As with real estate, location, location, location.

  1. noname says:

    hmm, I don’t get it.

  2. Paul says:

    404 is an HTTP error message, “Not Found”

  3. Billabong says:

    A joke is bad when it has to be explained to 90 per cent of the readers.I didn’t get it.

  4. tkane says:

    I was going to say ‘funny!!’, but if you’re the only one in the room laughing…. cripes.

  5. John Paradox says:

    You know you’re a geek if

    you get the joke right away.


  6. lakelady says:

    The location is brilliant. It got it posted for free here, and I imagine lots of other places, and we’re all talking about it. As they say there’s no such thing as bad publicity. Pure genius.

  7. tallwookie says:

    #3 – yeah I agree – I saw it on digg via flickr yesterday, and it took a bit to figure it out

  8. mark says:

    5. At least THATS funny.

  9. Bruce IV says:

    Took me a second, but yeah, like JP says, you know you’re a geek if you get it right away. 404 Not Found … lol

  10. ECA says:

    Umm, CLOSE….
    thats ALSO a corner slot in the park, and the 404 is the range to HOME plate in feet.
    Being that its ALSO 404, is extra.

  11. Esteban says:

    I got it right away, but I didn’t think it was very funny.

    Does that still make me a geek?

  12. JimR says:

    It would have made more sense if the 404 was BEFORE the Yahoo logo… and possibly preceded by a company called “Air Wear”

    … Air Wear 404: Yahoo!

  13. Billabong says:

    #11 it means you’re a geek without a sense of humour. A very common trait in the corporate world.

  14. Robbie says:

    I guess this really isn’t 1998…people just don’t get 404 errors much anymore. Most websites actually incorporate a “Page Not Found” message without any mention of 404, but there are good classic sites like Google that display their own message, but still call it a 404 message.

  15. Guy says:


  16. I thought it was funny immediately.

  17. hey this joke is damn funny

  18. Dale Huber says:

    Thank god I didn’t get it at first. The winner of the biggest geek here is ECA #10 “a corner slot in park”. Jeez get away from your computer and go outside for a change, or at least watch some sports on tv. “A corner slot” (who calls it that) would be “down the line” and there is no way that is over 400 feet. The sign is in deep left center at AT&T Park.

  19. Mark Derail says:

    Geez, for all of you’s that didn’t get it, read this :

    That, and many other great 404 pages at :

    FWIW, 405 Server Error is much scarier, especially when it’s your server and you just did a program update.

  20. B. Dog says:

    Nobody promotes like Sony.

  21. MikeN says:

    The joke is hard to get. This is at a baseball stadium, and Yahoo’s sign is next to the number 404. This means the TV audience is very unlikely to see the ad because it’s 404 feet away from home plate, and it won’t be readable on screen. The only time it will be seen is if there’s a home run over there which is very unlikely since the vast majority of home runs are 360 feet and below.

  22. Yeah I Said it says:

    WTF is #12 talking about?


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