Logo There are
people with my name
in the U.S.A.

How many have your name?

  1. jsforbes says:

    The numbers seem kind of low.

  2. JohnMo says:

    I’ll say the numbers are low. It tells me there are zero people with my name. That’s news to me. I already independently knew that I’m the only person in the country with my name.

  3. John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt says:

    Apparently there are 6.5 billion people with my name.
    -John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt

  4. James says:

    It is low – I checked my sister’s name, and it says –
    # There are 0 people in the U.S. with the first name Aideen.

    Something wrong there for sure.

  5. J says:

    It is wrong

  6. hhopper says:

    I don’t think it’s accurate. I tried “Bob Jones” and it said 515. I know there are more Bob Jones than that.

  7. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #6 – One of them has a “university”.

    What are the odds?

  8. Billabong says:

    I think its 104 to many. just kidding

  9. Drifter Smith says:

    Zero people with my name too…

  10. MikeN says:

    There are 0 people with last name Drudge.

    I think it’s just doing a ratio calculation based on the first and last name numbers. So 5 million Johns out of 300 million means 104 John Dvoraks out of 6 thousand Dvoraks.

  11. MikeN says:

    There is 1 person named Hillary Clinton, 0 named Monica Lewinsky.

  12. has to be low..this site stinks.

  13. Michael Drips says:

    Tragically according to this site, there not only are no people in the US named Michael Drips, there are no people in the US at all with the last name of Drips.
    This is gonna be a shock to my relatives.
    Since I don’t exist I wonder if I still need to file income taxes?

  14. sdf says:

    There are 104 People in the U.S. Named John Dvorak.

    But are they *cranky*?

  15. James Hill says:

    There are 9,389 people in the U.S. named James Hill.

    And I get most of their mail, too.

  16. Froggmann says:

    Hmmm there are 48 of me with my legal name, 3 of me with my shortened alias…

  17. EvidentlyTheManWithNoName says:

    Worthless site

  18. paddler says:

    Looks like there are zero people in the US with my name

  19. John Smith says:

    That’s a crap site fer shizzle.

  20. ECA says:

    I got 106…
    But consider something…
    By inputing your name, you have given the site…
    Your name and IP location…
    using the IP they can locate your State(at least), if NOT your city.
    NOW that they have ALL of that, they can Look your name up (even in a phone book) with Name and city…and there is a 90% chance they will have your address, ZIP, and can find MORE information…

    I hope you like the spam and Extra mail.

  21. tallwookie says:

    rofl – there are 0 people w/ my name – thats kinda odd, seeing as how I have MY name… and no i’m not posting it here

  22. Bob says:

    There are 33 people named “Richard Zucker” and only 3 named “Richard Seamen” (and one of them went to my high school).

    Pity them all…

  23. hagbard says:

    There are 9 people with my name, 3 with my daughter’s and 2 with my wife’s. But we’re not in the US.

  24. Richard says:

    John: Clicking the link to “how many of me” automatically downloads dangerous spyware to your hard drive. Spy Sweeper went nuts when I clicked it. You should remove the link ASAP.

  25. Peter Rodwell says:

    There’s only 1 person with my name (and it’s not me since I don’t live in the US). Hard to believe since I know there are several in the UK.

  26. Greg Allen says:

    Supposedly, nobody named Osama?

    Osama is a fairly common name in the world. Hmmm. I’m suspicious of this service.

  27. Lauren the Ghoti says:

    #10 – pedro

    “Boy, I don’t wanna find that 0.1% female baring my name.”

    Why would you be ashamed of your name being unclothed? 😀


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