One of numerous pictures

COAST TO COAST AM WITH GEORGE NOORY — Since this “craft” appears regularly you have to wonder exactly why NBC News isn’t Jonny-on-the-spot. It looks like a model if you ask me.

Thank you so much for posting my photos I hope someone can help identify this… First of all, I see this thing VERY often. Since it first appeared, I have probably seen this thing maybe 8 different times since the first appearance. My friend and I went out the next day after I first saw it to get the photos, but it was not there. Then we tried again the next day, and we found it within like 30 minutes and followed it for a while. Most of the time I see it out of windows in my house, in the distance. but I would say almost half of the hikes I have gone on in my area, I have seen it very close. It is very easy to photograph and…many neighbors aside from my friend have also seen it.

It is almost totally silent but not quite. It makes kind of “crackling” noises. Its hard to describe them but they are only intermittent and not very loud, but you can notice them. Sometimes there is a very slight hum that sounds kind of mechanical, almost like when you are near very large power lines. But it is nothing loud like a jet engine, it is very quiet for the most part.

It moves almost like an insect. If you have ever seen a bug on a pond, it is kind of like that. It is VERY smooth and slow most of the time, but then every now and then it will rotate very quickly and go VERY fast into another direction, then stop, and repeat the process all over again. There is just something very unnatural about the way it moves.

Also, I have had maybe 4 headaches in the last week, and I am normally not the kind of person who really ever gets them. Also my wife has been tired and fatigued lately.

via Harrison Hopper

  1. Steve Staten says:

    Hey guys, more people are seeing and photographing this object in the mountains of central California and Lake Tahoe area.
    Time to reconsider your absolute certainty.
    Check it out:

  2. ECA says:

    Look at the picture TOP RIGHT…
    How far is that tree in the background??? About 50-100 feet?
    And the thing is Closer and infront of that tree???

  3. jim says:

    Is there any way I can send an email to the guy who took the picture? I believe his name is Chad.

  4. BJ says:

    Hey – since you’re into UFOs, have you seen this Roswell video? I thought it was fake until I watched Part 2. What do you think?

  5. POB says:

    Great effort! ET would be proud!

    Also comments by Morphimus seem words from the wise, indeed…

    Have you been doctoring Apollo photos from NASA >g

  6. the constant skeptic says:

    pretty terrible photo editing and scale model manipulation

  7. phizzpop says:

    I don’t understand why this is even being debated.

    The photo is clearly a hoax at first glance and more so on further inspection. Just put it into Photoshop and you can see the editing marks.

    Also, this type of photo editing and hoaxing is exactly what governments around the world want – they have always waged a propaganda campaign of silly green men in metallic suits coming down an escalator from a pulsating space ship.

    This way it makes a mockery of authentic UFO encounters as made-up, stupid stories from crazy people claiming to have seen spaceships and aliens.

    So the more hoaxes that are spread of UFOs, the less credibility there is to the ufologists who can make a darn good case that UFOs do exist, they have been around for a long time and there is no explanation for some of the most solid examples of UFO encounters.

    But still, more than half the American population believes in UFOs and live on other planets (which really are to different subjects).

    Great blog, add me and I’ll add yours. I’ve gotten more than 80K page views in the past five months!


  8. phizzpop says:

    I don’t understand why this is even being debated.

    The photo is clearly a hoax at first glance and more so on further inspection. Just put it into Photoshop and you can see the editing marks.

    Also, this type of photo editing and hoaxing is exactly what governments around the world want – they have always waged a propaganda campaign of silly green men in metallic suits coming down an escalator from a pulsating space ship.

    This way it makes a mockery of authentic UFO encounters as made-up, stupid stories from crazy people claiming to have seen spaceships and aliens.

    So the more hoaxes that are spread of UFOs, the less credibility there is to the ufologists who can make a darn good case that UFOs do exist, they have been around for a long time and there is no explanation for some of the most solid examples of UFO encounters.

    But still, more than half the American population believes in UFOs and live on other planets (which really are to different subjects).

    Great blog, add me and I’ll add yours. I’ve gotten more than 80K page views in the past five months!



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