Tens of thousands of people pressing for immigrants’ rights demonstrated on Tuesday in dozens of cities. But with advocates splintered over tactics, the crowds paled in comparison with the turnout last year.

The demonstrations seemed to underscore how much the protest movement has struggled in the last year. More than 500,000 people turned out in Los Angeles last year. This year, the police estimated that 25,000 attended the largest of three rallies.

In Denver, where 75,000 people participated last year, an estimated 10,000 demonstrated, organizers said. The police put the number at no more than 2,000.

Unlike the protest last year, nobody called for a “day without an immigrant.” No widespread business boycotts materialized. For the most part, students did not pour out of schools.

Americans are tired of the phony rhetoric of politicians trying to profit from illegal immigrants. Republicans and their corporate string-pullers want cheap labor. Democrats and their ward-heelers want cheap and grateful voters. Both parties suck!

The “movement” of illegals was doomed to failure from the beginning. Essentially, it only has Mexican nationalism providing core support. The good will and natural sympathy of Americans for the poor and unfortunate provided some political support. None of this can overcome the ennui of a nation tired of hypocrites justifying scab labor and the absurdity of yet another amnesty for law-breakers.

  1. Donnie says:

    It’s quite obvious that our government does not want to stem the tide of illegal Mexicans swarming across our border.

    My great-grandparents did not leave Ireland for Mexico, but it looks like that’s where the U.S. is heading.

    At what other point in history would a nation allow tens of millions of illegal criminals (yes, the whole lot are are criminals…They broke the law when they entered this country illegally) to reside within it’s borders?

    White America better decide if they want to live in Mexico or not, because Mexico is coming.

  2. T.Kavijavic says:

    It was doomed for failure right from the start. Starting with the word ‘illegal’. How is this good for America?

  3. brutusVNN says:

    Sometimes I wish that I could be as stupid as the rest of the people and not be able to see absurdity of instituting a new multi-billion dollar homeland security department that was supposed to protect us from foreign enemies and yet allows 30 million people of unknown identity slip into the country over the Mexican border.

    That damn extra IQ point that I have in my brain tells me that our government is lying to us. It also tells me that we should be very afraid of the monster that now apparently has total control of our elected leaders. It’s the same monster that elects our so-called leaders. Excuse, me for letting the cat out of the bag, but if you thought that we actually elected someone because we voted for them, I would have to ask you what color are the unicorns in your universe? It should be quite obvious to even the dullest wit that there is absolutely no difference between the political parties in American anymore. Damn! Did I just insult someone’s intelligence? Sorry about that! Having that extra IQ point sometimes makes me think that others can see that it’s actually those who control the main stream media who actually do all of the electing. Silly me.

    You see, there was actually a time when I believed like most people. But once I found out the truth, I could never go back. And finding the truth was no easy task, I might add. Those who don’t want us to know the truth have a variety of methods to throw us off the trail of the finding truth. They are called red herrings and false flags and those in charge are masters at making us believe whatever lie they’re telling at any particular time. Under the banner of conspiracy theories, we will hear that the Masons are in charge or the Illuminati or the New World Order or some such other shady group, when in fact it’s none of them. Only when one gets close to the truth and sees it and tries to tell others, will one find himself called vile names and ostracized from public discourse. This is a sure sign that one is on the right path.

    If I say who it is, you will never see this post. All I’ll say is find out who ultimately controls the western world’s media empire and look for a common denominator.

  4. Joe says:

    Everybody says there is this RACE problem. Everybody says this RACE problem will be solved when the third world pours into EVERY white country and ONLY into white countries.

    The Netherlands and Belgium are more crowded than Japan or Taiwan, but nobody says Japan or Taiwan will solve this RACE problem by bringing in millions of third worlders and quote assimilating unquote with them.

    Everybody says the final solution to this RACE problem is for EVERY white country and ONLY white countries to “assimilate,” i.e., intermarry, with all those non-whites.

    What if I said there was this RACE problem and this RACE problem would be solved only if hundreds of millions of non-blacks were brought into EVERY black country and ONLY into black countries?

    How long would it take anyone to realize I’m not talking about a RACE problem. I am talking about the final solution to the BLACK problem?

    And how long would it take any sane black man to notice this and what kind of psycho black man wouldn’t object to this?

    But if I tell that obvious truth about the ongoing program of genocide against my race, the white race, Liberals and respectable conservatives agree that I am a naziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews.

    They say they are anti-racist. What they are is anti-white.

    Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white.

