Mac Daily News – Thursday, May 10, 2007:

“iPods can cause cardiac implantable pacemakers to malfunction by interfering with the electromagnetic equipment monitoring the heart, according to a study presented by a 17-year-old high school student to a meeting of heart specialists on Thursday,” Debra Sherman reports for Reuters.

“The study tested the effect of the portable music devices on 100 patients, whose mean age was 77, outfitted with pacemakers. Electrical interference was detected half of the time when the iPod was held just 2 inches from the patient’s chest for 5 to 10 seconds,” Sherman reports.

“The study did not examine any portable music devices other than iPods, which are made by Apple Inc.,” Sherman reports.

  1. tallwookie says:

    haha owned

  2. Major Jizz says:

    Almost every electronic device emits an electromagnetic field. The solution is to put it into a Faraday bag.

  3. Sheriff says:

    So, what? Apple’s trying to kill people with pacemakers now? Is that just the standard iPods that have hard drives with fluctuating magnetic fields, iPods with screens, and/or Shuffles with no moving parts?

    Let’s also be sure to re-state warnings of staying away from microwaves and heavy motors, and trying to avoid brain cancer from cell phones.

  4. hhopper says:

    Wanna make some money? Design a Faraday shirt for pacemaker users.

  5. AusiMik says:

    Yes…lets get outraged…..How many 77 year old ipod users do you see daily?????

  6. noname says:

    #5 AusiMik: Gee, I quess you wouldn’t see many if they are all dead! So get outraged!

  7. Erik Blazynski says:

    people with pacemakers should know not to put electrical devices 2 inches from their pacemakers.


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