Rose Morat, 101 years young

The city’s most notorious mugging suspect – a man whose image was captured on a security video as he assaulted a 101-year-old grandmother leaving her Queens home for church – was charged late Friday night in that attack as well as two others, police said.

Jack Rhodes, 44, was charged with robbery as a hate crime, as well as burglary, second-degree assault and grand larceny in the March 4 attacks on Rose Morat of Jamaica Estates and Solange Elizee, 85, of Jamaica.

The attack on Morat made headlines worldwide when police released video footage from a security camera that shows her being pummeled by a man inside her building. Just a half-hour later, the same man was believed to have struck again, beating Elizee inside her Jamaica apartment, punching her in the face, police said.

“If it’s the right man, it’s wonderful,” Morat said at her home.

I prefer to show a photo of a courageous woman – than one of the thug who attacked her.

  1. moss says:

    Like many reasonable people with a perception of what may be accomplished at rehabbing alcoholics and junkies – sometimes – it’s worth supporting programs to sort out a thug like Rhodes.

    In prison. Keeping him from attacking ordinary citizens trying to live their own lives. Until he straightens out – throw away the key!

  2. joshua says:

    Being against the death penalty makes it hard sometimes for me to put into action my criminal punishment plan…..which is let the punishment fit the crime. Sometimes there is something to be said for the old punishment as revenge arguement. This is just one case of that……allow 40 or 50 old ladies beat the crap out of this piece of shit with their walkers and canes for about 2 hours then lock him up for life.

  3. Paul says:

    Where’s Andy Sipowicz when you need him?

  4. Craig says:

    Why’d he go after her, he was afraid that 80-year-old women would kick his ass?

  5. TJGeezer says:

    I was curious enough to google “Jack Rhoades, 44” for an image, but didn’t find any. Can’t even say why I was that curious – rubber-necking at a train wreck, maybe.

    I’d also be interested in this guy’s background. Where I lived before, a 14-year-old kid pushed over a 96-year-old man in order to steal $2 and people were outraged. This guy is 44?

    How does a scorpion like that even manage to reach adulthood without someone stepping on him? There’s another story in here somewhere.

    Glad his victims are okay. Wouldn’t want to be this guy’s defense attorney. I bet Rhodes becomes a target himself, once they get him into prison.

  6. mikecannali says:

    They can put the electricity to execute this punk on my bill.
    Better yet, is there an extra cell in Guantanimo?

  7. tallwookie says:

    how can robbery be a hate crime? – i was under the impression it is a economic crime


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