  5. Cowboy Zeke says:

    People lie so much about illegals; they are hard working, family values, blah blah blah. The truth is they are a scummy group of people whose nastiness is exhibited on personal, community, and racial levels. The are corrupt and they couldn’t care less about anything but their own hide. If principle meant anything to them, they would not be here illegally, they would grab a gun and retake their government and find a poor, loyal, intelligent person to run the country. But then they care more for brand new trucks and rice burners so they can impress 12 and 14 year old girls who they love to have sex with, more than they will ever love education, or virtue.

    They are killing our people, bringing in drugs, gang warfare, and disease, producing more and more resource sucking children (and this is after we were told in the 60s and 70s we need to have smaller families), depressing wages and constantly threatening us, and we are supposed to listen to the children of rich people who are not affected by these problems tell us that we have no right to keep the standards of our country up to a level acceptable to us. We don’t want to see our country become a garbage heap like Mexico, and we are sick of being told it’s the right thing to do.

    Live around these people with their aggression, stupidity, noise, filthy behavior and arrogance, and you will come to dislike them. Or you can keep lying to yourself like a gutless worm who is afraid of reality. Japanese create Japans, Chinese produce Chinas, Europeans create Europes, and Mexicans create Mexicos. We have one Mexico and that is one too many already, we don’t need another here.

  6. Peacetroll says:

    The whole issue is out of hand. We are a day late and a dollar short in regards to preventing the immigration issue from negatively effecting the future status of this country we call the United States.

    There are already more new born children who are mexican then caucasian being born within the US boarders. THe battle is lost, the war is lost too, its just a matter of time now before people realize it.

    Within 20 years the whole country will be over 1/2 mexican and in a undeniable third world status. The wealthy zionists have orchestrated this for years, for they are the purse holders.

    Maier Amschel Rothschild said:
    “Permit me to issue and control the money of a nation and I care not who writes its laws”

  7. caver says:

    RE comments 35, 36, 37 and 38
    Absolutely some of the best commentary I have seen in a while.

    The current and ongoing disassembly of the United States is no accident. This is just part of a very much planned and well orchestrated process to produce a world of serfs. It has been said that the rich are not like you and me. Well, the hyper rich are not like anyone you even know. These people are a group of inbred sociopaths who honestly think that the world needs masters and that they are just the people to do it. They do not mean to be uncaring masters, but they WILL be masters. They see themselves as a higher order of herdsmen, while we cattle fulfill our alotted task of producing meat and milk for them.

    So, where does the influx of illegal aliens fit in to this?

    It became obvious some 40 years ago that the United States was breeding an unfit generation of young people. These young people were so ill bred that they actually began to believe some of the mad rantings of the Founding Fathers, crazy things like personal liberty, desirability of peace, accountability of government officials, the rule of law over ALL people, minimal government. You know – crazy things.

    These ideas are not suitable for cattle. They might riot and gore the herdsman. Solution? Breed them out of the heard. Dissasemble America. Bring in a known good line of peasants.

    It is happening.

  8. IceQueen says:

    What would that May 1st look like without illegal immigration? There would be no one to smuggle across our southern border the heroin, marijuana, cocaine, and methamphetamines that plague the United States, reducing the U.S. supply of meth that day by 80%.

    The lives of 12 U.S. citizens would be saved who otherwise die a violent death at the hands of murderous illegal aliens each day. Another 13 Americans would survive who are otherwise killed each day by uninsured drunk driving illegals.

    Our hospital emergency rooms would not be flooded with everything from gunshot wounds, to anchor babies, to imported diseases to hangnails, giving American citizens the day off from standing in line behind illegals.

    Eight American children would not suffer the horror as a victim of a sex crime.

    Why do politicians and the media not report these body counts?
    Only silence from politicians on the issue of almost 40,000 dead Americans, and the sound of crickets chirping can be heard from the LMSM.

  9. Alex Linder says:

    You don’t make anything better by adding 30 million Mexicans to it.

  10. Robert says:

    SOLUTION: First we seal the border with gates opening to the south(one way). Second,we penalize those who employ them(not token fines). Third,we deny any benefits other than what is nessesary to get them back to the border(bus ride,food and water). It’s not that difficult if you’re not politically correct. The ROI will be soon reailzed

  11. Alex Linder says:

    You don’t make anything better by adding 30 million Mexicans to it. Mexicans make Mexico.

