
Even though he is scheduled for retirement on June 19, it doesn’t look like Ken Kutaragi, the mastermind behind the PlayStation, is being thrown out of the airlock over the current situation with PS3 sales.   He will remain as Honorary Chairman for the division and senior technology advisor to Sony. However, he may wind up wishing he did head completely out to pasture if PlayStation 3 sales continue  to disappoint.

Known as the “Father of PlayStation,” Kutaragi, 56, took a lead role in the invention of the Sony game console in 1994 and the PlayStation 2 in 2000. Known as a company black sheep, he bucked consensus to turn video games into a cash cow, but lately has seen his status diminish.

Kutaragi will retire as chief executive of Sony Computer Entertainment Inc., known as SCE, and become honorary chairman. He will also act as a senior technology adviser to parent Sony Corp., the company said on Thursday.

It’s ironic that he began as something of a black sheep because that’s how it looks for him at the end of his career as well.

  1. Moe says:

    Well he is a really good engineer that’s for sure. It’s a shame that he screwed everything up.

  2. Angel H. Wong says:

    Don’t blame him, blame Sony’s move from being an outstanding company managed by engineers to a generic screw up thanks to greedy control freaks business administrators and two time lying marketers..

  3. SN says:

    I would have put “retire” in quotes.

  4. tallwookie says:

    Lets all Sing: “Blame Sony” to the tune of Blame Canada

  5. edwinrogers says:

    So they don’t gift retirees seremonial seppuka knives, nowadays?

  6. Angel H. Wong says:



  7. Angel H. Wong says:


    I meant this

  8. edwinrogers says:

    Thanks, great, I love it when an strangers correct my spelling.

  9. Angel H. Wong says:


    I’m a spelling freak 🙂

  10. Smartalix says:


    Better than being the other kind.

  11. werd2urmuthaboard says:

    sony has got to be one of the least exciting brands nowadays. when is samsung going to eat these guys up?

  12. Smartalix says:

    I tell everyone Samsung is the new Sony.

  13. Is this because they are starting a slide?

  14. JoaoPT says:

    Samsung IS the new Sony (and they’re in bed together as big LCD producers…).
    Apple WILL BE the new new Sony…

  15. Brian says:


    Apple will be the new sony? hahahaha keep dreaming apple fanboy.

  16. Named says:


    Apple fanboi’s have this fantasy when Apple starts using manga characters to show off their stuff… Apple makes, hmmm, 6 products? They’ve got a long way to go until they can top Sony’s breadth of professional, consumer and “prosumer” (that word is horrid) products.

  17. Angel H. Wong says:


    Well, Apple is heading the Sony way with it’s DRM and the way they force consumers to use ONLY their products & services..

  18. Angel H. Wong says:

    #10 Alix

    You mean the Superfreak? *wears a Jeri Curl afro and tight red leather pants* I’m Rick James bitch!

  19. Smartalix says:


    That one works too, if one can pull it off.

  20. John Henri Allyn says:

    In memory of Sony’s creditability
    Beloved friend to gamers and music lovers everywhere


  21. JoaoPT says:

    #15, #16 and #17-

    I’m no Apple fanboi.
    I was just expressing my conviction:
    Apple drops “Computer” from name. Sells more “walkmans” than computers. Sells audio loudspeakers. Sells digital video players.
    The way video editing works nowadays, with digital editing, Apple has a foothold on Pro and Prosumer edit suites with the MacPro 8way.
    Virtually all professional audio production is being made on Macs or is Mac based…
    Now portable phones too…
    Apple is slowly moving from the PC arena to the appliance arena.


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