
Second Life ‘child abuse’ claim – Oh, brother, we have said so before, but you should try this alternative first before going to Second Life.

Second Life is being investigated by German police following allegations that some members are trading child abuse images in the online world.

The investigation follows a report by a German TV news programme which uncovered the trading group and members who pay for sex with virtual children

The investigation was carried out by Nick Schader from the Report Mainz news programme who is also a member of Second Life.
Mr Schader was asked to pay to attend meetings where virtual and real child pornography was being shown.
Members of this group also offered to put him in touch with traders of real child pornography.
The investigation also uncovered so called “age play” groups that revolve around the abuse of virtual children.

  1. Miguel says:

    There’s also a good alternative in There ( I much prefer the calm and relaxed atmosphere of There to the insane 2nd Life. The avatars are also much prettier imho. When I first played with it I walked around with a smile in my face, fully expecting anyone on the street to just say ‘Hi’! The avatar animations are also extra cool, and made me observe human behavior with a renewed interest! How similar are real people to to There people 🙂

  2. undissembled says:

    Imagine how these people are in their first life.

  3. Jim Smith says:

    Maybe it’s good — if they are abusing “virtual” children, perhaps they will leave real children alone.

  4. Angel H. Wong says:

    I’d rather let them screw fake children than the real thing.

  5. Gasparrini says:

    I would rather have paedophiles behind bars.

  6. ArianeB says:

    Second Life has responded to this, and yes they are doing something about it.

    Uploading pictures in SL costs money. While it is possible to get a little free money in SL, if you want to load a lot of pictures, you need a credit card. Hence there is no way to trade child pornography without getting caught, and Linden Labs that runs Second Life will do more than just close your account, your credit card info and IP address will be going to the authorities.

    Second Life is not the dark anonymous backwaters of the web where sickos congregate to get away with this stuff. You break the law on their service and they are obligated to report you.

    But considering how many idiots show up to Dateline houses, pedophiles are not known for their brains.


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