Ready for Bird Flu lawsuits, too!

A federal judge on Wednesday dismissed a lawsuit brought by a doctor who accused KFC of not telling customers that it used trans fats to fry its chicken. In an occasionally sarcastic opinion, U.S. District Judge James Robertson said Dr. Arthur Hoyte could not show that he was harmed by KFC’s use of the artery-clogging fats.

That was enough to doom the lawsuit, but Robertson also noted other flaws in the case.

“While it might be appropriate for this court to find, as a matter of law, that the consumption of fat — including trans fat — is indeed within the reasonable expectations of the consumers of fried chicken and french fries prepared in fast food kitchens, it is not necessary for me to reach that question,” Robertson wrote.

And in response to Hoyte’s claim that customers have a growing understanding of the dangers of trans fats, Robertson wrote: “If consumers are increasingly aware of trans fat, where do they expect to find it if not in fast food restaurants?”

Nice to see a judge who differentiates between protecting essential rights of consumers – and stupid consumers! It’s called “fried” chicken. Right?

  1. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    While I disagree with the judge and I believe the fast food industry needs to held accountable as accomplices in millions of negligent homocides… I do need to comment that this story made me hungry.

    I could go for some KFC right now.

  2. Dan says:


    I love your blog. I would like to suggest, though, that you experiment with the layout. It would be less cumbersome and more interesting if you had the different postings placed horizontally instead of vertically.

    That way, people wouldn’t have to scroll down to see the next postings and could view more of them at once. A good example of this is the Huffington Post.

    I don’t doubt your technical know-how or skills. But I am an artist and I think my suggestion would be visually appealing. Thanks for listening.

    I would like other people to comment on this suggestion to see if they agree. Thanks again.

  3. MikeN says:

    More judges like this will avoid the need for killing anti-fast-food activists.

  4. Mike says:

    “… I believe the fast food industry needs to held accountable as accomplices in millions of negligent homocides [sic] …”

    hahaha, you crack me up. And there you were just yesterday complaining about those dastardly neocons and your loss of freedom.

  5. Gwendle says:

    Being a law student I will have to say, in all honesty, that the judge has some balls. I personally agree with him.

    #3 Dan, I am not an artist and I have an even better idea. Between each posting the moderators could put pictures of half nude men or women (you can choose which you would prefer on the home page) between each posting. Scrolling down would be an adventure! I think my suggestion would be MORE visually appealing.

  6. Angel H. Wong says:

    It’s FRIED CHICKEN okay? Just because they are using only the chicken’s palest titties it doesn’t mean it’s healthier.

    Gimme me back the delicious chicken nuggets made out of whatever the machine scraped out the chickens’s bones… ’cause them nuggets made out of white meat taste like sawdust no matter how much they soak them in lard.

  7. jz says:

    Find it interesting that people are living longer than ever now despite the ever increasing consumption of fast food and obesity “epidemic”. I agree with this judge on this decision. The trans fat hype has gotten ridiculous.

    In the case right after this one, the judge awarded $100 million to plantiff J.D. best. Mr. Best claimed that he didn’t know when he went to KFC he was getting chicken, which he is allergic to. “I thought I was just going to be eating letters”, he proclaimed. Mr. Best is also a judge and the brother-in-law of Judge Robertson, but Judge Robertson denied any favorable treatment.

  8. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #5 – Oh just chill out right there Mike… Don’t cherry pick my post like that… Look at ALL the words. It’s obviously meant to be both funny and ironic.

    And a careful observer would know that the line you quoted was plagerized from an episode of The West Wing. It’s rhetoric the Josh Lyman uses to characterize the tobacco industry.

    But since you mention it, I’m not sure my freedom to live in a country so under the thumb of Industrial Agroculture that deadly, unnatural, chemical-ridden poison is almost all that’s available to eat is actually the freedom I was pining away for.

    Sueing KFC won’t solve the problem, but there is a food crisis in this country and if you don’t know it now, your doctor will help you understand it the hard way sometime over the next ten years.

  9. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #8 – Longevity is even more interesting when you break it down into various demographic groups. Some people aren’t living longer because some people can’t afford to live longer.

    No – I won’t back that claim up. I’m only here to be inflammatory. Not entirely unlike the effect of McDonalds on the human body.

  10. Dan says:

    #6 Gwendle

    I don’t know if the tone of your comment was meant in jest (which in that case, it’s okay, I have a sense of humor) or if you were being mean (which in that case please check out the Huffington Post blog to see if you end up agreeing with me. Thanks.)

  11. hhopper says:

    I just looked at the Huffington Post Blog and it scrolls vertically in a single column just like this one.

  12. mark says:

    8. People are living longer in spite of bad eating habits because of advances in Medical technology as in gastric and heart bypass. Anyway its not how long you live but the quality that counts, at least in my stupid opinion.

  13. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #13 – I agree. And if you poor, it’s both short, and it sucks.

  14. Dan says:

    #12 hhopper

    Thanks for commenting on the Huffington Post. Technorati ranks it as the 6th most visited blog.

    Yes, it does scroll vertically. However, each posting has a small summary so that you can view more of them at once. That way, all of the postings have a greater chance of drawing viewers and comments.

    By profession, I design computer games so I spend a lot of time thinking about all of this.

  15. mark says:

    14. “it’s both short, and it sucks” I ah…….ah…….well, never mind.

  16. mark says:

    15. Dan- I’m not trying to promote any website, but as for aesthitics this has got to be my favorite looking site artistically speaking.

  17. Gwendle says:

    #11 Dan,
    Yes I was just ribbing you a bit. I have no artistic abilities, nor am I able or willing to design any website of any kind. I do enjoy titties though.

  18. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #16 – Hahahaha

  19. stew says:

    I loved the site but warn people NOT SAFE FOR WORK. Some of us are stealing time on the company dime. Nothing brings attention to yourself to the IT police like titties.

  20. Gwendle says:

    Sorry about that Stew, I have never had internet access at work. I will use “fun and interesting female anatomy parts” next time. I would think breast would also trip the sensors.

  21. Over on my Blog I posted about something similar yesterday. The CNN story about KFC changing their oil and how they now have “0 Grams” trans fats. What a half truth. They have 0 Grams but how many Milligrams? Their own nutrition info will tell……. For more on that check out

  22. John Henri Allyn says:

    Any idiot should be able to figure out KFC has fat

    You’re not eating wheat germ people

  23. KVolk says:

    How can you sue someone when it’s your choice to stick it in your mouth….think what you want about that comment as well.


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