Bush: I’m the Commander Guy – The Caucus – Politics – New York Times Blog — Cripes, will these gaffes and idiocies ever end?

The man who last year proclaimed “I’m the decider,’’ in response to a question about whether he would fire Donald Rumsfeld as defense secretary, came up with this latest moniker in explaining why he vetoed an Iraq war spending bill that dictated a timeline for troops to withdraw from Iraq.

“The question is, ‘Who ought to make that decision, the Congress or the commanders?,’’ Mr. Bush said. “As you know, my position is clear – I’m the commander guy.”

found by Mister Justin

  1. sdf says:

    I knew Dvorak wouldn’t let me down

  2. bill says:

    Are we in some totally fucked up parallel universe somehow?

  3. James Armstrong says:

    Enough already! It’s starting to smell like MoveOn.org in here. Those guys would hate Gandhi if he was on the top of the Republican ticket.

  4. doug says:

    #3. would that mean that there was another universe with a good Cheney with a full head of hair and a goatee?

  5. KVolk says:

    Are Yogi Berra and President Malaprop related?

  6. Anthony says:

    this swimsuit banner on the left is distracting me. i wanted to write something negative about bush, but looking at these nicely shaped things made me forgot about it…

  7. sdf says:

    Key difference with Gandhi – Gandhi wasn’t known for saying idiotic shit like “Commander Guy”.


  8. Eideard says:

    And Gandhi didn’t waste foolish time dividing political understanding into arcane crap definitions like Republican v. Democrat.

    There’s Corrupt and there’s Honest and rarely do the twain meet in Congress or the White House. #3 is stuck with the worst of a bad lot, that’s all.

  9. malren says:

    Here’s a question that I’d like answered without it turning into a “you suck Bush’s dick” thread.

    If Bush had left off the word “guy,” would that sentence not be 100% perfectly correct AND well-stated? Congress authorizes. The congressional branch authorizes. The executive branch decides policy, including when to start and stop.

    Period. That’s how our government works, regardless if the President is am R or a D.

    Latching on the the added “guy” in his sentence is just a BS distraction technique and shouldn’t be tolerated by rational, reasonable people of EITHER side.

  10. julieb says:

    If you don’t like what’s posted then go start your own blog.

    When it comes to this blog, JCD is the commander guy AND The Decider!

  11. julieb says:


    Ghandi was a racist who was obsessed with giving young girls enemas. Seriously.

  12. doug says:

    #9. So the fact that the President of the United States is so utterly inarticulate troubles you not one bit?

    I mean, these are times that call for stirring words from a JFK, FDR or Churchill … or even Reagan – with Peggy Noonan putting the words in his mouth.

    But this is what we get instead. Crap. Also note that without outside reporting, Bushie’s fumbling and bumbling would be lost to history. For some time now, the White House has been editing the official transcripts of his remarks to omit verbal gaffes.

    and yes, Congress can decide policy. Congress controls the purse strings, and can put conditions on that spending to dictate policy.

  13. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #12 – It surely troubles me… How you speak is an indicator of your intelligence to a degree, and this clown is no Mensa candidate.

    But what troubles me more is the overall tone of all his public speaking. Despite sounding dumb himself, his speech is like that of a patronizing man talking to children.

    I want a president to talk to me as if I am an adult. Instead I get this jack-ass. No matter what he says or does, you learn nothing from listening, and come away feeling like you’ve just been scolded by an arrogant nursery school teacher.

  14. Brian says:


    If you dislike it so much, why don’t you just moveon.org on out of here?

  15. doug says:

    #13. Yes he does sound patronizing. He has got that “I am putting this in the simplist terms I can for you ..” tone to him. It is tough to tell whether it is just a reflection of his own simplistic thinking or if he really believes that talking that way conveys his message more effectively to us morons.

    But yeah, to be condecended to by a success would be bad enough. From a failure, it is utterly insufferable.

  16. stew says:

    Unless something has changed Bush is the commander in chief and a guy? Dvorak fair and balenced.

  17. meetsy says:

    How do we KNOW he’s a guy? Has anyone verified it? I mean, at least Monica verified for us that Bill was.

  18. Billabong says:

    Hey guys He is drinking again. Laura is bugging out check out Nat. Enquirer on line. It is the paper to trust because they pay for their stories. The regular press are the enablers here and bear a huge responsibility for the last 6 years.

  19. Bush has a natural slur that makes him sound like he’s been drinking when he’s sober. Over the years it keeps getting reported that he’s drinking again. I doubt it.

  20. ECA says:

    1. This person went to College??
    2. Dvorak site posts information and lets US/WE discuss to options. the trends, that come, are from Us/We…
    3. what is a person doing in Office, that Only 17% of the US elected and KEPT in office. With a Rating Less then 36%(last I heard).
    4. a Man that hasnt Curbed Corporations and, even given them Tax cuts, which are going Straight to profits, insted of to Expanding the companies, fixing things, Helping anything, advancing the corps into the 21st century.
    5. Gas is aiming for $5 per gallon… considering that $0.50-0.70 is Tax, and another $.025 is to the seller, most of the REST is profit.. Last years profit was $300,000,000,000+ which is close to $1 per gallon profit Sold. This year looks like a BOOM year to the gas corps. Espescialy(sp) since NONE of the profits from last year went to Stock holders, improvements, Fixing Pipelines. It really looks like a last ditch, before we get Alternative fuels..

  21. tikiloungelizard says:

    I think you’ve got it wrong—-I don’t think he was referring to himself, I think he was saying, “I’m the guy who goes with what the commanders say, and not with what congress (or the American people) say”. What you say is correct, but I think what he said is being misinterpreted—he’s not simply saying “I’m the commander”.

  22. Sunny says:

    Wow… here’s your dose of reality for the day….


    It sucks, but sometimes people just need a dose of reality to change their priorities or “where they post”…

  23. Marc says:

    Bush did. Just have a look what’s going on in Irak and the rest of the world. The war on terrorism as proposed by the Bush admin has proven to be the lighter for much more terrorism.

  24. Named says:

    Heres the obligatory vid…


  25. #15, its the morons he’s addressing – the people who fell for his tricks in both elections.

    #23, at least I can rest assured that you will not impede my efforts to make the world a better place. Perhaps the change I effect will not be great, but I’d like it to be net positive in the end.

  26. ChrisMac says:

    #23 thought she was smart for a second

  27. chris says:

    #23- wow that is insightful. you have changed my life. I dont know what to say this has given me new direction. Thank you.

    one person can make a differance!

  28. Mr. Fusion says:

    #23, Where do you get “we”, white man?

  29. Mike says:

    #9, you are incorrect. The President is indeed the commander of the armies and navy of the United States; but only the Congress (as the elected representatives of the people) has the authority to send them to war, and by logical extension, has the authority to take them out of that war. The President doesn’t get to just decide on his own when and where the United States will wage war.

  30. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #23 – Blow me.


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