Former champ

ScienceDaily: Newsweek poll: Bush at 28 percent approval — The Republicans can beat the Democrats at everything!

U.S. President George W. Bush has fallen to 28 percent approval in a Newsweek poll, the worst presidential rating since Jimmy Carter’s 28 percent in 1979.

It was an all-time low for Bush in the poll, and it seems to portend electoral difficulties for the Republican Party, Newsweek reported online Saturday.

The poll of 1,001 people conducted Wednesday and Thursday — before and during Thursday’s debate of Republican presidential candidates — found that each of the leading contenders for the Democratic presidential nomination is beating the Republican front-runners in head-to-head match-ups.

found by Bubba Martin

  1. *wingz* says:

    Yes, the only difference between the two is that at least Carter was a decent man, not a neocon nitwit.

  2. tomdennis says:

    What placed them in that position?
    A body of Muslim believers?

  3. raddad says:

    28 percent? I can’t believe there are that many people who approve of Bush! Even my wife’s died-in-the-wool Republican grandfather is disappointed in Bush and his cronies.

  4. Mark Derail says:

    As a Canadian, I remember clearly how the Americans (friends, TV, radio) were saying, or had the sentiment :
    “We need Bush & his team to protect us from the evil terrorists”

    From *Hero* to *28%* in just the last few years. Kerry, truly the better candidate, had trouble garnering half the popular vote. Yet all the signs were there, the televised debates. Everything was there for the American People to make an intelligent choice.

    Did not happen. The intelligent choice. It was “Only Bush Can Protect Us” choice, voting with emotions.

  5. Peter Jakobs says:

    #4: did you think asking the “man in the street” will give you an intelligent answer?
    You must be an optimist!


  6. JimJammer says:

    The rest of the world knew what America is just waking up to.

  7. Chris says:

    So, given past history, we should expect to see Dubbya get the Nobel Peace prize in the next 20 years?

  8. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    I’ll never forget the moment I saw Bush going “all-in” against Saddam, and thinking to myself…he better be right.

    But I also recall how my friends (who listened to conservative radio all day) laughed how Gore was an idiot, how he’d be a total disaster for this country, and how I’d be an idiot to vote for him. I got the last laugh, but it doesn’t feel very good.

    Unlike Carter, Bush could never do enough decent stuff in the next 20 years to make us forget the last five years. A lot of presidents have bucked-up the country, but few have done it as well, or with as many long-term consequences, as this guy. And you watch…Cheney will go and die on us so he never has to see the results of his stupidity.

  9. Noam Sane says:

    This is a good question to ask of your winger pals: Bush was above 90% approval after 9/11. What did he do to squander all of that goodwill?

  10. doug says:

    #8. Oh, I have no doubt that Bushie will not be out building houses for Habitat For Humanity or supervising elections in the Third World. (that would be hilarious – Mr. Hanging Chad out showing the rest of the world how to do it)

    And Cheney will go back to presiding over a Circle of Hell.

  11. davydany says:

    well, if the guy was a little honest with the people about….well about everything, i’m sure he would have done better. not only him, but also his fellow as*** up in washington

  12. davydany says:

    well, if the guy was a little honest with the people about….well about everything, i’m sure he would have done better. not only him, but also his fellow assfuckers down in washington

  13. BubbaRay says:

    I’ll never forget telling my wife upon the minute the war in Baghdad was ‘won’, right there live on national news, “He (Bush) had better find those WMD’s soon or this whole country’s in trouble.” She’s still mad at me and ignores my “psychic powers.”

  14. Roc Rizzo says:

    Pundits also think that he will go down to between ten and fifteen percent, by the end of his presidency, thus making him the least liked U.S. president in history.

    I guess the “worst president ever” people are right.

  15. Mr. Fusion says:

    Carter was the man who made a lot of tough decisions. He got most of them right too. Coming on the heels of the Nixon Presidency, it is no wonder his popularity was so low. Never the less, he was by far the better man then and now.

    Bush will go down in history as the man who could have done something good for the country. Instead, he sold us out to his corporate buddies, set civil rights back, has done more then his share of global warming, and allowed China to kill our manufacturing base.

    I remember in early October, 2001 telling my wife that the only reason Bush had 89% approval was because of the number of people supporting the Presidency, not the man. He has more then proved me right.

  16. Frank IBC says:

    And just think, all of this could have been avoided if the Democrats had nominated someone other than John Kerry.

  17. TheGlobalWarmer says:

    #1 – Carter is a decent man? The same Carter that sides with the brutal dictator or anti-Semite every time?

    #4 – Kerry, the better candidate? Hah, thanks, my bowel was clogged until I read that – straightened me right out.

    #8 – Gore should be thankful he lost the election. Now instead of being a disaster for the country, he gets to work feverishly at being a disaster for all of mankind.

    Bush has been a very poor President, however I’m thankful every day that we got him instead of the two. At least we still have an Earth that’s worth existing in. (Although Algore’s working hard to change that.)

  18. Kent says:

    ~49% of the voters in 2004 didn’t vote for Bush. It took about 2 years to convert another 23%. So, if the trend continues, by the time Bush leaves office, his approval rating will be under 10%. Would that be a record?

