Tampa, Florida – Officials say a video tape released on Tuesday shows a Tampa mom inciting a fight on a school bus. Shayla Muldrow is charged with trespassing and with contributing to the delinquency of a minor. Muldrow allegedly got on a Hillsborough County school bus on March 3rd and ordered her daughter to hit another girl.

NOTE: I changed the video to a Flash video because some blog readers were having problems with it.

  1. HOMER says:

    I feel sorry for the kid. Imagine what her life is going to be like when given guidance and rearing by someone who has less common sense and judgment than the kid! Wow. Of course this is also racist somehow i’ m sure. Reverend Al where are you?

  2. tallwookie says:

    Ya know how fark.com has the “florida” tag? this is exactly when it should be used…

  3. Whaapp! says:

    Nothing like a parent teaching gang banger mentality at an early age…

    Despicable people like this leave me…. well…. disgusted.

  4. Goggles N Teeth says:

    Oh how I love it when Florida stupidity hits DU. Makes me “proud” to live in this ever so screwed up state.
    Reporting in from Fort Myers, Florida….
    Goggles N Teeth!!!

  5. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    Yay… More lows to wallow in so we can feel superior to other people.

    I’d mention that poverty and poor education contributes to the conditions that allow a girl to become an adult who handles things in such an inappropriate way… But I’m sure its just because I’m a liberal and I’m blaming America first and I voted for Kerry and I support better fuel economy standards and I want the terrorists to win and whatever…

    Have fun slinging mud at the bad parent.

  6. Lauren the Ghoti says:

    I think it’s a goddamn shame, the evil white racist society that forces unfortunate, noble, virtuous people like her to unwillingly pass the “culture” of selfish, violent, stupid behavior on to her child – and then try to blame her, the victim!

    When will white folks quit making black folks do this kind of shit?

  7. Jägermeister says:

    And here’s the Flash version for all of us who don’t like to use Windows Media Player.

    Unfortunately lowlives breed faster than intelligent people.

  8. tkane says:

    Poverty and poor education shouldn’t be excuses for this kind of behaviour. My grandparents were poor most of their lives and never educated beyond the 3rd grade, yet they found ways out of the cycle. Some people just shouldn’t breed. That said, better education would provide a way out; for the children anyway.

  9. Angel H. Wong says:


    In the future the rich lesbians will be the ones raising the next generation of geeks.

  10. Lauren the Ghoti says:

    #7 – Jägermeister

    “Unfortunately lowlives breed faster than intelligent people.”

    Tsk, tsk. You will report for reëducation immediately. There are no such things as lowlifes. All persons are the exact equal of all other persons. No person can possibly be more or less moral, ethical, honest, peaceful, intelligent, or wise than any other person. Claims of that sort are harmful racist propaganda and proof of a desire to oppress those who are falsely said to be less intelligent, less moral, less peaceful than one’s own group.

    If you see any problem in the mother’s behavior or parenting skills, it is only because you are a racist seeking to imperialistically impose your value system on another person, falsely believing that your values are “better.”

    In the primitive, unenlightened past, it was falsely believed that it was sufficient for society to grant all persons the same rights before the law. In our new, progressive age we now recognize the fact that no person or group of persons can possibly be different in any way from any other person or group of persons. All beliefs, cultures and behaviors are equally good and equally valid. Since no person can possibly be less intelligent or moral or peaceful than any other, labelling any person “unintelligent” or “immoral” or “violent” can only be a racist lie.

    Any further attempts to impose your false, inferior, racist values on members of the superior oppressed classes will be dealt with severely, comrade.

  11. tallwookie says:

    #7 – like… Idiocrasy? As a matter of fact, that movie is a perfect example.

  12. Jägermeister says:


    And I’m sure they’re all bred from the same test tube… 😉


    I guess I’ll have to crawl to the cross and get my atheist ass pierced on it… 😉


    I’ve not seen Idiocracy, but I’ll try to rent it one day. Thanks.

  13. doug says:

    #7. “Unfortunately lowlives breed faster than intelligent people.”

    Too true. Scientists predict that, by the end of the 21st Century, there will be over a billion Floridians.

  14. noname says:

    This clip is annoying very annoying and almost makes me want to storm a bus and start a fight.

    The clip starts with out me starting it, every time I just navigate to DU main page.

    About the clip, 2 yrs for the events shown, seems very excessive punishment for a child to be with out her mom, which wouldn’t serve society any good.

    But hey, America isn’t about building a better people society any more, it’s about crime, punishment and profits.

  15. maxx says:

    #6. Hahahahaha! Whitey is to blame for all the problems that minorities have in this country. Of course we wouldn’t want to try to lay the blame on the parents of this miscreant. Might lower thier self esteem. I was born in Tampa but got out as fast as I could. And #14. Two years does seem a little harsh although the kid might fair better in someone elses care. What a country. Jesus wept.

