Someone is going to eventually date this girl too. Can you imagine?!?!
Religion: Scary People Dept.
By hhopper Monday April 30, 2007
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Now there’s an un-repressed, repressed hysteric if I ever saw one.
I bet she is awesome in bed.
And people attacked George Carlin when he said religion is a mental illness.
2… Nope. Virgin.
The guy next to her is too high to know where he is.
Can we get some context for this? I assume by the sign with the word abortion on it that these are abortion protesters. What was that female screaming? I really couldn’t understand it. What ever that was it was uncomfortable to watch.
Virgin or not a screamer is a wild time.
Even when they flap their arms like a chicken?
I’m assuming that kid is holding a BIble, which would make her pro-choice.
She’s making all of us look bad.
What is awesome about this post, is that all the normal people in the video are Christians protesting abortion. That woman is a pro-choice lady trying to mock them.
I think both for the original poster with his pithy headline, and the wack job in the video you should read Proverbs 21:24 “The proud and arrogant man-“Mocker” is his name; he behaves with overweening pride.”
I cant wait for interplanetary cruise ships so we can send these religious nutjobs to some place far, far away.
Jason, you should read Archie Comics #21 : 24, “Mr. Weatherbee is his name; he sentences Jughead to detention.” Really makes you think.
You can’t watch it just once. Cripes! And Jason, get over yourself. This woman is a nutjob whichever side she is on. So we shouldn’t point this out because it has to do with overweening pride? Golly, thanks for the advice Mr. High Horse. Get back to that Bible reading. You need to review it a bit more methinks.
The one in green holding the sign needs to run a razor under her armpits..
I was pretty much neutral on abortion, now I am definitely pro.
Anyone think these 2 actually look good together? It kind of sounds like a good premise for a comedy movie starring the skinny actor from Road trip and hmmmm whos the best actress who looks like this girl?
Whatever… some people ought to get out more…
Another charming illustration of how, no matter whether pro or con, increased proximity to an extreme position correlates negatively with sanity… 😀
Did you read the sign?
“Sodomy prevents abortion”
The more I watch it (because its damn funny) the more I wonder if these gals (all 3) are there to mock the religious protesters. The 2 pregger ones seem like granola eating lesbians (going by the rainbow on the sign) and are having a good hoot. They seem to be cracking up at their friend’s antics.
Yeah, this is definitely 3 chicks protesting the protesters…notice the one flips the sign…probably from something anti-abortion to the “Sodomy Prevents Abortion” message. Meanwhile their friend is screaming in the face of the poor Christian who is clutching his bible and praying to the lord to save him from the crazed lesbians.
Reminds me of a group of liberals that visited my cube in 1980 to tell me how stupid my Christianity was. When they failed with me, they went to a Catholic woman’s cube to try again. Computer Power, Jacksonville, FL.
Make sure they save a seat for Jason and Timbo!!
I am well acquainted with overzealous, over-emotional Christians. Those are my peeps! But she is not one of us. She is definitely trying to rattle that kid with the Bible, who is trying to shut her out.
Try again, John…
John, get over
I’m not saying you shouldn’t post this sort of thing. I’ve had a good laugh at the video. But to put the headline in saying Religion: Scary People Department, is to insinuate that it’s people that believe in regligion that are the scary people. When the wack job screamer is screaming AT the religious people, making her most likely a person more in your mindset. How about we change the headline to Anti-Religious: Scary People Department
Dvorak says “So we shouldn’t point this out because it has to do with overweening pride? Golly, thanks for the advice Mr. High Horse. Get back to that Bible reading. You need to review it a bit more methinks.” With a quote like that no wonder you are so anti-religion, when you cannot even read one scripture and not understand it. I posted it obviously as a reference to the headline mocking religion (as well as the rapture banner) and the screamer, who is most likely trying to mock the pro-life protester.
Using the scripture doesn’t even really say don’t do it. It’s just calling you out. The reason you mock is your pride. You take pride in knowing more then “the religious nutjobs” So in your mind realy you should equate that to a compliment. But for some reason it’s getting under your skin and you want me to get off the High Horse.
You don’t think Rush Limbaugh is the same way with the way he mocks liberals? Proud and arrogant in his attacks?
Don’t you think I’m being proud and arrogant mocker myself using that scripture. How ironic.
Oh and by the way someone needs to make a loop of the screamer when she does the hand wings, and add in the music to they hymn “I’ll Fly Away”
One bright morning, when this life is o’er I’ll fly away, To that home on God’s celestial shore I’ll fly away.
#24 – Well… If it came from the Bible… It is false.
But that’s beside the point. You said…
” When the wack job screamer is screaming AT the religious people, making her most likely a person more in your mindset.
Whatever you think of John’s cantankerous mindset, what makes you so sure the screamer isn’t also religious? Because she’s screaming at the bible thumping yet introverted whack job? How do you now she doesn’t practice a religion other than the born again automoton Jesus clone style of Christianity?
You people think everyone that isn’t in you little cabal of glaze-eyed nutballs is an atheist… You might want to quite being so egocentric. Not only is it perfectly rational to be pro-choice (not to mention essential for the survival of the species) it is also possible to be pro-choice and religious.
Not that I know of any reason why one would want to be religious… unless maybe there are good tax breaks… or maybe Bible girls put out… it’s hard to say…
Whatever, it is hilarious.
I agree with John – protesting the protesters. Sorry, JCD, but the reason it appears that you missed the point has to do with the title of the post. Jason’s response shows that. And let’s face it, most of the board moderators are anything but Christian sympathizers. So while Jason’s response seems high-horsed, really it isn’t. The post is designed to allow misrepresentation on all sides; a social version of your “provoke the Mac zealots” posts. Really, shame on you.
I like the sodomy sign – but do girls really let you do this nowadays? Doubt it! ; )
That crazy woman should have punched that stupid xtian in the head! LOL
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