Shooting magnetic waves down my noggin', yehaaaaw

New ‘sleep machine’ could signal the end of insomnia – What happened to the good old days when people got drunk until they passed out? ;)
Imagine how useful this device could be in long range flights.

Scientists have invented a technique which they say could help trigger deep sleep in the most chronic insomniac.
Using medical equipment, they stimulated the brain with harmless magnetic pulses.
These penetrate the nerves that control a type of deep sleep called “slow-wave activity” and made their brains produce these waves.

Researchers believe the same principles could be used to create a machine which can electronically stimulate a deep-sleep power nap. This mimics the restorative benefits of eight hours of rest.

There, it activated electrical impulses. In response to each burst of magnetism, the sleeping volunteers’ brains produced slow waves typical of deep sleep. “We don’t know why, but this was a very good place (in the brain) to evoke big waves that clearly travel through every part of the brain.

  1. James Hatsis says:


    I don’t really trust a scientist who describes his invention with “We don’t know why….” I’d like a little more study please.

  2. Smartalix says:

    Larry Niven used something like this in a story as a restraint system. A prison full of “sleeping” inmates?

  3. Eideard says:

    Maybe this will be of some use to true insomniacs. For the significant percentage of the population who don’t sleep well – and probably snore – who suffer from sleep apnea, this is counter-productive.

    Spend a night at a [certified] sleep study center and find out if you have sleep apnea, first. CPAP rules!

  4. KVolk says:

    Looks like the beginning of hibernation technology.

  5. sdf says:

    #2, I’m guessing the real question with that solution is whether it’s serving the intent of incarceration. I’ll have to look up that story.

  6. Smartalix says:


    What is the intent of incarceration?

  7. tallwookie says:

    I’ve got a low tech solution for chronic insomniacs:


    nuff said

  8. sleepy says:


  9. sdf says:

    Hell if I know, I’ve never been incarcerated.

  10. tikiloungelizard says:

    When our global capitalist Uber-lords win out, we’ll be required to use these to keep up with their 140 hour work weeks.

  11. tikiloungelizard says:

    When our global capitalist Uber-lords win out, we’ll be required to use these to keep up with their 140 hour work weeks. Macht schnell!

  12. BubbaRay says:

    Gotta go. New Rx says “Intensive care at Hooters for several pitchers of Guinness and crab claws to cure chronic insomnia”, courtesy #7, Dr. Tallwookie. Hope it works.


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