Not sure which is worse: Ann Coulter spewing again or her and Geraldo Rivera together. What a pair!

Conservative pundit says poll showing Obama leading could help al-Qaida

A recent Newsweek poll showing Democrat Barack Obama leading top Republican presidential hopefuls could have been made up and might help al-Qaida, conservative commentator Ann Coulter said in her latest verbal broadside.

Coulter, a best-selling author known for outrageous and often controversial statements, was asked Sunday on Fox News’ “At Large” what she thought about the survey results.

“I think this is Newsweek doing more push polling for al-Qaida,” she said, referring to campaign-season telephone calls to voters masquerading as neutral surveys but designed to build opposition to targeted candidates.

Asked by host Geraldo Rivera whether she thought Newsweek would make up the results, Coulter said, “Yes, I do,” adding, “In polls where people are actually allowed to vote, Republicans do a lot better.”

  1. Misanthropic Scott says:

    Oh no. Are we back to caring what Annthrax thinks?

  2. Bryan K says:

    Wow, and to think I bought and read her last book.

    She’s a total nutjob

  3. Improbus says:

    That guy needs to hang up his dress and go home already.

  4. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    Wow, that says a lot more about her than it does about Newsweek. Too bad there are people that believe it.

  5. BobH says:

    Like Imus (RIP), Stern and Limbaugh, she generates revenue by what comes out of her mouth. It’s a ratings game. The more outrageous, the more people talk about her and the media that provided her pulpit.

    I see no difference between her act and that of any other entertainer save the fact that a large number of her audience apparently have no clue she is in the business of pushing the buttons of ignorant buffoons.

  6. James Hill says:

    Fembot for the win.

  7. Noam Sane says:

    She’s on drugs.

    No, really. She’s on drugs.

  8. grog says:

    #5 spot on man — might i add only that people who take clowns seriously miss the joke

  9. Floyd says:

    #5, #8: There’s money in spouting stupidity, as some people eat it up.

    I don’t particularly like Don Imus, but the few times I listened to or watched him, he was far more entertaining than Howard or Rush. Now “Ann Coulter,” whether she or he, is just scary. Adding Geraldo Rivera makes her even weirder.

  10. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #8 – The joke would be a lot funnier if we all got it… But we don’t all get it. Some of us vote based on the punch line. And that isn’t funny at all.

  11. TheGlobalWarmer says:

    Why is it ludicrous to think people believe Ann.? People believe Algore! Whether you look to the left or right you will find the deranged.

  12. John Paradox says:

    This reminds me, is the ‘half hour news hour’ still on FAUX NEWS? It was supposed to be a ‘counter’ to The Daily Show, etc.


  13. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #11 – You are my favorite parody character on this blog. 🙂

  14. tallwookie says:

    #7 – and they arent the good kind either

  15. TheGlobalWarmer says:

    #13 – When it comes to my comments on Algore, I couldn’t be more serious. Oh well, it’s time to go home and have a beer – done trying to save the world for today.

  16. joshua says:

    In the **pundit** business you have to have a gimmick. She is outragous and it gets her the coverage she wants.

    I was reading Sabato’s Crystal Ball last night(Larry Sabato’s poll/politics site at the U of Virginia) and he has done some match ups by tier’s of candidates. It’s interesting. He matched up the ones he thought would be the most likely and interesting race. It showed that the top tier Republicans are still holding their own against the top tier Democrats. Not as much as last year, but some interesting results.
    He matched Gulliani against Hillary and Rudy comes out on top(though Hillary would win New York….lol). He matched McCain against Obama and that was a pretty tight race as well.

    When it comes to polls, I pretty much ignore Newsweek and Gallop. Newsweek is notrious for it’s leading questions against the Republicans and Gallop has gotten wild in it’s predictions. CNN and CBS, ABC have a problem with set up questions as well, but only on certain issues or politicians….not on a regular basis like Newsweek.

    The best polls to watch are Rasmussion, Sabato, and Zogby, nationally and (oh crap, my mind just went blank….lol) ….oh…Mason-Dixon for state by state races.

  17. Misanthropic Scott says:

    #11,15 – TheGlobalHarmer,

    Whether you look to the left or right you will find the deranged.

    On this we agree. However, Al Gore is not among the deranged. PETA yes. Al Gore no.

    Oh, I should clarify which PETA I think is way the hell out there. I mean People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, a great idea and an absolutely horrifically bad implementation. The other PETA, the one who grabbed the URL first in 1996 and made the parody People Eating Tasty Animals are funny, even to an animal lover like me.

    BTW, you consistently call him Algore. Is there some joke I’m missing here?

  18. TheGlobalWarmer says:

    #17 – Algore is a deranged megalomaniac. The so-called scientific consensus on global warming does NOT support end of the world scenario he presented in “An Inconvenient Truth”. Algore’s version of Global Warming (TM) is nothing more than an attempt at worldwide social engineering and wealth redistribution. He wasn’t able to steal the Presidency so he’s trying to find some other way to be the “world leader” he thinks is his destiny.

    On the nickname, think of the old Frankenstein movies. Up in the lab, you’ve got the monster (Global Warming (TM)) and you have the hunchbacked assistant Igor (our friend Al.)

  19. TheGlobalWarmer says:

    Forgot to mention that I agree about PETA – one of the most entertaining baskets of wingnuts out there.

  20. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #18 – nothing more than an attempt at worldwide social engineering and wealth redistribution

    Will the engineering ultimately be better for the environment?

    Is there an ice cube’s chance in hell that some fraction of wealth might redistribute toward me?

    If yes, then I fail to see the problem.

  21. mark says:

    18 “He wasn’t able to steal the Presidency ”

    You are absolutely right, it was the chimp that was the thief, and you condone it. You should feel proud. I didnt like Gore, dont particularly like him now, but what we ended up with makes my stomach turn on a daily basis.

  22. Misanthropic Scott says:


    I have to disagree with you about Al. I think he’s pretty centrist on most issues and is, quite possibly, the only one taking the environment seriously.

    Given that I think the IPCC is too conservative, it won’t surprise you that I like Gore a lot and would love to see him win the presidency again.

    We should probably leave this thread for the discussion on Anna Nicole Coulter though and leave the global warming debate for another thread.

  23. TheGlobalWarmer says:

    I would rather see all life on Earth exterminated than see an Algore Presidency. He would artifically raise fuel prices like Europe to discourage driving. I consider that as evil as anything that’s happening on the planet and it’s certainly not centrist. Especially since climate change is actually quite trivial and no big deal.

    I’m sure Annthrax would agree with me. 😉 (Love that name by the way….kinda likin’ GlobalHarmer too.)

  24. Mr. Fusion says:

    Yup, it sure would be nice if the poster’s name was at the top so I wouldn’t have to read posts by people like #6, #11, and #16.

    I much prefer the intelligent posts.

    And Ann Coulture is extreme yes, but she appeals to so many right wingers that it reflects on all of them.

  25. TheGlobalWarmer says:

    Fusion, even I think Ann’s nuts, but I also think she’d be fun to have a beer with.

  26. Misanthropic Scott says:

    #23 – How about GlobalWHarmer? Or GlobalShwarma? 🙂

  27. mark says:

    Maybe GlobalSchmegma.

  28. TheGlobalWarmer says:

    I don’t think
    would fit – damn. LOL

  29. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #28 – Still the best comic anti-hero parody on two feet…

    Kill a spotted owl for me… 🙂


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