Law defined by people who believe in virgin birth

A 17-year-old pregnant Irish girl is going to the High Court in Dublin to press for the right to travel to Britain for an abortion. Doctors have told the girl that her four-month foetus will not live more than a few days beyond birth.

She is in the care of Ireland’s health service which has issued an order stopping her from going to Britain.

Miss D was informed last month that her foetus has anencephaly, a condition which means that a large part of the brain and skull is missing.

Babies with anencephaly live a maximum of just three days after birth.

A psychiatrist appointed by the HSE said that the teenager was distraught at the diagnosis, but not suicidal, and therefore did not meet the criteria for being allowed a termination.

Civil law pandering to religious dogma.

  1. Jeff says:

    Funny…I think murder might be against the law in most cultures. I get the point, however…

  2. Canucklehead says:

    this is an example of why the Protestants of Ulster don’t want to become part of the republic. They don’t want to live under the thumb of the Roman church.

  3. John says:

    Actually I was not making a point. It was called a joke. Although it does illustrate how on the internet people strive to dig out points and statements where they don’t lie. This is just a horrible forum for debate, that’s why I stick to irreverence.

    A church plane crashes in the jungle. Some cannibals ate priests, some had nun.

  4. tkane says:

    Funny how no one mentions the more obvious point, which is – why is an underage kid having sex in the first place? It shouldn’t require religious conviction to realize that if you are incapable of paying your own way, you don’t have the right to expose yourself to risks like pregnancy and STD’s. Spend your time studying something and making something of your lives (as well as enjoying what’s left of your childhood). Save sex for when its appropriate, like when you have a real job). This goes for boys as well as girls.

    Girls, you can exercise the *privilege* of controlling your own bodies, once you learn to exercise the gray matter first. If you do that, these thorny, heartbreaking issues don’t come into play.

  5. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #34 – Yawn.

    You can bitch about what other people do and don’t have the right to do all you like, but in this case the damage is done – so maybe you’d be well served by getting down off the pulpit there and commenting on the issue at hand… which seems pretty obvious.

    And since our old friend Ayn Rand is so popular around here, and since you’ve brought up rights, I thought I’d drag out one of those rare quotes where she actually makes sense.

    Individual rights are not subject to a public vote; a majority has no right to vote away the rights of a minority; the political function of rights is precisely to protect minorities from oppression by majorities (and the smallest minority on earth is the individual).
    Ayn Rand

  6. Mr. Fusion says:

    #34, At 17 she may legally have sex in most democratic countries. Your comment that she needs a “job” first is pretty disingenuous. Sex is natural, for humans. If she can’t have sex because she doesn’t have a job then it would follow that anyone without a job isn’t human and therefore can’t complain if they are aborted.

    Did Jesus have a job or did he live off of others?

  7. meetsy says:

    For all you know (as she IS a “ward of the state”) she may have been raped, or it could have been incest. All sex isn’t given freely. She may NOT have made that choice. Since we don’t know, it appears that she IS trying to deal with the situation…by opting to fight a legal battle.

  8. Misanthropic Scott says:

    #27 – OhForTheLoveOf,

    You said: n the future, when in doubt, choose mammals.

    Good idea!! Let’s try pigs. Pigs are quite intelligent, possibly more so than dogs. When pigs are brought to the slaughterhouse and the first is killed, the rest smell the blood and hear the noise and know what is coming. These animals are far more intelligent than a fetus, and more intelligent than a newborn human baby.

    So, aside from both PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals), which I do not support, and PETA (People Eating Tasty Animals), which I also do not support, where is the huge public debate on the issue of pigs? Personally, I still eat pig, but a lot less than I used to.

    So, when looking for a point at which someone becomes human, I’m mostly staying with the “real estate” definition of at birth. All else is too complicated.

  9. Misanthropic Scott says:

    Of course, the last paragraph of my prior post was intended for #12 – Shawn.

  10. mjpwall says:

    the Irish constitution protects the right to life of the child, whether anyone here likes it or not this is indeed a child, maybe detined for a dramatically short life but nevertheless life.

    Men shouldn’t debate abortion, why not? We are fathers after all, do we have no say in the life of our children, do women get to kill our unborn child with no thought of our rights.

    This is not a womens rights issue, women have the right to make the intelligent decision not to get pregnant if they so wish, but don’t try to tell me that hacking a baby to bits is as moral as using a contraceptive.

    One poster here has said that this abortion will be just as difficult as giving birth, indeed that labour would be induced and the the child born normally and then killed. If this is true then 1. arguments that this is not a child because it hasn’t been born are mute. and 2. what difference does it make to the mother pain and suffering will not be reduced.

    finally if we deem to kill the unborn because of birth defects, where do we stop, wheel chair bound sorry inconvenient to the mother your dead , blind sorry your dead too and then some day, sorry I wanted a boy or sorry I wanted a child with blue eyes.


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