I believe this is used in training courses given to all newly elected politicians and bureaucrats.
Found by Connie.
By Uncle Dave Sunday April 29, 2007
I believe this is used in training courses given to all newly elected politicians and bureaucrats.
Found by Connie.
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This logic is employed in all government programs. Look at AmTrak, NASA, and Welfare (all Welfare). Pure capitalism is the only medium with the capacity to eliminate waste.
Oh douglass, you must be an admirable example of government schools. Just believe what your taught, instead of being taught how to think and observe.
You find more egregious examples of societies that are worse off than ours and you deduce it is because they don’t have the government we have?
I know milk doesn’t come from grocery stores nor does it come from government.
Of course, if your post is satire I apologize.
Thats awesome.
Actually, I think douglass is right, in principle. The problem is that our government is no longer what the founding fathers set up. It has been corrupted over the generations to rig it for the friends of those in power to unfairly aggrandize themselves at the expense of the rest of us. If we could strip the federal government down to what it it was designed to be — ONLY handling foreign affairs, interstate activities, doing projects too big for individual states or companies (eg, space program, certain research projects, etc) and ensuring the rights of the people — then we could get back to what the founding fathers had in mind.
#1, OK, let’s look at Amtrack. the railroad companies got out of the business because they couldn’t make money and didn’t want to compete against the airline industry. Transportation is a government responsibility and necessary to the infrastructure of the country, so guess what, the government took it over. Is Amtrack perfect? Of course not, especially since the Republicans took over the White House.
NASA has been a great success story. So many NASA innovations have found their way into our every day lives. IS SASA perfect? Of course not, but when you work on the edges of science failures happen. When you throw in political interference then there will be problems.
Welfare? I don’t know what you mean. Would that be the tax relief given large companies to not contribute to the country? Would welfare be the huge grants for research and development that never happens? Could your version of welfare be the ignoring of laws by companies and the wealthy, simply because the federal government doesn’t want to prosecute?
Pure Capitalism? What is that? Does it include theft? Does it mean companies will build their own infrastructure to deliver their goods to market? Who would back the monetary exchange? Who would enforce agreements and contracts? I know these are such difficult questions and your stock answer will be to call me a commie or something. But, FYI, pure any political system is impossible.
Challenge you to come up with an example that’s better
This country before Lincoln, FDR, LBJ and W.
Grow up
I don’t need the nanny state.
Comment by BgScryAnml — 4/29/2007 @ 7:50 am
My grandpa told me stories of how he collected a paycheck for a few bucks a week and there were no deductions. No SS, no income tax. Seems like the USA did fairly well back then. How many aides did Senators have? Maybe 1. Then along comes world war. Seems like a total downslide since, but I agree with some earlier posts, if you want to live somewhere else, just move. I don’t need the nanny state either and I don’t get SS.
I bet your grandma was able to stay home and help raise the family. I know both of mine did. Now if you want to find the women, they’re earning a paycheck along with the men. It’s the children that pay the price, look at modern education. Kids knew more in the 8th grade back in the good ole days then most college graduates do today.
Glad you don’t get SS. I don’t get it or pay into it. I don’t pay income taxes either. With no SS number the IRS will not process the return.
My grandmother lost her husband at the height of the depression, in 1932. She went on welfare after spending a year in the state mental hospital. She eventually raised five children who went on to become very successful in all of their endeavors, one was the director of a well known oil and gas company. She voted democrat for the rest of her life, because she knew that she could not have made it without help at a very difficult time in her life. Her sons all benefited from the G.I. bill (another example of govt. welfare) that help them get an education. They bought houses with govt. backed loans, and that helped grow the economy. Two started with union jobs that allowed them to have security and a good wage.
Whenever conservatives try to imply that things were better back in the old days, I just say, do you mean in the twenties when there were rich and poor and not much in between, or do you mean in the fifties when things were booming because we had successfully created a middle class by acknowledging that the government had an important part to play in people’s lives?
The issue is about bureaucracies and the way they control how and what gets done in government. Any change has to be incremental at best since the bureaucrat will resist anything that substantially changes what they do. Courageous Bureaucrat is the biggest oxymoron there is in government.
See what happens when you try to convert to the metric system?
By the way… Ma and Pa Kettle look like typical high school graduates these days… it’s exactly this situation that makes most teachers oppose standardized testing; it’s too embarrassing for the teachers.
#12 I understand what you grandmother endured. There are similar horror stories in my family. But family, community and church did more for the people in this era that the federal government.
the fifties when things were booming because we had successfully created a middle class by acknowledging that the government had an important part to play in people’s lives
Just how did government do this? Let me guess, the New Deal programs in conjunction with war spending!
The Federal Reserve, not capitalism, caused the Great Depression as a result of laissez-faire in the 1920’s. The New Deal made the Depression worse, just who do you thing destroyed all those crops. Is anyone on this site trying to tell me that war is good for anything, including the economy.
douglass truth Too bad that the gangsters and crooks and thugs trying to run things now use such simpletons as you to help them “bleed the beast” – the strategy is to de-fund the goverment, and then use the results as proof that “government doesn’t work.”
BgScryAnml The gangsters, crooks and thugs you mention use the government to maintain their control.
I site the RIAA story posted today to make my point.
Just how would MORE government funding help this situation?
John @#$$@#$@##$ Stupid HTML doesn’t work!
[Uncle Dave: Fixed, I think]
Bottom line, we live in a democracy where people set the tenor of the government.
Is that what the Founding Fathers gave us, a democracy. NO!!! They gave us a Republic! It was FDR that gave us a democracy.
People don’t set the tenor of the government, special interest sets the tenor. In a democracy, money makes the world go round.
The sad part is our “CITIZEN DEMOCRACY/REPUBLIC” depends on an a educated and uppity citizens. I don’t see that anymore!
You will see it again in a few years, after the recession/depression hits and hangs around for 10 to 12 years. Perhaps we will see the kind of Revolution of which Jefferson spoke. Lord knows it time.
Thanks for the HTML fix Uncle Dave. 🙂