  19. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    TGW, With every candidate there’s always a bunch of “he’ll destroy the world” and “he’ll kill the USA” stuff, but so far Bush is one of the very few to actually live up to the hype. Anybody elsewould have done better. Hell, even you or I would have done better. That’s why I’m voting for Dave Barry this time.

  20. MikeN says:

    Well the first of presidents is don’t do what Jimmy Carter did. Looks like Bush forgot the rule, though on the little things he followed it quite well.

  21. GregA says:

    I havent head an apology for Bush ignoring the August 6th memo in a while. Anyone care to explain why he and Condi ignored that memo again?

  22. Greg Allen says:

    # 17

    #1 – Carter is a decent man? The same Carter that sides with the brutal dictator or anti-Semite every time?

    You’re making that up.

    #4 – Kerry, the better candidate? Hah, .

    Not just better. Light years better. Kerry reads, for starters. And can talk. And he’s intellectually curious. And he accepts reality and believes in science. Bush does none of that.

    And Gore was even better, IMHO. Bush is a chimp, next to Gore

    Had Gore been in office, he would have read that PDB warning of bin Laden’s attacks; he would have acted; and we wouldn’t be in this mess.

    Bush has been a very poor President, however I’m thankful every day that we got him instead of the two.

    Oh, yeah. Eight more years of peace, prosperity and budget surpluses would have been a big bummer.

    #8 – Gore should be thankful he lost the election.

    And conservatives are SORRY Bush and the GOP won because Americans now know that everything conservatives sanctimoniously preached for decades was pure hot air.

  23. doug says:

    #14. Nah, “worst president ever” belongs to now, and hopefully always will, to James Buchanan, who sat idly by and let half the country secede while members of his cabinet actively sided with the traitors by moving US Army weapons into secessionist territory and allowed the Army to abandon its posts.

    That being said, Dubya is probably the worst president in the last 100 years or so. at least Nixon accomplished SOMETHING before his fall. Not only is Bush’s foreign policy a disaster, he accomplished virtually none of his domestic goals. Most of his tax cuts will be repealed, his immigration reform bill and Social Security privatization bills are DOA.

    One can say that he passed the biggest entitlement of the last 30 years with the Medicare drug benefit. not exactly something that will earn him props from his (supposedly “small government”) GOP fan base. Also, federalism fans will not care for the ‘No Child Left Untested,’ federal interference with local school curriculum.

    Bush’s lasting domestic legacy will be a matter of simple luck. He happened to be president when 2 USSCT justices departed the court, so he got to appoint ultra-conservative replacements. Even that was of minimal effect – Rhenquist was already in their camp, so he only got one more vote on the conservative side.

    By any measure, Bush is a terrible president and an utter failure at accomplishing even his own noxious goals.

  24. grog says:

    this is not news, it’s a calculable mathematic result

    given that no two people will ever agree on everything, it only stands to reason that if you go around telling everyone that you are going to follow your own opinion regardless of what they may think, as time progresses, you’ll wind up alienating everyone.

    a man who never learns when it is wise to compromise will soon be alone.

  25. Mr. Fusion says:

    #23, doug,
    #14. Nah, “worst president ever” belongs to now, and hopefully always will, to James Buchanan,

    Unfortunately, Bush is trying to make a liar out of you.

  26. TheGlobalWarmer says:

    #22 – I’m not Algore or Kerry, I don’t make things up. Start with this story: and follow all the links in it. Sorry, I don’t have time to dig up more links because I’m being killed by Global Warming (TM) 😉

  27. Frank IBC says:

    Actually this poll is unreliable. The poll was biased heavily in favor of Democrat respondents. The current Rasmussen poll shows Bush’s approval rating at 38%, close to what it’s been for the past several monhts.

  28. doug says:

    #27. As one of the commentators on your linked site notes:

    “They didn’t set out to find an equal number of Republicans and Democrats. They RANDOMLY sampled x number of people. Of those, more identified themselves as Democrats than Republicans.”

    I don’t see a critique of the poll’s methodology, so here’s where I say, “reality has a liberal bias.”

  29. KevinL says:

    Most polls like this are based on about 1000 adults likely to vote. This one was done through telephone interviews only. To achieve 95% confidence with a margin or error at about 3%, you only need a sample size of about 1000 for a large population like the US. All that works IF the sample strategy is unbiased. Because the sample size is so small in comparison to the population, the effect of any bias is magnified. Newsweek won’t put out the raw data but the CBS poll does show the bias in other ways. They give a breakdown of the approval rate between republicans (76%) , democrats (11%), and independents (24%) . Also, remember that the margin of error is + or – so the poll result is always a range and never one number. It is equally as likely that the result is 28 or 31 or 25 or any number in between. That’s not to say it’s unreliable, it’s just not accurate enough to be very important.

  30. John Henri Allyn says:

    What annoys me the most is even when Bush is out of power I’m still gonna have to see him at events such as the RNC and other president deaths.

    I can’t wait until he dies then I’m gonna have a bar-be-que to celebrate


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