Rare talks between military leaders from North and South Korea have got off to an unusual start with one of the North Korean generals recalling an internet joke about the US president.
Tuesday’s meeting at the border village of Panmunjom was intended to discuss the restoration of rail links after more than half a century.
Lieutenant-General Kim Yong-chol opened proceedings by telling a joke at George Bush’s expense. Kim went on to recount an often-told joke about the president out jogging when he a group of children save him from a sticky encounter with a speeding car.
You can read the joke by clicking the link to the article. The joke is at the bottom of the page.
Kim’s South Korean counterparts appeared unsure how to react to the unusual display of northern joviality.
ahahaha, that’s too funny.
(with korean accent) “bushy is evila!”
So I’m thinking the joke part is the
“preoccupied with international affairs”
Well, if jokes about Bush help restore true peace between the two Koreas, perhaps our prez will finally have contributed something positive to the world.
??? That’s a funny joke to them? Nothing about how he looks like a monkey, or how stupid he is (especially with the recent speech during the Queen’s visit). Lame
Joke was not about Bush, Bush is the joke.
I would have started singing ‘I’m so wonely…’ from team America…
Yep. We haven’t had a President this internationally funny since Jimmy Carter.
Q) What do you call George W. Bush?
Stop me if you’ve heard this…..
A) A douchebag!
That’s the correct translation of the joke I think.
I’m wondering, does the US, or George Bush, actually have any say as to what the two Korea’s do or how they relate to each other? What the general is saying by trying to make fun of GW and the US is that the whole ‘rest’ of the world hates GW and the US. Except of course for South Korea… Is that right? I think it’s extraordinary the Northern General would say that joke.
Isn’t America basically an internet joke now? Except of course if some is stupid enough to attack us again which could be an ‘extiction event’ for the world.
I’m getting nervous about everything.
#9 Yes we do. We could withdraw our support of the South and they could be invaded.
And what the General is saying is that he is not concerned with the country that has kept the North out of the South for over 50 years. That ought to make you nervous, especially if you are in the South.
Oh and if you think GW is a funny, scary little man The Dear Leader should make you howl and cringe.
Do you NOT want contributions?
I wanted to send you this one (and others previously) but no idea how to do it!!
Cummon! You are in the communication business. Communications is a two-way street – is’nt it?
That’s flied lice you plick.
#12, try john’s email? If you can’t figure it out, you can’t contribute. communications business indeed
#2. That’s a mistranslation. Should have been, “still wondering, where’s Waldo?”
12.. I just use john@dvorak.org… Sometimes they’ll post your article sometimes not.. and don’t hold your breath waiting for a reply.. .. of course if you don’t see your article and you get no reply.. your often left to wonder if your e-mail hit the spam bin..
Well at least N Korean leadership has a sense of humor..
#12, Good question. But you’re a smart boy, you’ll figure it out. If it was really easy, then we’d have all the spammers contacting them.
BTW, I thought the joke was funny right up until I read Gig’s #7. Now that is funny !!!
[edited: comments guide]
I’m so ronery, so ronery
So ronery and sadry arone
There’s no one, just me onry
Sitting on my rittle throne
I work very hard
And make up great prans
But nobody listens no one understands
Seems like no one takes me seriousry
And so, I’m ronery
A bittle ronery
Poor rittle me
There’s nobody I can rerate to
Feel rike a bird in a cage
It’s kinda sirry but not rearry
Because it’s firring my body with rage
I’m the smartest most crever most physically fit
But nobody else seems to rearize it
When I change the world maybe they’ll notice me
And until then I’ll just be ronery
Yeah a rittle ronery
Poor rittle me
I’m so ronery
Better that than jokes about how his population has gotten shorter for lack of food.
The joke got it wrong. It should be:
“We want a place reserved for us at Arlington Memorial Cemetery,” say the children.
“Where’s that?” asks Bush