The authorities in Colombia have revised the total of drugs seized in a haul on Monday from around 25 tonnes of cocaine to just over 13 tonnes.

Defence Minister Juan Manuel Santos had said on Monday the haul was the “biggest in the history of Colombia”. The confusion was blamed on errors made in the initial sight count of the drug.

A navy statement said that traffickers usually carry the drugs in packages weighing 20kg-25kg. However, when weighed, the packages in Monday’s haul were found to be considerably lighter. The final total was 13.2 tonnes.

Colombia is the world’s largest producer of cocaine, supplying 90% of the drug consumed in the US alone.

Of course, the haul was “lighter” by the time it reached the evidence lockup. It probably was “lightened” several times along the way.

  1. mark says:

    A spokesman for the DEA said, ” The US Coast Guard made a *sniff* simple error, *sniff*, theres no conspiracy, and we *sniff* deny any remours to that effect *sniff, honk*.

  2. Improbus says:

    Is anyone surprised by this? The police south of the border are more corrupt than our police. But that is only because they have had more practice. I am confident that our police will reach parity soon. Just look at the Atlanta police. Heck of a job guys!

  3. BubbaRay says:

    Perhaps they were going to use one of these — an eight outboard, 2,000 HP boat .

    “Ranging between 30ft and 60ft long and capable of producing 60 knots (about 70mph) at sea, they could out-run any pursuers.”

  4. Smartalix says:


    Any in the water, that is.

  5. BubbaRay says:

    #4, Alix, since most SAR and interdiction helicopters have a range of about 500 nm. (with no reserve), I’ll put my money on the boat. Would make for a cool movie chase scene, though.

  6. mark says:

    6. Bubba- I would think these boats are easily tracked by satellite, if they really wanted to stop it.

  7. Smartalix says:


    It depends on how bad they want you. What about outrunning the .50 on the chopper?

  8. BubbaRay says:

    #8, you got me there. But just finding a plastic boat with such a low profile is going to be tough. Wouldn’t you like to drive that boat, just once? What else has 8 throttles? The B52 comes to mind…

  9. BubbaRay says:

    #7, mark, wish I knew more about satellite surveillance and time availability, net search doesn’t turn up much. I suppose it’s possible. At 70 mph, a boat like that might be a target easy to find. I suppose the most visible would be the wake.

  10. Improbus says:

    Who needs a satellite? Doesn’t the US Navy have a sonar net? You shouldn’t have any problem hearing a boat with eight engines going 70 mph.

  11. Jess Hurchist says:

    Most and sundry…
    And you’d trust a drug dealer to measure out an honest 2 Keys?

  12. NappyHeadedHo says:

    #2, how can you say the cops south of the border are more corrupt than here in the states? I’ll defend our cops any day and say that they are much more corrupt. It sounds like you need a wood shampoo. Our cops definitely know how to open a can of whoop ass on a black driver. And cops here will be the first to tell you that the harder they hit a Hispanic, the more English they get out of them. Hell, I wanted to be a cop once but I decided to finish high school.


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