Mystery revealed: Poppy quarter led to U.S. spy warnings — Read this whole story and you come back with the image of US contractors and agencies being so dumb that they’d file reports about a “mysterious moving staircase” when they saw an escalator.

An odd-looking Canadian coin with a bright red flower was the culprit behind the U.S. Defence Departments false espionage warning earlier this year, The Associated Press has learned.

The odd-looking — but harmless — “poppy coin” was so unfamiliar to suspicious U.S. Army contractors travelling in Canada that they filed confidential espionage accounts about them. The worried contractors described the coins as “anomalous” and “filled with something man-made that looked like nano-technology,” according to once-classified U.S. government reports and e-mails obtained by the AP.

found by Mister Justin

  1. Big Dubyah! says:

    That’s funny.

  2. Nth of the 49th says:

    As a Canadian all I can say is that the US seems to have seriously lost it’s way. But aside from the fact you’ve seem to have fell off a turnip truck and landed on your heads at some point in the last few years, you gotta admit that this is hilarious.

    Beauracratic fear mongering at its finest.
    Watch your children, Canada’s coloured coins will get you.
    Stop. Drop and empty your pockets.

  3. chuck says:

    Nov 11th is called Remembrance Day in Canada. It used to be called Armistice Day to recall the end of World War I.

    So from Nov 1st to Nov 11th, many people wear a red poppy pin.

    Does this mean that if I ever travel to the US during early November that the TSA or DHS will anal-probe me at the airport?

  4. 888 says:

    Canucks lighten up!
    Quit making fun of your southern neighbours at any possible occasion, and for God sake, look first in your own backyard – you’ll find there tons of laughable and idiotic material on a daily basis too!

    Not all americans are as dumb as you all think 😀

  5. Greg Allen says:

    Who were these “suspicious U.S. Army contractors travelling in Canada”

    Are these more of the Bush appointees who got their jobs because they were anti-abortion and anti-evolution rather than competent at their jobs?

  6. Greg Allen says:

    Oh, I forgot the link to what I’m referring to.

    Ties to GOP Trumped Know-How Among Staff Sent to Rebuild

  7. Nth of the 49th says:


    errr, are you being sarcastic, sorry can’t tell.

    You should watch our television. We are very adept at making fun of ourselves as well.

  8. Angel H. Wong says:

    Maybe it’s because the poppies are red and according to televangelists it’s the colour of the devil :p

  9. Spooof says:

    Many of the funny articles like this one that I read on all come down to the fundamental principle of Sociology…

    “People are stupid”

    It doesn’t matter what country you are from this principle holds true.


  10. Docred says:

    I’d have to agree with #9…though it is tempting to call down the ‘contractors’ who were scared by the coin, this is an attitude that transcends national boundries. As a Canadian, I see more than my fill of domestic stupidity like this. Its bureaucracy in general that causes this I believe. Stop and think, ask questions, before overreacting I would say. Canadian or American, both our governments are pretty busy distracting us with minor B.S. while they quietly pass legislation to limit us or further their own agendas.

    As for why they were here….Traveling through, doing business with subcontractors….or if the paranoid (maybe not so paranoid) want to consider them spies, well….so be it. Good luck with the commemorative coin plot 🙂 Its just pretty funny overall.

  11. sdf says:

    these contractors deserve to be dogged as dumbasses not because they’re americans. spy-coins? c’mon McFly.

  12. ECA says:


  13. Ascii King says:

    Maybe there actually is nanotechnology in the coins. We just assume that the contractors are stupid and don’t know what they were looking at. Perhaps they knew exactly what they were looking at and reported it truthfully and it’s the rest of us that are making the wrong assumption now.

    Wasn’t it a contractor who first said the world was round?
    You have to watch out for use Canadians. We do coin tricks.

  14. Blues says:

    ox·y·mo·ron (ŏk’sē-môr’ŏn’, -mōr’-)
    n., pl. -mo·ra (-môr’ə, -mōr’ə) or -rons.
    A rhetorical figure in which incongruous or contradictory terms are combined, as in a deafening silence and a mournful optimist.


  15. Jägermeister says:


  16. Enigma says:

    I find it intresting that the comment “Looked like nano technology” was mentioned.

    Nano Technology is the science and application of matter at a nano scale, at this scale everything is so small without a atomic force microscope you will never see it. so I wonder how did the coin look like it was filled with nano technology?


  17. Milo says:

    Fortunately our new mind reading coins look the same as all the others… I mean… uhhh… it’d really be something if Buffalo won the Stanley Cup eh!


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