Aussies scared to death of this guy. Why?

Snoop Dogg denied Aussie visa – National – — What kind of crap is this? Is the guy a revolutionary? Or is this some political BS done at a high level? It stinks. While I’m not a fan of this character there is something fishy about this.

US rapper Snoop Dogg is being denied entry to Australia after failing a character test, the federal government says. The cancellation of the rapper, record producer and actor’s visa means he will not be able to appear at the MTV Australian Video Music Awards this weekend, as planned.

But this afternoon, MTV put out a defiant statement saying that they are cooperating with immigration officials after the cancellation of Snoop’s visa, but hope he will still be allowed in to perform at this year’s MTV Video Music Awards.

found by Craig jones

  1. TheGlobalWarmer says:

    I don’t have a problem with this – the guy’s a known criminal.


    # Other Known Disturbances and Arrests: 1990s – Snoop Dog was arrested for possession of cocaine. Over the next three years he spent time in and out of prison.

    # July 1993 – Snoop was stopped for a traffic violation and a firearm was found by police while conducting a search of his car. In February 1997 he plead guilty to one count of being an ex-felon in possession of a handgun and was ordered to record three public service announcements, pay a $1,000 fine, and serve three years probation.

    # August 1993 – Snoop was charged for being an accomplice to the murder of Phillip Woldermarian. In February 1996, with the help of attorney Jonnie Cochran, Snoop was found not guilty of all charges but voluntary manslaughter, on which the jury deadlocked.

    # May 1998 – Snoop Doggy Dogg was arrested for misdemeanor marijuana possession. He was fined of $100, plus a $170 penalty assessment fee and a $100 payment to the Victim’s Restitution Fund, for a total cost of $370.

    # October 2001 – Snoop was charged with possession of marijuana and possession of drug paraphernalia, after his tour bus was stopped and searched in Ohio. In May 2002 he pleaded no contest to the charge and was fined a total of $398.30 and a suspended 30-day jail sentence.

    # April 2003 – Snoop Doggy Dogg’s bodyguard, McKinley Lee, was grazed by a bullet after unknown assailants showered Snoop Dog’s car and other cars in his entourage with bullets.

    # August 2003 – Snoop was named in an affidavit claiming that he and the makers of the “Girls Gone Wild: Doggy Style” tape lured two underage girls to take their tops off for the camera by offering them marijuana and ecstasy. The suit was settled in July 2004.

  2. Tre says:

    This absolute horseshit. For a people that are all descendants of the most vile criminals, rapists, murderes and the like this is crap.

    Plus their PM is another closet racist neo-con Bush @r$elicker so I bet he believe he’s fighting a good culture war.

    Nuke Australia.

  3. Graham says:

    Yes, anyone who requires responsibility for his/her actions is a neo-con Bushite. What lovely reasoning.

    These people are just that, decendents. That means they are not the vile criminals. Each must choose from good and evil and be prepared to receive the consequences of his/her own actions. Apparently you missed that in life. I blame your parents. By the looks of your comments, you probably would, too.

  4. Pete says:

    Like most American, you ignore the fact that part of the US was also a penal colony before the revolution. It’s the reason why the Brits had to go to Australia

  5. mark says:

    1. Either your a real fan, or your stalking this guy. I dont know that much info about my wife.

  6. sh says:

    Good for the Aussies.
    Snoop don’t give a shit about laws.
    And the Aussies don’t give a shit about his rights.

    If snoop finds himself eating a shit sandwich perhaps he ordered it.

  7. Mr. Fusion says:

    #2, Tre,

    The sad problem is you are not only a dufus, but an ignorant, stupid, vile, dufus at that. Probably a commie too. Australia had penal colonies. So did the US. When their sentences were up, many prisoners returned back to England.

    Australia also has settlers. Many of them. Some of them and their children married former prisoners. All that was over two hundred years ago.

  8. John Benson says:

    Way to go Australia !!! At least there is one country willing to to have some decency standards. What’s with Dvorak and his phony political correctness? Most people gain wisdom as they get older.

  9. David says:

    Australia just like England, are our lackeys and suck off the proverbial hind tit of America. I’m surpised they’d do this and I wonder how would they feel if we barred Russell Crowe for the all stupid BS he’s pulled around the world. Taking the moral high-ground my ass, like Snoop is gonna upset the delicate decency of all this ‘Aussie Culture’. LMFAO

    #8 – Most people also go senile when they get older as well.

  10. Gig says:

    I ask you this. Would you want him to come spend the night at your house?

  11. d.w. says:

    Gig — why not? I imagine it would be pretty hysterical to sit around in the rec room and watch late night tv with the guy.

  12. Om says:

    # I ask you this. Would you want him to come spend the night at your house?”
    Lol. Are you serious?

    Its obvious most of you are either bunch of wound up conservatives or just old farts. Anyone born in the last 25yrs and listens to hip-hop would love to have Snoop Dogg over to their place. It would be a campus wide party at that.

