Hitting something flying that’s so tiny with something even tinier? If this isn’t cgi, then I think the military might want to have a chat with these folks before the next antimissile system is designed.

  1. Evan C says:

    Wow, just wow! Sweet!

  2. Mark T. says:

    I need one of those for my next outdoor picnic! Awesome!

    I guess this is for people that wouldn’t hurt a fly. At least they can humiliate them.

  3. Goggles n Teeth says:

    Ok, you just gotta wonder what those bugs were thinking when they were hit with tiny pies!

  4. darkmane says:

    Wow…. another ad.

    Thanks John.

  5. noname says:

    I always wanted my own AAFMS, Auto Anti-Fly Missile System with HPADAS, High Precision Acoustic Doppler Aiming System. Of course battery’s not included.

    This is way cool.

  6. Peter Garner says:

    Is it just me, or is advertising getting stranger and stranger.

  7. Charlie says:

    John, you are probably right (CGI), but maybe you missed the trick here – the ballistics were sweets so the fly flew towards its during the flight!

  8. NotTellingYouMyName says:

    The point, which is easily lost, is that the Samsung phones are so narrow, that when turned sideways, the mini-flying pies MISS the phone, even though they are able to hit the insects.

    And yes, I think it’s all cgi, or as BryanP says, insects that were held in place…

  9. JFStan says:

    Hitting insects in the face with tiny pies.. I hope Soupy Sales has seen this, he would be quite proud I would think!

  10. BillM says:

    I’m waiting for PETA to demand a statement that no insects were actually injured during the filming of this commercial.

  11. raddad says:

    Wait. Aren’t we running low on bees?

  12. OmegaMan says:

    Remember video editing, The flying objects weren’t flying…they were attached to a wire, glued to a nob and flew in place, while an object was dropped on them. They do insect flight studies as such all the time.

  13. KVolk says:

    did they use stunt bees or did the actor do his own stunts….America wants to know!!

  14. cooltidbits says:

    Anyone expecting protests from People for the Ethical Treatment of Insects?


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