This almost seems to be a joke or some kind of setup. In the video you can see a character that looks like Mickey Mouse in what appears to be a show for children. This character and her child co-host seem very intent on teaching hate to children. I wonder if the little girl is being fed lines through an earpiece, like G.W. during the presidential debates. The head-scarf prevents you from seeing that.

  1. Is that supposed to look like a fat Mickey Mouse, or is it purely coincidence?

  2. KJ says:

    That idiot has the mouse gloves on backwards.

  3. Mac Guy says:

    I saw something like this a while back, but it was hard to understand. The speaker only spoke German.

  4. Stu Mulne says:

    Disney is probably paying for it….

  5. Rushdie says:

    I was reading about Sunni and Shia Islam last night, and came to one conclusion about Islam: it’s a really, really whacked religion. But, what other kind is there?

  6. John Paradox says:

    More kid friendly than the 700 Club….


  7. ariel wollinger says:

    ATHEISM RULES! these religious fanatics are the cause of most of the worlds problems. Not only islamic extremists, but also christian. everyone of them.

  8. ariel wollinger says:

    these religious fanatics are the cause of most of the worlds problems. Not only islamic extremists, but also christian. everyone of them.

  9. James says:

    Must not forget the fanatical athiests in that. 🙂

    People are the problem, rapture the only solution. May death come swiftly to mankind.

  10. Jägermeister says:

    Demonizing the enemy… now that’s something new… 😉

    Btw… Didn’t the decor look like something picked out of an IKEA store?

  11. mark says:

    I guess our war on terror has backfired. Ya think theyll open a theme park next? Maybe Islamaland?

  12. Lindsay says:

    Looks like a hoax to me. Probably produced by MEMRI

  13. Mike says:

    12 – This is not a hoax. According to the AP, this show has just been removed from the air . These types of show are not uncommon in many of the muslim middle eastern countries. Some of the “children’s” shows from Iran are even worse.

  14. joshua says:

    #13 is right. It has been on the air for awhile, but I read it was pulled. Maybe Disney threatened to sue and backed it up with a tactical nuke. 🙂

  15. MikeN says:

    So Disney can do what Madeleine Albright, Warren Christopher, Colin Powell, and Condi Rice can’t?

  16. joshua says:

    #15…MikeN….you obviously have never seen Disney’s platoon of killer copywwright infringement lawyers!! Even Hama’s isn’t giving THOSE guys any backtalk.


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