1. st1100pilot says:

    Mr. T! GenX’s hero!

  2. Squiggy says:

    Shouldn’t that be “Generation T”?

  3. Dr.Funbags says:

    I showed this video to the guy in the cubicle next to me – at the end he chuckled and said “Ohh Snickers….” – he didn’t even recognize the T!!! He is 21 and seriously didn’t know who Mr T. was – I and a few of the other guys in the office laughed at him but deep down we were crushed to know that Time keeps on slipping, slipping, slipping into the future.

  4. Aaron says:

    “Get some nuts!”? What the hell! I never thought I’d hear that Mr. T is Gay!

  5. mark says:

    The man doesnt age, but he does get old.

  6. JoaoPT says:

    #3 The correct quote is:

    “What Fassbinder film is it?
    The one armed man comes into the flower shop and says:
    -What flower expresses: days go by. And they just keep going by endlessly… pulling you into the future… days go by… endlessly…
    endlessly pulling you…into the future.-
    And the florist says:
    -White Lilly?-”

    Laurie Anderson

    PS. Mr. T and the A team… never really get them… too old when they came on TV… recently they had a rerun…couldn’t belive my eyes: what a crap show….

  7. John Paradox says:

    The A-Team. 50,000 shots fired (per show) and not ONE wound (with a few exceptions). I didn’t watch it until I overheard the open “locked in a maximum security prison, they immediately escaped”.
    Tongue was firmly emplanted in cheek.


  8. hhopper says:

    How much fun is it to run over stuff with tanks.

  9. BubbaRay says:

    Let’s see Mr. T drive out of this one !!


  10. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #3 – I and a few of the other guys in the office laughed at him but deep down we were crushed to know that Time keeps on slipping, slipping, slipping into the future.

    Sorry dude… I just don’t know who Steve Miller is, so that reference is lost on me.

  11. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #6 – “What Fassbinder film is it?
    The one armed man comes into the flower shop and says:
    -What flower expresses: days go by. And they just keep going by endlessly… pulling you into the future… days go by… endlessly…
    endlessly pulling you…into the future.-
    And the florist says:
    -White Lilly?-”

    Laurie Anderson

    I cannot even begin to understand what you are saying. Perhaps Language is a Virus…

  12. JoaoPT says:

    from outer space


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