  12. bob the grape says:

    Another boondoggle from our elected officials. Yes, both parties do suck. I have begun calling these guys “democans” or ‘republicrats” because there isn’t any distinguishable differences between them. The whole system has been perverted by greed all of these politicians are in it for themselves and they only give lipservice to their constituents. Do you hear that Congressman Westmoreland you suck like the rest of them!!!!!!!!!

  13. Johnny says:

    Deport them all and make welfare recipients pick the tomatoes. Those that can work but will not work should not eat!!! Lots of homeless folks that could pick the fruit.

  14. Ed says:

    Illegal aliens who:
    1. won’t work to make their county better can’t be expected to work to make our country better.

    2. are willing to break our laws to get here can’t be expected to obey our laws while they are here.

    3. are unwilling to learn our language can’t be expected to love our country as those who do.

    Now specifically addressing mexican illegals. If mexicans are not patriotic enough to make their country better, then why should I want them here? They should go back to mexico and protest where they will do some good.

  15. No Mas says:

    I highly recommend the independent documentary film “A Line In The Sand”.

    If you can watch this film and not be outraged at the state of our southern border, you are either a Mexican or dead.

  16. Joe says:

    If all the illegal mexicans are so hard working why is it that mexico is so poor?

  17. Mezic says:

    I actually took the time to read through all of the previous comments. For point and personal amusement, I grabbed some quotes. The point that, I figure, everyone is missing is that people who leave one place want to be in another place, for whatever reason. I have yet to meet an illegal immagrant from Norway or Denmark, but I’m sure there are one or two.

    (to get to the point, scroll to the bottom of this comment, otherwise, read on.)

    You know those lines on the map. They are from a time when we, as a whole, didn’t get it. You can call it tribal, or class warfare,or secularism versus religion…

    Whatever you want.

    Stop being stupid.

    People with money do not care about you at all.

    If I had money like that, I wouldn’t have given this thread a second thought.

    In another two years or so, at the current pace, 75% of U.S. wealth will be in the hands of about 1% of the U.S. population.

    Instead of sweating an illegal immegrant, how about you start working with them.

    Get to know them. Say hello. Let them know what time it is in the United States.

    You, and the people of your community, are responsible for your community. Handle your business.

    The biggest problem I have seen in this country, as of late, is that we have become a country of cowards, unable to handle what needs to be taken care of when it matters.

    At the same time, we have allowed the stupidest people we got to lead the charge to the end of empire.

    Here is the curious part, and the wrap up.

    People with an assload of money do not see borders. They do, however, pray upon the dumbasses that do.

    Here are the quotes that I wanted to touch upon and my responses:

    “And finally, corruption is pandemic in Mexico. Nearly every deal requires what’s called “la mordida” (the bite). Bribery is not only commonplace, it is essential to get anything done because of the lack of social justice in that country.”

    Have you missed the last 7 years? I’m just saying.

    “White people had better start thinking about life as a minority in this country. ”

    You’re a minority already. Suck it up. I recommend you move and buy some books to smarten up. I will not go into this here, but have you ever heard of , I don’t know, Asia? India? You are a worldwide minority. You got lucky in that your ancestors had better guns.

    “My great-grandparents did not leave Ireland for Mexico, but it looks like that’s where the U.S. is heading…”

    They could have done us all a favor by doing so. I don’t know about you, but I would not have minded being brought up in a sunny and warm climate. The winters up here get brutal.

    “If I say who it is, you will never see this post. All I’ll say is find out who ultimately controls the western world’s media empire and look for a common denominator.”

    I can only assume he means Jewish people. They worked hard as a community and took over a very profitable industry. Whaa whaa. I recommend you work hard at finding the next great place to stake your claim. Being angry at hebrews for taking Hollywood is alot like being angry at central europeans taking over the Northern Central part of the United States. Same rules apply…

    Ignore them and they will no longer be an issue.

    Throw out your TV and stop going to movies. Convince everyone else you know to do the same.

    Good luck.

    And this gem…

    “White America better decide if they want to live in Mexico or not, because Mexico is coming.”

    How about we take care of our own house. Illegal immagrants will always come here. As long as we protect the freedoms that gave them a reason to hope that they would be able to find a better life here, they will come. The northeast is loaded full of Irish illegal immagrants. Do you have a problem with them? All or none.

    That’s all I got. I work a job that most people would never do, but it is high end and only done by people like me. Not an immagrant, just a guy that has found that borders don’t mean shit, except to the petty, small-minded and those unwilling to except that it should have always been.

    If we do not start looking out for the people coming into this country to do the lowest paying jobs, then we might as well kiss off any possiblity of being anything more that surfs to those that got lucky by birth.

