Russia in defence warning to U. S. – If we are to believe that Central Asian nations will, in the very near future, develop the capability to strike Europe with intercontinental missiles, I see this expansion as something that will happen no matter the amount of bitc… I mean, complaining coming from the Russians.

Russia may stop implementing a key defence treaty because of concerns over US plans for a missile shield in Europe, President Vladimir Putin said.

The Russian president accused Nato countries of failing to respect the 1990 Conventional Forces in Europe Treaty (CFE), which limits military deployments across the continent.

If there was no progress at upcoming talks between Nato and Russia on the US missile defence plan, Russia would “look at the possibility of ceasing our commitments under the CFE treaty”, he said.

  1. gquaglia says:

    After all the shit Europe has given us over the last decade, why in the world would we even care if France, Germany, ect got nuked off the planet. F’ em, I say.

  2. Gig says:

    “The Russian president accused Nato countries of failing to respect the 1990 Conventional Forces in Europe Treaty (CFE), which limits military deployments across the continent.”

    That treaty was with a country that does not exist anymore.

  3. Noam Sane says:

    Shouldn’t that be “nyet, nyet, nyet”?

    “No no no” is what Amy Winehouse said when they wanted to send her to “Rehab”.

  4. GotoDengo says:

    I’m not even sure why the Russians are so peeved by this. We’ve already admitted that the proposed shield wouldn’t do much against a Russian attack — they have too many missles and have the ability to change trajectories. But the Iranians will probably only have a couple of basic missles in the next decade or so (before Israel takes out the rest), so I would think they would understand the need to protect against that.

  5. KVolk says:

    I think we should have said that there was no way we would ever want to put a missle shield in Europe because the Russians would say NO to it and then watch the Russians say “You have to put a shield in you don’t determine what our forgeign policy agenda is” or something to that effect.

  6. Improbus says:

    Why are we still in Europe after 60+ years? The cold war is over, let Europe fend for itself. Let’s spend money on places where we actually have a strategic interest.

  7. MikeN says:

    Good idea. Rumsfeld has already started a force reduction in Germany. Now if we could just get out of Kosovo and Bosnia. Let the Russians police the place if they want.

  8. James Hill says:

    Maybe if the Warsaw Pact reforms we can beat them again, and cover up Iraq in the process.

  9. Angel H. Wong says:

    The Russians can always choke the oil lines to blackmail the EU..

  10. MikeN says:

    Hey, I thought the missile defense shield couldn’t possibly work, and that all the test were a fraud? Why would the Russians be afraid of this?

  11. TJGeezer says:

    I think NATO should invite Russia to join. Screw missile non-defenses when they could all just party down, boost each other’s wine, beer and vodka sales, and stop pretending they’re enemies this long after the end of the cold war. Da?

  12. MikeN says:

    TJ, Clinton did invite them to join, and they did. Then they found out it was another Clinton lie and that in fact they did not have a veto over the Kosovo War as they were led to believe.

  13. John Henri Allyn says:

    So the missile system we had to put a homing device in the target to have a successful attempt and doesn’t really even work will be not working in Europe jsut like the E.U


  14. doug says:

    #12. Actually, the Russians were admitted to the “Partnership for Peace,” not full NATO membership.

    note that it was formed in 1994. the Kosovo war was in 1999. that must have been one heck of “another Clinton lie” to convince them that, 5 years down the line, they could have a veto over a war that had not been thought up yet …


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