. 😉

  24. STEVE says:


  25. hhopper says:

    lose – To be unsuccessful in retaining possession of; mislay.

    loose – Not fastened, restrained, or contained.

    These two word are totally different…and that was a JOKE!

  26. malren says:

    SN, your complete inability to admit you might be just a wee bit wrong about the left being vitriolic is amusing at best and exactly the problem at worst.

    I suggest you ask Michelle Malkin about how civil some on the left can be when they disagree with a political position. You’ll hear how they call her a gook whore, how they wish death upon her children, etc.

    I suggest how you look at your fellow posters and commenters here and how they rail against “redneck” republicans and insult their intelligence on a daily basis.

    But you *must* be right. It’s only Republicans that insult and dehumanize. Sure. Everyone knows that.

  27. SN says:

    28. “SN, your complete inability to admit you might be just a wee bit wrong about the left being vitriolic is amusing at best and exactly the problem at worst.”

    I’ve yet to be shown wrong about the left being or not being vitriolic as I never said anything of the sort.

    “I suggest you ask Michelle Malkin about how civil some on the left can be when they disagree with a political position. You’ll hear how they call her a gook whore, how they wish death upon her children, etc.”

    If I knew Miss Malkin, I suppose I could ask her. Even though, I’ll say it again, I’m not talking about civility. But considering I do not know her I’m entirely sure how that could be possible. Do you have her phone number perchance?

    “I suggest how you look at your fellow posters and commenters here and how they rail against “redneck” republicans and insult their intelligence on a daily basis.”

    I’ve already stated I’m not talking about name calling. Obviously both sides to a debate will call names. What I’m talking about is the idea that the opposing side of the debate lacks the mental capability to participate in the debate.

    “But you *must* be right. It’s only Republicans that insult and dehumanize. Sure. Everyone knows that.”

    Once again, I’m not talking about insults or dehumanization. Both sides do it. While I’ve been railing against the right, you clearly have not noticed the left’s MO.

    While the right paints the left as being retards, the left considers the right to be greedy and mean. If you support the right you support big international corporations. If you support the right you’re spitting on the little guy. If you support the right, you’re only in it for the money.

    Such a paint job is ludicrous because it ignores the fact that there are PLENTY of wealthy people who are liberals. And even more importantly, it ignores that there are people on the right who believe that a strong economy is the best way to help people.

    However, calling someone greedy or mean spirited is at worst saying they have a bias. It is not saying that they lack the mental ability to have a valid opinion.

    And as to Michael Moore’s “Stupid White Men” or Al Franken’s “Rush Limbaugh is a big fat idiot” it is clear the poster lacks the concept of irony. It should be clear, especially in Franken’s case, that he’s adopted Rush’s MO and is using it against him.

  28. SN says:

    Following my train of thought in 29…

    There’s a quote from Churchilil which illustrates my point perfectly. “If you’re 20 and a conservative, you lack a heart. If you’re 40 and a liberal, you lack a brain.”

  29. Cursor_ says:

    As Mankind becomes more liberal, they will be more apt to allow that all those who conduct themselves as worthy members of the community are equally entitled to the protections of civil government. I hope ever to see America among the foremost nations of justice and liberality. – George Washington, First President of the United States and American.

    Not a Brit that puposely embroiled us into WWI, drank too much and did heroin in rectal suppositories!



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