One of numerous pictures

COAST TO COAST AM WITH GEORGE NOORY — Since this “craft” appears regularly you have to wonder exactly why NBC News isn’t Jonny-on-the-spot. It looks like a model if you ask me.

Thank you so much for posting my photos I hope someone can help identify this… First of all, I see this thing VERY often. Since it first appeared, I have probably seen this thing maybe 8 different times since the first appearance. My friend and I went out the next day after I first saw it to get the photos, but it was not there. Then we tried again the next day, and we found it within like 30 minutes and followed it for a while. Most of the time I see it out of windows in my house, in the distance. but I would say almost half of the hikes I have gone on in my area, I have seen it very close. It is very easy to photograph and…many neighbors aside from my friend have also seen it.

It is almost totally silent but not quite. It makes kind of “crackling” noises. Its hard to describe them but they are only intermittent and not very loud, but you can notice them. Sometimes there is a very slight hum that sounds kind of mechanical, almost like when you are near very large power lines. But it is nothing loud like a jet engine, it is very quiet for the most part.

It moves almost like an insect. If you have ever seen a bug on a pond, it is kind of like that. It is VERY smooth and slow most of the time, but then every now and then it will rotate very quickly and go VERY fast into another direction, then stop, and repeat the process all over again. There is just something very unnatural about the way it moves.

Also, I have had maybe 4 headaches in the last week, and I am normally not the kind of person who really ever gets them. Also my wife has been tired and fatigued lately.

via Harrison Hopper

  1. Looks like bad CG to me.

  2. David Kerman says:

    It’s pretty clearly a hoax.

    It isn’t even lit correctly in half the shots. Most of the shots are in striking daylight and it should have some pretty intense shadowing caused by the dynamic range limitations of the camera.

    However, in most of the shots the whole thing looks as though every bit of the craft is being lit.

  3. sdf says:

    Also, I have had maybe 4 headaches in the last week, and I am normally not the kind of person who really ever gets them.
    That’s some pretty damning evidence evidence right there you naysayers.

  4. Brian says:

    Right on the money, the shots from underneath would either have a blown out sky or be very very dark on the bottom of object.

    Looks to me like a clever 3d studio max project with bad lighting

  5. hhopper says:

    Yeah, but there’s alien writing on it!

  6. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #2 – Let’s say it were lit perfectly and didn’t have Klingon fonts on it…

    It will STILL be very clearly a hoax 🙂

  7. morphimus says:

    1. The grain patterns on the “object” are completely different than those on the background; clearly not produced by the same camera.
    2. The chromatic temperature of “object” is consistent across most of the photos while that of the background varies greatly.
    3. I second #2 & #4; most of these photos would require the use of reflectors and a lot of time to get the “object” evenly lit like that.

    Even NASA did a better job!

  8. Colorado says:


  9. Froggmann says:

    That thing looks like one of the bad CG effects from one of the early Star Trek TNG episodes.

  10. mark says:

    John your fish meter is always stuck on the same setting. But even a believer like me doesnt buy this one. Go out and get a video, or tell us where it is since it can be seen on succesive days.

  11. ariel wollinger says:


    come on people, why are we even discussing that?

  12. Ken in Berkeley says:

    I think I know why John’s BS Meter is stuck on the 7. If the submitted material ranks any higher than that he doesn’t feel like it is worthy material for the blog, so we never get to see most of the 8, 9 or 10’s. Conversely, if the material is in the believable realm, than he doesn’t put the meter up because it’s not worth commenting on.

    IMO, this UFO ranks a “9”.

  13. V says:

    Photoshopped. The original images came off a blue or violet background, which is why the edge pixels still have a tint that is TOO blue to be from a real camera.

    But it’s pretty good work.

  14. Lauren the Ghoti says:

    Yeah, well my FecalMetrix BS-714 just came back from the cal lab and when I ran that pic through it, the needle bounced off the peg a couple times before finally coming to rest at 9.8.

    Fishy? Fishy?? Do0d, we’re talkin’ the Monterey friggin’ Bay Aquarium here, with Fisherman’s Wharf thrown in fer good measure…!

    John C, I’m beginning to suspect the indicator on your meter is painted on. I’d look into that, I were you…

  15. Eaze says:

    I think that crackling sound may have been coming from his crack pipe…

  16. Rob says:

    I’m just wondering, if that were real, where do the aliens sit?

  17. JC says:

    They don’t sit in it – they use that big basket for Frisbee golf with the flying saucers as the Frisbees. The fact that it zips around like crazy makes it more challenging!

  18. Sylvain says:

    Even If I do beleive in UFOs. This one look like a CG.

  19. Hungry says:

    The Flying Spaghetti Monster mother ship has returned! We will hunger no more!

    John the BS meter should rate this a Zero, the whole truth!

    All should believe and fear it’s toss of “meatballs of death”.
    Cover your selves from it’s spewing “spaghetti sauce pollutants”
    Avoid it’s thunder clap of stale baguettes!

    Beam me up FSM; good-by DU Blog, I am going home!

  20. Dave says:

    The lighting on the “object” doesn’t match the lighting in the rest of the scene. Still looks cool.

  21. 888 says:


  22. miss_lain says:

    I’d rather see a movie posted than photos. Especially if it’s so photogenic. Movie, now! The guy might have stumbled onto contact with aliens, but he prefers not to say where. WFT? How nice of him not to share. Dude, if it’s real and you have questions to be answered – healthwise and other – it’s not going to happen by keeping it a secret. Fess up now before it scoots off back to Alpha Centari, never to return.

    If it’s a hoax, the bturd totally sucks and is a complete waste of DNA. May he be the first to burn in the coming apocalypse.

    Maybe someone will recognize the thing from a sci-fi movie or TV show. I have to say it’s an interestingly shaped object, even if it is man-made.

  23. Really folks… this is clearly just relatively nice compositing but that’s about all. I mean, look at it… the “wires” on the central bit are obviously the business end of a kitchen whisk/egg beater. Note how they fade out on top. Jeez.

  24. Tanqueray says:

    Its real!!!! lol how do little people fit in there, aliens always seem so uncomfortable, this looks less like a ship and more like a beacon. At least the language on the swinging things looks real.

  25. Peter says:

    That “alien” writing sure looks a helluva lot like Japanese.

  26. TheGlobalWarmer says:

    I, for one, welcome our poorly animated alien overlords…

  27. Ascii King says:

    I bet it’s a game advertisement.

  28. Dugger says:

    That alien ship is lurking somewhere in the hard drive of a computer.

  29. Jim Shaffer says:

    Somebody oughta teach this guy how to fake an image. He tried so hard to keep it sharp, to bring out more detail that the edges have that awful computer generated stepping – gotta learn to use that antaliasing. Pretty flowers in the foreground though.

  30. Steve Staten says:

    Fascinating probable example of military-related remote information-gathering technologies I have read about in Jane’s Weekly and elsewhere. Nothing especially weird here. Just unfamiliar to most people. Unaware of these “futuristic” technologies, the public has been conditioned to only think of “aliens” when they encounter them.
    But, then again, maybe in this case it IS “aliens”. Not enough info.
    I am waiting for more from this source, and of course WHERE.


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