Douglas Adams reads a section from one of his Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy books.

  1. Aden says:

    we miss you Douglas… it’s a sad place without you here.

  2. Tsee says:

    Bravo, Douglas, we all so miss your wit. Bravo, Richard, for daring to speak against illogical ideas and for being intelligent enough to be coherent.

  3. Michael says:

    So, you object to Dawkins ridicule of irrational beliefs. Suppose I were to have a devout belief in the Man on the Moon who mines cheese and sends it to us in convenient, individually wrapped packages? You’d ridicule my beliefs, and rightly so.

    Every scientific fact and metaphysical philosophy in the world is subject to scrutiny except religion. People take great exception to having their beliefs questioned. Dawkins knows this and pokes at it to demonstrate how people assign a special protected status to religions that it just does not deserve.

    Someone doesn’t agree with you, and is telling you in such a way that you have no doubt why. Poor you. Get over it and move on. If you insist on maintaining your faith in a belief system that has no verifiable data to back it up, that’s your own lookout. Just don’t expect someone else to respect it just because you believe it.

    “We despise all reverences and all the objects of reverence which are outside the pale of our own list of sacred things. And yet, with strange inconsistency, we are shocked when other people despise and defile the things which are holy to us.” -Mark Twain

  4. graeme stuart says:

    “Someone doesn’t agree with you, and is telling you in such a way that you have no doubt why. Poor you. Get over it and move on. If you insist on maintaining your faith in a belief system that has no verifiable data to back it up, that’s your own lookout. Just don’t expect someone else to respect it just because you believe it.”

    Michael, I have not read where anyone has said that ‘others’ should expect someone else to respect (their views)… The point made is at the heart of any humanitarian argument: one doesn’t have to understand or respect the views of others; however, mockery is a negative contribution to growth in our evolving society and always will be.


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