ABC News: $67 Million Lawsuit: Lawyer Sues Dry Cleaners for Lost Trousers — This is the sort of thing that gives lawyers a bad name. The excerpt does not do the story justice. You have to read the whole thing to appreciate it. It’s beyond ridiculous. Twilight Zone beyond.

A Washington, D.C., dry cleaners says its their business a long-time customer is taking to the cleaners. A $10 dry cleaning bill for a pair of lost trousers has ballooned into a $67 million civil lawsuit.

Watch Senior Law & Justice Unit correspondent Jim Avila’s report Wednesday on ‘Good Morning America.’

Plaintiff Roy Pearson — himself a local judge in Washington D.C — says in court papers that he’s been through the ringer over a lost pair of prized pants he wanted to wear on his first day on the bench. He says in court papers that he has endured “mental suffering, inconvenience and discomfort.”

He says he was unable to wear that favorite suit of his first day of work.

He’s suing for ten years of weekend car rentals so he can transport his dry cleaning to another store.

The lawsuit is based in large part on Pearson’s seemingly pained admission that he was taken in by the oldest and most insidious marketing tool in the dry cleaning industry arsenal.

“Satisfaction Guaranteed.”

found by Aric Mackey

  1. J. Sickler says:

    As you are undoubtedly aware, a $54 million lawsuit was recently brought in DC District Court against a small neighborhood drycleaners over a pair of alleged lost trousers. While the Court found resoundingly in favor of the business owners, Jin and Soo Chung, their ordeal is not yet over—they have drained their saving accounts contesting this frivolous lawsuit, and they have racked up over $100,000 in legal expenses.

    In order to help the Chungs defray their legal bills, ILR and the American Tort Reform Association are co-hosting a fundraiser on Tuesday evening, July 24 at 6 p.m. at the US Chamber Building in Washington, DC. Unfortunately, businesses large and small across America must deal every day with similar extortionist tactics from some plaintiffs’ lawyers. The collective outcome is not justice, but lost jobs, ruined businesses and billions of dollars in lost economic opportunity. Additional details, sponsorship opportunities and easy online registration are available at

  2. Kevin says:

    I can’t wait till God judges you and sends you to hell for being such a little faggot. You want to sue me now you little bitch! Cry bitch cry!Can you feel the heat?You will soon asshole!


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