Doll Face follows a machine’s struggle to construct its own identity. The machine with a doll face mimics images presented on a television screen and ultimately self-destructs from its inability to adopt a satisfactory visage. Created in its entirety by Andy Huang, Doll Face presents a visual account of desires misplaced and identities fractured by our technological extension into the future.

  1. John says:

    I’m not one to fawn over pretentious art house films, but I found this to be brilliantly made while making an important point about our society.

  2. Mark Derail says:

    If the face was changed to a particular female of current US politics . . .

    In Other News – polar ice is melting 3x faster than expected.

    So build your own soda car solar thermal heat generation system on the cheap.

    By absorbing excess solar radiation for your home, less will heat up about 1/1000th cm3 of polar ice.

    Every little bit counts 😉

  3. hhopper says:

    Incredibly well done.

  4. Miguel says:

    Amazing depiction of what actually happens every day to thousands of our young girls.

    At the same time, it gives me hope in the future, seeing so much talent and intelligence in a young artist! Great, great work!

  5. John Paradox says:

    I miss finding things like this on Eye Drops.

    Another reason to hate G4.



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