Someone is going to eventually date this girl too. Can you imagine?!?!

  1. John says:

    Jason – I think you just helped prove John’s point. You took a humorous video and used it as an excuse to scream at him. Why do people find it so hard to laugh?

  2. Jason says:

    You took a humorous video and used it as an excuse to scream at him

    LMAO. Wow just wow. ha ha ha ha ha. Good one.

    You guys talk about Christians not being able to take critisim. Take a good look in the mirror.

  3. Brian says:


    perhaps you should instead look in that mirror first buddy.

    Religious wackjobs (talk about a redudant statement) are the first ones to get their shorts in a twist whenever you attack their fairy tales, oops I mean bible.

  4. Jason says:

    Religious wackjobs (talk about a redudant statement) are the first ones to get their shorts in a twist whenever you attack their fairy tales, oops I mean bible.

    You are right. Although if Christians believe the Bible is the “Word of God” then you cannot blame someone for wanting to defend their beliefs. And if Christians are first in line, then technology geeks sure are right behind them. Attack a Mac/Linux/Bluray/Nintendo believer and watch the fireworks fly.

    LOL at least I can see why the Christians would argue to the death. Not realy sure why someone who supports a specific High Definition disc brand would.

    You all know that technology geeks/nerds seem to have a superiority complex. Most think they know what is “BEST” when it comes to technology. I mean come on listen to Dvorak on TWIT, he always thinks he is right. It’s why he is so popular though he takes the cranky know it all to an entertaining level. I know many, many Dvoraks.

    It’s why I find it funny on this site, which I come to for great tech news, to find them constantly bashing Christians. After awhile it gets old, and makes me want to post something, like I did in this thread. But then it’s OMG YOU CANNOT SAY ANYTHING WITHOUT THE CHRISTIANS GOING NUTJOB ON US. LOL I’ve read pleanty of Christian bashing on this site, and think only one other time have I ever said anything.

  5. Jason says:

    by the way just to clarify. I did not use geek and nerd in a condensending way above. I refer to myself as a geek all the time. I know others like to go by nerd, so whatever.

  6. Danijel says:

    LOL at least I can see why the Christians would argue to the death. Not realy sure why someone who supports a specific High Definition disc brand would.

    Well you have to understand that most of the people on this site can hardly understand why you would argue to death about a book of fairytales. At least the discs are real…

    And if you don’t like the moderator of this website or the brilliant shows he does, then go somewhere else unless you have a constructive argument to share with others…

  7. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #34 – You are right. Although if Christians believe the Bible is the “Word of God” then you cannot blame someone for wanting to defend their beliefs.

    I don’t care if Christians defend their beliefs. I don’t care if they all go to church and pray for us heathen’s souls. I don’t care if they all line up and drink poisoned Kool-Aid.

    But ever since the God-Squad learned that the secret to politics is to act locally, our way of life has been under attack. Our civil liberties are in danger. It isn’t just bullshit like creationism in the classroom. These whackjobs envision a theocracy from the ground up.

    We all need to fight to marginalize Xianity, and render it inert to defend our American way of life. This I’ll tell you… If they ever succeed, and I wake up to find myself an enemy of the state because I have chosen the path of rational and logical thinking over the fairy tales of religion, I will abandon my non-violent philosphy… and I imagine I will not be alone.

  8. Noname says:

    Looks like #34 Jason made some good points, points that are getting under #36 Danijel skin. #34 Jason’s points are fair points.

    Many Atheist I know are not very empirically driven, overly opinionated and very in your face Self Righteous people. Stalin was a Atheist along with other notables.

    Here it seems, they are justifying themselves by coyly repainting a Wacked out Screaming Pro Death activist as a screaming Pro Lifer.

    You know ideas are penetrating, when that person is basically saying stop and go away, “go somewhere else”.

    I have to say, I put people who regurgitate the stale argument “go somewhere else”, in the same hateful pantheon as those who say “go back to Africa”

    Those people think and argue the same.

  9. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #38 – What do you mean, “Pro Death”?

  10. boomer says:

    #39, not to put words in NoName’s mouth, but I consider someone pro-death who advocates killing.

    in this case poster is probably referring to killing an unborn human fetus.

    There is pro-death capital punishment, euthanaisa, nutjob suicide bombers, war-mongers, etc. also.

    my $.02

  11. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #40 – And so I must ask… WHO is advocating the killing of fetuses?

    By the way… You call all stop saying “unborn fetus” because is fetus is by definition unborn… Were it born, we’d call it an infant.

  12. Greg Allen says:

    I can’t play the video but I’ve seen plenty of wild stuff in church.

    My theory is that this style of worship provides a cathartic experience similar to what you might see in — let’s say — some primitive tribal dances. Or, for secular people, the crazed dancing at a rave or spinning at a Dead concert. Some people just need to let ‘er rip now-and-again.

    These seemingly strange people might act perfectly normal in the work place.

  13. JasonB says:

    So we have a video of a Pro-Life demonstration with a young man holding a Bible quietly praying. Around him is a group of Pro-Abortion ladies going nuts.

    For some reason the title of the post implies that Religious people are scary. When it is pointed out that the title of the post is wrong everyone blasts the Christian guy for being intolerant and JCD himself pines in to join the tirade against Christians.

    Talk about tolerance! Takes more balls to be a Christian than not to – especially around here!

  14. Mr. Fusion says:

    #34, Jason,
    And if Christians are first in line, then technology geeks sure are right behind them. Attack a Mac/Linux/Bluray/Nintendo believer and watch the fireworks fly.

    Not quite true.

    Your Mac/Linux/Bluray/Nintendo believers / supporters have something concrete to base their opinions on. Something they can touch. Something they can turn on. Something they can make a qualified judgment upon. Something they can use to back up their argument of superiority.

    Your Bible is a book. The stories inside are just stories. Your religion, like all religions, is a concept. You can’t prove in any way shape or manner ANY religion let alone its superiority. The sole exception to this is the Flying Spaghetti Monster. It is unnecessary to validate his Noodleness.

  15. boomer says:

    #41, I believe the definition of abortion is killing a fetus/baby/whatevernamemakesyoufeelbetter

    I used the word fetus, because that’s what the pro-abortion folks call babies before they are born. I believe the constitution refers to most humans as “people” and unborn children as “posterity”.

    in # 38 noname said >

    You asked for the definition of “pro-death”, I provided mine.

    I’m personally against it.

    my $.02 – boomer

  16. TheGlobalWarmer says:

    #41 – If a fetus is born – you call it a Packer fan…..

  17. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #45 – Well… There ya go…

    There is no such thing as a pro-death or pro-abortion position. There is only pro-choice and the interestly named pro-life.

    You people attribute those names to us because you want to paint us as savages with a bloodlust for killing babies, but as a member of the rational side of the debate, no one on either side wants anyone to get an abortion, but our side isn’t blinded by faith and isn’t willing to impose our values concerning reproductive rights on anyone else…

    … nor are we willing to impose our judgement on medical professionals.

  18. Greg Allen says:

    I’m on broadband and can see the video:

    C’mon you guys! Don’t be bigots.

    What she is doing is no weirder than what you’ll see at any major sport event or rock music concert. Objectively speaking, it’s about the same thing.

    I stand by my position: “letting ‘er rip” is a basic human need. So what if some do it in church? Or a sports arena? Or a rave? Or wherever? It’s all the same.

  19. BenSSS says:

    The pursuit of truth is more important than any
    religion. People don’t care about truth, they don’t care about morals or ethics, they only care about how they feel. Or what they perceive. Other people are not response-able for your perceptions though they may be held liable for them to whatever extent.


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