Former champ

ScienceDaily: Newsweek poll: Bush at 28 percent approval — The Republicans can beat the Democrats at everything!

U.S. President George W. Bush has fallen to 28 percent approval in a Newsweek poll, the worst presidential rating since Jimmy Carter’s 28 percent in 1979.

It was an all-time low for Bush in the poll, and it seems to portend electoral difficulties for the Republican Party, Newsweek reported online Saturday.

The poll of 1,001 people conducted Wednesday and Thursday — before and during Thursday’s debate of Republican presidential candidates — found that each of the leading contenders for the Democratic presidential nomination is beating the Republican front-runners in head-to-head match-ups.

found by Bubba Martin

  1. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #30 – As one of the little people, I am enrolled in the Bush Health Care Plan, also known as the “Just Walk It Off” Plan. Therefore, Bush, with his Gold Standard Government Health Care Plan is likely to out live me.

    Sadly, therefor, I will not be able to attend your barbeque 🙁

  2. John Benson says:

    There is a major difference.

    Bush is involved in an international war on terror.
    Carter was involved with a crazed killer rabbit.

  3. tallwookie says:

    woot Carter!!

  4. John Henri Allyn says:

    #31 They should use my bar b que upon his death as motivation to rededicate yourself to healthier living to try and outlive him.

    Here is too hoping 🙂

  5. Jägermeister says:

    28%… that means that there’s still room for his approval rating to fall…

  6. Timbo says:

    Wait! Hot news! Ted Turner says Bush only has a 10% approval rating! Stop the presses! It must be true! It’s too good not to be true…….

  7. Mike Johnson says:

    #32 What international war on terror? That is nothing but a Bush invention (lie). Bush is in business with the whole Bin Ladin family and he is not at war with them. We (the US) are partners with the Saudis and they train the terrorists. We are in Iraq for the oil and we are in Afghanistan for the heroin, both substances are very lucrative with users that can’t live without the product. Does anyone really believe all the resources of the US can’t find the only 6’4″ Arab on dialysis in the world. There is a constant trail of medical supplies that anyone who wanted to find him could follow.

    It is far more than 28% of Americans who are too stupid to see the truth.

  8. Mr. Fusion says:

    #27, Frank

    C’mon, give us a break. Some blogger doesn’t like the results so you claim the results have to be bogus. There was a preponderance of Democrats simply because more people are identifying with Democrats then with Republicans. Harris also has Bush below 30% approval while Fox has him at 38%. Are you ready to discount Fox?

    Check out
    for a comprehensive look at all the major polls. You will notice that Bush is on a steady down slope. From above 50 % approval to under 34% average approval today.

    FYI, a lot of any poll results depend upon the question asked.

  9. Greg Allen says:

    #26 TheGlobalWarmer

    You give me a link to a right-wing op-ed piece in claim that you’re not making stuff up?

    Please, you can do better!

    Or maybe not.

    If you voted for the possibly the worst president in US history — not once, but twice, you clearly have serious problems making political and character judgments.

  10. TheGlobalWarmer says:

    Greg, if you believe that’s a right wing source as is every link in it, then there really is no hope of educating you. It’s amazing how far left everything has moved when that would be considered right.

    Despite Bush’s numerous flaw and poor performance, He’s still a better and less dangerous President than Algore or Kerry would have been. Those two, (along with Hillarius) are despicable human beings who would say or do anything to be President. Look what happened to Algore, his continued attempts to push through more and more illegal recounts to steal the election finally failed and it totally unhinged him. The man is now certifiable. He and Kerry are both smug elitists that have no idea what regular America is like.

    Carter was a complete zero as President. I don’t remember a single thing he did that involved moving forward. He was the ultimate hunch over, pull back and hide guy. It took us a long time to recover from his mess.

  11. MikeN says:

    Al Gore would have acted? When he was VicePresident, he led a commission on Aviation Security after the TWA 800 attack, and the major conclusion was changes to fuel tanks and covering up the terrorist attack.


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