
On one hand, a mind-controlled Light Saber is too dorky for words. On the other hand, to play Jedi with a toy that you have to focus your mind to use is Geek Chic. I would imagine that the comfort level playing with this thng would be a three-dimensional matrix of age, sex (not male or female, but if the user gets laid or not), and love of Star Wars.

A convincing twin of Darth Vader stalks the beige cubicles of a Silicon Valley office, complete with ominous black mask, cape and light saber. But this is no chintzy Halloween costume. It’s a prototype, years in the making, of a toy that incorporates brain wave-reading technology.

Behind the mask is a sensor that touches the user’s forehead and reads the brain’s electrical signals, then sends them to a wireless receiver inside the saber, which lights up when the user is concentrating. The player maintains focus by channeling thoughts on any fixed mental image, or thinking specifically about keeping the light sword on. When the mind wanders, the wand goes dark.

The really cool things will be the mind-operated hacks that will come from this.

  1. AdmFubar says:

    and if you are having trouble getting your saber on there is a little blue pill to help…

  2. JFStan says:

    “If you strike me down, I shall become more powerful than you can possibly.. Oh look, a penny!”

    bzzzaaappp!! (empty cloak falls to the floor)

    -Ben Kenobi demonstrating the new “concentration powered” lightsaber.

  3. huh? says:

    this will help a lot of people out by concentrating on how they’ll move out of their parents’ basement. now that’s using the force!

  4. Angel H. Wong says:

    It’s a glowing dildo that senses when will a woman’s vagina tense up. I bet it’s going to be as popular for the girls just like the Harry Potter’s Nimbus 2000 vibrating broom.

  5. Angel H. Wong says:

    “I would imagine that the comfort level playing with this thng would be a three-dimensional matrix of age, sex (not male or female, but if the user gets laid or not), and love of Star Wars.”

    Alix, Alix, Alix…

    The problem with Gay SW fans is that they are many times cheesier than the str8t ones because they don’t have to pretend to be normal ppl in order to try to get laid, since they can always find another gay SW fan who would like to do it in a Jedi uniform..

  6. vato loco from la says:

    if the toys read your mind you can fiend out if your a pervert and you got two thing to do call the local police department or your local hooker or save money and go to tijuana


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