Slaughter — Horror at Sony’s depraved promotion stunt with decapitated goat | the Daily Mail — This company is losing its grip on everything. This needs to become a column sooner than later. Also interesting — when you see the picture shown in the Daily Mail — the girl walking around the dead goat is clearly topless and the Mail painted on a top for her. Has Sony been taken over by pagans?

Electronics giant Sony has sparked a major row over animal cruelty and the ethics of the computer industry by using a freshly slaughtered goat to promote a violent video game.

The corpse of the decapitated animal was the centrepiece of a party to celebrate the launch of the God Of War II game for the company’s PlayStation 2 console.

Guests at the event were even invited to reach inside the goat’s still-warm carcass to eat offal from its stomach.

Sickening images of the party have appeared in the company’s official PlayStation magazine – but after being contacted by The Mail on Sunday, Sony issued an apology for the gruesome stunt and promised to recall the entire print run.

found by Edward Casati

  1. doug says:

    “What purported to be warm intestines was actually warm offal.”

    Well, that’s a relief.

    Think of what the anti-gaming crowd could do with this!

    If we wind up with censorship of video games, it is going to be the fault of companies like Sony who go over-the-top in explicitly promoting them as bloodbaths.

    That company has gone off the rails.

  2. sheli says:

    What about the abuse of the poor people in Iran / Iraq / Darfur whose oil is utilized to manufacture the Sony electronics in the first place.
    The welfare and safety of these people is being ignored all for the sake of the supply of the raw mateial of oil and petroleum for the manufacture of these products by major powers.

  3. huh? says:

    2, how are you doing your part?

  4. Gary says:


    That’s a stretch.

  5. BubbaRay says:

    For the PR idiot who dreamed up this nightmare: I wonder if they’ll print pictures of the poor scapegoat’s beheading?

    Sorry for the pun.

  6. 2ManuBlues says:

    Surely this can’t be real?? Hope it is though. Sony sucks…

  7. ChrisMac says:

    Nice try Sony..

    I almost wanted to stop slaggin’ ya for a second..

    Quite honestly.. This seems to be their smartest moves as of late.

  8. Jägermeister says:

    Not surprised… knowing that the Japanese are still slaughtering dolphins (the Futo video is graphic… 😛 ) and whales.

  9. Mike says:

    #10, yeah, who knew you had to kill a dolphin before you could eat it.

  10. Miguel says:

    Well, it’s not only the Daily Mail, it’s all over the net by now.

    And it’s not a matter what the anti-gaming crowd COULD do with this, it’s what they WILL do with this. Most of these people can be called self-righteous, but this stunt was very much over the top. Most ‘normal’ people don’t like seeing dead animals, or animals being killed, even though we eat them.

    What’s happening to Sony?

  11. BobH says:

    If Sony is wise, the person who dreamed this up will likely be “fired” with a handsome parting gift and a secured position at an associate company.

    The goal was to get the message out to people who play guts & gore games that a new level of vicarious violence was available. This stunt worked or no one would be writing about it.

    Is it gross and offensive? Less so than images from Iraq and Darfur and equaled by the exploitation of a slaughterhouse in the film “Fast Food Nation”.

  12. Greymoon says:

    Question: Why does Sony continually shoot itself in the foot?
    Answer: Because they can.

  13. jsforbes says:

    If you have ever played the game in question (God of War 2) this isn’t such a bad promotion.

  14. TJGeezer says:

    Now they’ll get PETA to provide them with an unending stream of free publicity, and the adolescents the promotion was aimed at will love the fact that it’s eeeeeeeevillllllll. And a small black market will develop for unrecalled copies of the magazine, which is still more buzz.

    It’s like the “New Coke” promotion – a gazilion tons of free publicity and, for just long enough, they didn’t market original coke. When they brought back “Classic” Coke they had switched from cane sugar to corn sugar and nobody noticed the change in taste. My then-12-year-old son had nothing but contempt for “New Coke” and enthusiasm for “Classic Coke.”

    Sometimes a publicity “fiasco” does exactly what was intended.

  15. JO says:

    I think the woman is actually topless, but has body paint on her breasts. You can see her nipples still, which photoshopping would probably cover, and she also has the same paint around her eyes, which wouldn’t make sense to photoshop.

  16. hhopper says:

    Geez. Once upon a time, I used to actually like Sony.

  17. tcc3 says:

    TJ, didn’t you suggest that same urban legend last week?

  18. Angel H. Wong says:

    What a decadent party. Did Paris Hilton ate the goat’s penis?

  19. TJGeezer says:

    20 – Maybe. Dunno. Pertinent to this buzz-generating publicty stunt, though.

  20. Canadian Guy says:

    All I can say about that is WOW!!! (and not in a good way)


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