Recent advances in epidemiologic and experimental knowledge have transformed many of the negative health myths about coffee drinking into validated health benefits.
Coffee is among the most widely consumed beverages in the world, and Dr. James Coughlin says that the preponderance of scientific evidence – suggests that moderate coffee consumption (3-5 cups per day) may be associated with reduced risk of certain disease conditions, such as Parkinson’s disease. Some research in neuropharamacology suggests that one cup of coffee can halve the risk of Parkinson’s disease. Other studies have found it reduces the risk of Alzheimer’s disease, kidney stones, gallstones, depression and even suicide.
Dr. Lenore Arab, a nutritional epidemiologist, notes that the first coffee controversy dates back 430 years when in 1570 some monks petitioned the pope to condemn this drink, so popular among Muslims. Pope Clement VIII, liking how it kept the monks from falling sleep during mass, purportedly blessed it instead. The rest, including the United States’ wholesale conversion to coffee following the Boston Tea Party, is history.
Boston bean, soy bean
Lima bean, string bean.
You know that I’m not keen for a bean
Unless it is a cheery coffee bean.
As a java lover, thanks for sharing these studies! Watching my grandparents drinking coffee and hiking in their 90’s, I am not surprised! In moderation, drinking coffee has also been associated with a lower risk of liver cancer (regular coffee), and rectal cancer (decaf). Thanks!
Lynne Eldridge M.D.
Author, “Avoiding Cancer One Day At A Time”
I don’t care how many years it adds to or subtracts from my life.
Yay for chemical dependence!
double double caramel triple whip lattes probably don’t do anyone much good
1. Hey Doc, is that like a choice? If so, I’ll take Liver Cancer for 100. Besides, decaf? Whats the point. Like non-alcoholic beer.
I’ve been buying cold brewed liquid coffee concentrate lately. It’s really good. Most restaurants now are using the coffee concentrate machines that keep the concentrate refrigerated and can make a single fresh cup of coffee on demand. It’s less acidic and very smooth.
Love the Java, sorry can’t type anymore got go!
My Grandmother used to give me coffee with loads of cream when I was like 6…..my Mother would have a fit, but Grandma said it was good for me…..guess she was right after all.