    Those of us not lucky enough to be born rich need to get it together to make sure that our children never have to sweat it as hard as those of us that weren’t. It’s our responsibility to set things right.

    I don’t know about you, but I don’t want to be beholden to the likes of Paris Hilton. I don’t want that for my children either.

  18. G says:

    Antifa activist “Mezic” clarified:

    “If I had money like that, I wouldn’t have given this thread a second thought.”

    “I work a job that most people would never do, but it is high end and only done by people like me.”

    “Those of us not lucky enough to be born rich need to get it together to make sure that our children never have to sweat it as hard as those of us that weren’t. It’s our responsibility to set things right.”

    “People with an assload of money do not see borders. They do, however, pray upon the dumbasses that do.”

    “Not an immagrant, just a guy that has found that borders don’t mean shit …”

    “You know those lines on the map. They are from a time when we, as a whole, didn’t get it.”

    “… except to the petty, small-minded and those unwilling to except that it should have always been.”

    “I can only assume he means Jewish people. They worked hard as a community and took over a very profitable industry. Whaa whaa.”

    “Being angry at hebrews for taking Hollywood …”

    “Throw out your TV and stop going to movies. Convince everyone else you know to do the same. Good luck.”

    “… is alot like being angry at central europeans taking over the Northern Central part of the United States. Same rules apply…”

    “I have yet to meet an illegal immagrant [sic] from Norway or Denmark, but I’m sure there are one or two.”

    My great-grandparents did not leave Ireland for Mexico, but it looks like that’s where the U.S. is heading…

    “They could have done us all a favor by doing so.”

    “The northeast is loaded full of Irish illegal immagrants. Do you have a problem with them? All or none.”

    “You’re a minority already. Suck it up. I recommend you move and buy some books to smarten up. I will not go into this here, but have you ever heard of , I don’t know, Asia? India? You are a worldwide minority. You got lucky in that your ancestors had better guns.”

  19. Stan says:

    Illegal immigrants need to go back to their country of origin. There shouldn’t even be a debate on this issue: if you come over uninvited we have the right to tell you to leave!
    I am surprised how many Americans have taken a pussified stance on this issue. Why are you guys so afraid to fight for your country? You know it’s not right what illegals are doing, but you’re so afraid to fight, that you’re letting them take our country. This is lunacy! Stand up you bunch of chumps!
    Trust me, I’m from Los Angeles (the epicenter of illegal immigration). Illegals are here to conquer the country…they don’t want to be our friends or be Americans…They want our white asses out of here (ever heard of Aztlan?).
    These people are hostile. All you White sympathizers should move your families out to Los Angeles if you want to experience life in a Latino community,,,you’ll hate it!
    I’m fighting to save the rest of the country from the mess of California. Trust me guys-YOU DON’T WANT THIS TO HAPPEN TO YOUR COMMUNITY!! You won’t realize how important it is to keep this country white until it’s gone. I grew up not caring about having white neighbors, but now that all the whites have bailed on California I’m looking to leave too, because I’m tired of being hated for simply having fair skin. Wake up America, save yourselves from illegals! You’ve been warned!

  20. G says:

    “All or none,” quoth “Mezic” – philosophically and politically, a “high-end” apologist and proponent of third-world invasion and thievery to “dumbasses” of European descent.

    All or none, eh?

    1. If all men are my brother, then I have no brothers.
    2. If all women are my sister, then I have no sisters.
    3. If all women are my wife, then I have no wife.
    4. If all children are my children, then I have no children.
    5. If all families are my family, then I have no family.
    6. If all people are my kin, then I have no kin.
    7. If all homes are my home, then I have no home.
    8. If all communities are my community, then I have no community.
    9. If all nations are my nation, then I have no nation.

    All or none, indeed!

  21. Mike says:

    I felt helpless to fight illegal immigration, which destroyed my life in California, as English became a second language in my community.

    Then I joined powerful grassroots organizations such as numbersusa.com and fairus.org. We flood Congress with faxes
    and phone calls, and have the power to stop amnesties!

    Join our patriotic army!

  22. Donna says:

    If Amerikwa was a real nation, these mexcrement invaders would be hunted down like the dogs they are. Instead, we tolerate rule by the oligarchy who wants them here to drive down our wages and destroy our culture. Perhaps the only way to solve this problem is to get rid of the oligarchy first then we can deal with the immigrunts.

  23. James says:

    Its sooo sad to see my childhood neighborhood turn into a mexico here in Garland Tx, And cant find a school for my kids close by because of all the anchor baby’s crowding them.


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