Malaysian customs officials plan to send more than 196,000 cans of smuggled beer gurgling down the drain after confiscating them from a gang that specialized in reselling duty-free drinks to pubs and grocers.
Officials cannot auction off the beer…because the sale would affect the domestic market.
Always a great reason for coppers to get rid of contraband booze.
And it can be fun. Once, I spent a lovely afternoon outside Chinle, AZ – “assisting” Navajo Tribal cops in using a truckload of bootleg beer for target practice.
Coppers? Seen too many James Cagney movies?
Talk about an environmental nightmare.
No, Eideard, shooting up those full bottles as target practice. Lead from the bullets, mixed with shattered glass and alcohol.
Earthworms…birds…up the food chain.
Smarter move would have been to give to a local farmer as fuel, you just contaminate the bootleg with another alcohol (to make it unfit for humans) in a large cistern.
Then the bottles properly recycled.
Unless, Eideard, you did this in 1933…then I forgive ya. 😉
Mark, you missed the point. Shooting stuff up is the next best thing to blowing it up as far as entertainment value goes.
Hey, TheGlobalWarmer, I enjoyed your typical (the exact opposite of what you say in your post) replies to the 28% Bush post.
Especially seeing the others believe what you said, providing entertainment value.
Always to agree with you, Americans just love shooting stuff up.
From a fun standpoint, using TNT on that bootleg Eideard talked about, would be a definate10/10. Just think about the fireball and mushroom cloud.
However, billions upon billions of glass shards sent into a one mile radius, well, remember those dummies that decided to blow up a whale?
Navajo cop : Those craters in my face? Actually it wasn’t acne . . .
Someone find out where they’re going to dump the beer. I’ll find the other end of the pipe and suck down as much as I can!
And I agree: shooting stuff up is a lot of fun. You should see what a 12 gauge slug can do to a hard drive. That data is GONE!
Tee hee. You can tell our readers only drink the good stuff – that is usually purchased in bottles.
#2 – Most bootleggers into dry reservations, nowadays, are bringing in cans on pallets. Still makes a delightful splash. No broken glass and the cans are recycled.
#1 – “Top of the world, Ma. Top of the world!”
If you shake ’em up good first, even a pellet gun can make a can explode in a most satisfying way.
#7,TGW, you are correct, even a CO2 bb gun works great if you hit the can just right. Wish I had one of those paint can shakers, we could do it in bulk !!
Tears are flowing freely here in Michigan.
The sad part about this is wasting all that beer. My credo is to never waste a beer.
#10, Harrison, even a 20 year old case of Schlitz? Well, in a pinch on a 5 day river fishin’ trip, if it was ice cold….. yeah, that’d be drinkable. 🙂
#11. I would never waste a beer, even if it was a 20yo case of Schlitz or *shudder* a fresh MGD.
hehehe Cletus! Jebedia! Let’s all go drink us some beer and shoot shit up real good… YEE HAW…
You guys are a bunch of uncultured hicks and even though I like posting to the same blog with you, forgive me if I refuse to be seen in public with your ill-mannered selves.
OFTLO your sterotype is showing…