  16. moe29 says:

    Approximately seventy percent (70%) of the population of Florida is not Florida born.

    We’re the 4th fastest growing state in the union.

    If everyone hates us so much, please, STAY OUT!

    And the rest of you, go back to where you came from!!!!

  17. mark says:

    “I’ve not seen Idiocracy, but I’ll try to rent it one day. Thanks. ”

    Please, dont bother, its really, really bad.

  18. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #6 – “I think it’s a goddamn shame, the evil white racist society that forces unfortunate, bla bla bla

    Comment by Lauren the Ghoti — 5/9/2007 @ 3:30 pm”

    #15 – Hahahahaha! Whitey is to blame for all the problems that minorities have in this country. robble robble robble…

    Comment by maxx — 5/9/2007 @ 5:58 pm

    Find the part of my post where I said that white racist Americans made black people act this way… Go on… Find it…

    That’s right, it isn’t there.

    I know there aren’t simple answers. Just like I know that terrorists don’t want to attack us because “they hate our freedom…” I also know that there are many complex reasons that lead to this kind of behaviour… And THAT is all I was saying… and then you went on to do exactly what I knew you would do…

    Did I say this woman was noble or a victim… No I did not. But I’m not sharing your vantage point. Rather than look on like a smug asshole and point and say tsk tsk at the bad, lessor people, I think a better use of our time would be to proactively discuss how to solve the problems that lead to shit like this.

    But I suppose its easier to simply cast blame and wash your hands of any tiny sliver of responsibility that a souless culture of cruelty and conspicuous consumption might possibly have in the widening chasm between those who sleep the sleep of angels in their comfortable split level suburban homes, and those who endure a never ending gauntlet of strife.

    And get over this dumb idea that race plays into this. 60% of those living in poverty are white, and having lived and survived the hell of urban redneck neighborhoods, I think its safe to say whites have no claim to good behaviour.

    So if you have any ideas that would help break these cycles of poverty that create these people, let’s hear it. If you just wanna cast dispersion on those who you imagine yourself superior to, shut the fuck up.

  19. YoS says:

    in ref to >

    Truly a depressing example of bad parenting, but I have a slightly different complaint – the damn clip runs every time I’ve navigated to Dvorak while it’s been on the main page (so far, 3 times).

    Please dear God make it stop! thank u for ur time.

  20. Mr. Fusion says:

    OFTLO, Damn, you took almost every point I wanted to make. You also expressed them very well.

    Why do the racists always insist that when a minority is involved that this is consistent with that minority’s behavior? Of coarse, if this had of been a white mother then nothing would have been said. Making this a racist issue only shows the prejudicial ignorance which still pervades so much of American society.

    The woman was wrong to do what she did. We don’t know her economic status, nor is that relevant. We also don’t know if she is a “lowlife” (whatever that is), nor is that really relevant. The fact it also happened in Florida is irrelevant, it could have happened anywhere. All we really know is that some upset mother got on a school bus and encouraged her child to assault another student. What we don’t know, and maybe should, is what steps the mother / child took to let the school know the child was being bullied.

  21. sdf says:

    I think you want autostart=”0″ in the tag. I know I do!

  22. Bono says:

    Idiocracy Rules!
    You just need to see it in the spirit in which it was written!

  23. mark says:

    22. I guess you almost have to be an Idiot to get it. No offense, I like Mike Judge as a satirist, that movie just plain spewed chunks.

  24. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #22 and #23 – Nice to meet the two guys who saw it. 🙂

  25. Lauren the Ghoti says:

    Before I say anything else…

    #18 – OFTLO

    “Find the part of my post where I said that white racist Americans made black people act this way… Go on… Find it…”

    Do0d, I wasn’t referring to anything you said – I was preëmpting the PC line of shit that Mr. Fussball and Podperson trot in with every time a member of a minority group is shown behaving in a less-than-exemplary fashion.

    My posts there weren’t in response to yours… but now that you have made some assertions, I’ll respond to those – anon.

  26. hhopper says:

    #21 – What browser are you using. I put in autostart=”false”. Seems to work ok with IE and FF.

  27. sdf says:

    #26, my comment was for the embedded wmv file that used to be there. it’s fine now in FF.

  28. Jägermeister says:

    #11 – Just watched it… very funny, but a scary scenario… 😉

  29. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #25 – Well, if I did that Lauren… Sorry…

    It’s just that your comment followed right after mine and while I found it suprising that you’d respond to me that way, it just seemed like the flow…

    Okay… I don’t think what I said was wrong, but I should not have said it to you. Sorry bout that… Can you forgive me?

  30. KVolk says:

    WOW there are bad parents out there…I am stunned by this unbelievable revelation. Well at least the kid will have the option of blaming their mom if they grow up and do something terrible.


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