    The dude doesn’t eat children or butcher the elderly. He’s an entertainer. Lay off Fox News and right wing lemming radio, not all rap artists are murders and sociopaths.

  13. ChrisMac says:

    Ever tried to immigrate to Australia?

    They won’t let you in if you have diabetes

  14. cheese says:

    Huh? What? They have a “character test” you have to pass to go to Australia? Snoop isn’t a character? Whatsamatter, didn’t they give him a chance to study for it 😉

  15. tallwookie says:

    Who in their right mind would WANT to goto Austrailia?

    #10 – Hell yes!! Partay w/ Snoop? sign me up!

  16. ChrisMac says:

    Also i might add..

    Who gives a shit

  17. James Hill says:

    Looks like we got a lot of haters up in here. Austrailia is just tryin’ to keep it real, son.

    Just because the D-O-Double-G got PWNED is no reason to get pissy.

  18. OmarTheAlien says:

    No, he wouldn’t be allowed in my house, so why should the Aussie’s have to let him in their country?
    Besides, he’s butt-fuckin’ ugly. Or, to be polite about it; he’s Fugly.

  19. mark says:

    12. “I ask you this. Would you want him to come spend the night at your house?”

    Now, pose the question “I ask you this. Would you want him to come spend the night at your house, if you had a 17 year old daughter?”

    Ummm. No Effin Way fo shizzle.

  20. Raff says:

    Australians are afraid that Snoop will smoke all their weed.

  21. Lauren the Ghoti says:

    So a vicious, violent proponent of the ‘gangsta’ ‘thug’ social cancer that is steadily destroying America is denied entry to a civilized country that wisely declines to join us in Politically Correct cultural suicide.

    That’s supposed to be a story?

    #1 – TheGlobalWarmer

    Fuck the reefer crimes, it’s guns & murder that he and his kind are about. What you listed there is just the tip of the proverbial iceberg.

    Podperson and Mr Confusion, our resident brainwashed PC drones, are strangely silent so far. This is because, you can be sure, they’re frantically scouring the Web for some pseudointellectual Marxist horseshit to trot in here presently to “prove” that it’s – as always – an evil white conspiracy that makes it’s gangsta “victims” strive so mightily to destroy their own people from within. Responsibility for one’s own actions is inconceivable to advocates of professional victimhood.

    Also, please stand by for some piss-poor attempts at ad hominem arguments from those same worthies…

  22. TheGlobalWarmer says:

    Lauren – you’re absolutely right – just the tip of the iceberg.

    #5 – I hardly think typing “Snoop Dogg Criminal History” into Google counts as stalking.

    #12 – See above. All I did copy the first few items I found and that’s already enough to show he’s hardly “just an entertainer”

    There’s absolutely nothing wrong with a country deciding to have some say in who they want to allow across their borders. The US needs to do more of this sort of thing themselves.

  23. Rokas says:

    And how easy it is for somebody without even any criminal record to come to the US?

    Believe me, the stuff you have to go through with the US consulates and the crap you have to bear from them is ridiculous! And if they find ANYTHING they dislike about you for some reason, that MIGHT give them ANY suspition, they can deny you a visa. And they do. If you have any criminal record — forget about a US visa.

    So what’s wrong with Australia denying a visa for somebody with a criminal record? Or should just having a US passport automatically guarantee open doors to you, be you a criminal, killer or rapist?

  24. Lauren the Ghoti says:

    Wanna see what kind of dangerous criminals OUR government is protecting us from?

    Try this bad hombre.

  25. Martin says:

    I live in Australia. I don’t like Bush or Howard, but it’s fair enough to bar any practising criminal. An Aussie friend of mine who had a criminal record for a minor non-violent crime decades ago, was taken from a plane at gunpoint in 2003 simply for flying to your country – because your dickhead government changed it’s visa laws (and therefore his visa) midflight. I guarantee, Snoop wouldn’t be allowed back into the US if he wasn’t a citizen.

  26. Angel H. Wong says:


    I thought the USA was colonized by Quakers because Europe was not Bible thumping enough 🙂

  27. Gwendle says:

    I am 24 and have no interest in having him over to my house. Well, maybe to rob him, but he has Crip affiliations, so I better not.

  28. tallwookie says:

    #20 – Ask you daughter, I bet you’d be suprised what her answer is…

  29. Mick McMahon says: guys do the same thing. Just ask yourself this….If a guy with a criminal record like that wanted to come to your home would your attitude be any different? Australia IS my home.

  30. Mr. Fusion says:

    #22, Larry Fishbreath,

    All that for something I couldn’t give a flying fuck about.

    I see you stopped taking your meds again. I hope you can remember what the Doctor told you.


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