When you first see this you think it is stupid, then realize that it looks like fun!

  1. andy says:

    that’s a clip from the new the Fast and the Furious movie Connecticut drift.

  2. tcc3 says:

    I hope the greens keepers beat those guys soundly.

  3. Prankster says:

    I did that once, but it was at night, and it was in a car.

  4. Pssh.. I been had done dat!

  5. Awake says:

    Oh yeah, that’s a manly-man activity…
    just how wimpy do you have to be to consider that cool enough to set it to hip-hop???
    They should title it “Forest Gump being cool!”
    John… your first instinct was right…

  6. James Hill says:

    I’m still waiting for the part where the golf cart tips over and crushes the guy.

  7. matrixghost1286 says:

    To Do List
    1. Learn how to drift a golf cart
    2. Get on “Pimp my Golf Cart”
    3. Race around the course against Old businessmen for pinks ‘n’ Pings

  8. master_of_fm says:

    when I was a senior in high school I worked as a range attendant at golf course and we had a manual 4-speed daihatsu hijet (no roof or windshield so if you flipped you were screwed) that we used to drive around in and “drift.”, but being that we did it on dirt, mud, gravel not sure if you would call it drifting. way more fun than a golf cart.

  9. Mr. Fusion says:

    Must be a slow news day.

  10. Tony Soprano says:

    Paulie did this with his Cadillac in Christopher’s front yard. We didn’t have to listen to the hip-hop crap though.

  11. Mazinger says:

    Um… so how long ’til It looks like fun?

  12. Abby Rhode says:

    First you look at it and think it is stupid. Then you realize that it is stupid.

  13. Also fun on a Tow Motor in grease on slick pavement with a load of product in reverse…

  14. Ballenger says:

    The video reminded me of my first non-POS car, a GS Stage 1 convertible that would drift like the golf cart on dry asphalt. This was the pre-radial tire era, when you went into a turn, you couldn’t be certain about which end of the car was going to come out the other side first. Anyone who thinks drifting looks like fun, should try to find an old Corvair to take out for a spin, literally.

  15. Tim says:

    That’s okay fun, but what is even better is to wait until the evening when they put on the sprinklers. Then, attach a tow rope to the golf cart, put on a slick rain coat, and have someone drive the cart while pulling you on your belly through the wet grass, like you would pull a sled behind a snowmobile. The only thing you have to watch out for are the sand trap rakes and prickly bushes.

  16. YouKnowWho says:

    where is the humor john.. As someone mentioned perhaps a slow news day..

  17. TheGlobalWarmer says:

    Yup, completely ruined by hip-hop (as is anything touched by hip-hop).

  18. TheGlobalWarmer says:

    Forgot to add: Many things that are fun are also stupid if you’re really honest.


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