John’s always reminding us to carry our cameras with us. You just might be onhand for the First Contact – or a politician making sense.
Well, this time of year I take mine along with my walks with the dogs – because it’s just about time for our “regular” snakes to appear. One particular favorite is a gopher snake we call “Charlie”.
For a minute, yesterday, I thought I’d bumped into Charlie – except there were two snakes being really friendly – and they each had rattles at the south end. The male is about 7 feet long.
I didn’t intrude.
I can’t really distinguish anything
I slept with her ………she bit me when we were done.
Here’s a drop of useless but fun to use at the watercooler info:
Male snakes have two penises.
Good Grief, Eideard, I would have jumped about 3 ft. How long a lens for that picture? After being bitten by one I tend to stay away from those critters.
Coitus interuptus??
What’s that striped snake in there? Is this miscegenation?
#4 – since the largest of these 2 was ~7′ long, I stayed at least 8′ away. They really were pretty focused. 🙂
#6 – the rings at the tail are typical of the Western Diamondback.
Tell John that your chances of getting a shot of the *first contact* is wayyyyyyy better than of a *politician making sense*.
I was home last week for a few days and our little fellas are making their appearance as well. My horse was not a happy camper when we got to close to a couple that had just finished *spooning* in the bushes. A 4 footer and a 5 footer.
The farm hands were betting on the sidewinders as they scooted by near one of our water ponds….must have been 6 of them….the Arizona Derby.