1. Sunny says:

    What’s that? Oh, it’s called “hypocrisy”…

    I’m sure all those people walk or bike or take the bus wherever they go, wearing hemp clothing, and breathing as shallow as possible.

  2. Gwendle says:

    Lewis Black once again takes the words right out of my mouth. Bravo!

  3. davydany says:

    not to spoil the fun and go off topic…but isn’t comedy central owned by viacom and didn’t youtube removing all viacom’s stuff cuz of the lawsuit?

  4. dieter kersten says:

    Sure it was funny, but it IS all true, Doing the ‘little’ things is the least we should do to save the planet.

  5. #3 – Yes, I wonder about that myself..I say enjoy it while you can.

  6. Dr. K says:

    Lewis Black was the last reason I had for watching The Daily Show. Such bias and fawning over celebrities and democrats, that the rest of the show wasn’t funny any more. Ultimately, I give it up.

    But, thanks for the humor in the morning.

  7. Jägermeister says:

    Funny clip, hhopper! 😀

  8. hhopper says:

    Lewis Black is the funniest man on the planet.

  9. BubbaRay says:

    #8, Harrison, well, maybe. But Conan O’Brien was pretty darned funny this past week in San Francisco. Check this out from George Lucas’ Skywalker Ranch (superb way to kill 8 mins. on a Sat.):


  10. BubbaRay says:

    #9, Whoops, it’s from the Presidio , Lucas’ ILM studio. Must have been laughing too hard.

  11. KVolk says:

    Nobody says it better than Lewis Black.

  12. hhopper says:

    BubbaRay, the Conan video was hilarious and that virtual character generator was awesome!

  13. Fred Flint says:

    Lewis Black would make a great President.


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