Bush: I’m the Commander Guy – The Caucus – Politics – New York Times Blog — Cripes, will these gaffes and idiocies ever end?

The man who last year proclaimed “I’m the decider,’’ in response to a question about whether he would fire Donald Rumsfeld as defense secretary, came up with this latest moniker in explaining why he vetoed an Iraq war spending bill that dictated a timeline for troops to withdraw from Iraq.

“The question is, ‘Who ought to make that decision, the Congress or the commanders?,’’ Mr. Bush said. “As you know, my position is clear – I’m the commander guy.”

found by Mister Justin

  1. hhopper says:

    Is Bush drinking or not? Check for yourself.


  2. Sounds the Alarm says:

    “Wow… here’s your dose of reality for the day….


    It sucks, but sometimes people just need a dose of reality to change their priorities or “where they post”… ”

    Sunny – keep believing this and please don’t vote and don’t serve your country (like all neocowards) . In other words be just like your “Commander Guy”.

  3. Sounds the Alarm says:

    Maybe Bush meant “Commander Gay”. I mean neocons are all closeted.

  4. Roc Rizzo says:

    #5… Don’t be insulting Yogi Berra like that.

    Yogi says those things on purpose. Dumbya doesn’t know any better.

  5. moss says:

    So far this year, 348 U.S. troops have been killed in Iraq, compared with 124 during the first four months of 2006. Now, there’s a measurable surge.

  6. tallwookie says:

    You’ve got to wonder what this country would be like if we didnt constantly have fucking morons running it (or rather, in charge of policies that run the country).

    Its times like this when I think I’d rather be a citizen of Brazil or some RESPECTABLE country

  7. KVolk says:

    #35 Yogi can’t be insulted….he is immune do to his higher brain functions.

  8. art says:

    #37. You’ve got to wonder what this country would be like if we didnt constantly have fucking morons running it

    I wonder what does this say about the country that elects them …

  9. tallwookie says:

    #40 – I dont vote, so im not part of the problem, im part of the solution

  10. Treygdor says:

    To me it sounded more like he said “A commander guy” (as opposed to a “congress guy”); in the same tone as one might say they are an “ass guy”, or conversely a “breast guy”

  11. art says:

    41. #40 – I dont vote, so im not part of the problem, im part of the solution

    You are part of the problem, if you would vote against idiots like this, you would be a part of the solution than (providing you can vote).

  12. mark says:

    You gotta love this comment “…and WE, the majority of the People of the United States of America, are the impeacher people!”

  13. stew says:

    When both sides offer Idiots what do you do? This has been my problem the last two elections.I see no differance in the future.

  14. ECA says:

    WE dont get to choose who we want to run, or WHOM is displayed on TV for our choice.
    BUSINESS buys the vote, buy BUYING the persons, paying for there ability to Run for office. AND they WILL be paid back.

  15. James Armstrong says:

    Re: #14

    I’m a big John Dvorak fan. I won’t embarrass us all by saying how big a fan but start with never missing the TWITs or “Cranky Geeks” and checking this blog about daily and go north from there. Who then is more eminently qualified to gently offer constructive and sympathetic criticism? Not you. I am justifiably certain that Mr. Dvorak is far more politically sophisticated than this Bush-bashing post would lead you to believe. I suspect that the old cliché “You can’t get good help anymore” applies. I’m not aware of a single recent college graduate who isn’t (how can I put this kindly) “politically naïve”. Only a tool would allow themselves to be swept up in the “Two Minute Hate” sponsored by our ministries of truth. Besides, you a-holes had your chance to do something about it in ’04 but had to pick the most arrogant and unlikable left-wing loony you could find. The lovely Lucretia Borgia clone of a wife was just icing on the cake. Did you want to win? Lurch and Lucretia? Give me a break! So maybe you ought to shut up about Bush for the simple reason that fools like you are responsible for his second term. And yes, we all know that Bush has some sort of verbal impediment which is almost certainly genetic. Your continual harping on it is the moral and social equivalent of publicly mocking a stutterer or harelip. So, if you had an ounce of class you would desist. If you were a normal person wouldn’t you be bored with Bush-bashing already? Also, I have bad news for you, if you’ve been disagreeing with me, you have no cause to feel mentally superior to Bush.

  16. Pterocat says:

    This guy W is such a source of comedic relief material, it will almost be a shame when he’s gone.

    “…I think those foreign Ayrab countries are gonna start swingin’ their axes of evil again…”

    (from Harry Shearer doing his George Sr. and Jr. talking on the phone. You should hear his Larry King imitation, too).


  17. doug says:

    you know what’s the most damnably infuriating thing about Dubya? Its that, unlike the vast, VAST majority of the human race, he had the chance to be truly great. After 9/11, he could have been great. He had every man and woman of the world’s most powerful nation rooting for him to do something great.

    And he blew it.

    He listened to monomaniacs like Wolfowitz and the other neocons, for whom 9/11 was merely an event to exploit for their own agenda, and small-minded men like Rove, for whom 9/11 was merely an opportunity to push a partisan advantage.

    George W. Bush had a once-per-century opportunity to transcend all the bullshit that makes American politics so shallow and content-free and do something truly great, and he just wasn’t up to it.

    Damn him.

  18. Greg Allen says:

    Oh, goodness, how I crave a president who is articulate and clean. 😉

  19. Greg Allen says:


    I so totally agree with you! I mean _so_ much. You are so right.


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