Surprisingly little national news coverage of this.
Kucinich announces impeachment charges against Vice President Cheney
After a series of delays, Rep. Dennis Kucinich (D-OH), a candidate for president in 2008, announced a series of charges against Vice President Dick Cheney in Washington, DC, late in the day. Kucinich alleged that the Vice President had committed a series of impeachable offenses, and he was therefore introducing Articles of Impeachment against Cheney in the Congress today.
Kucinich started off by reading the opening words of the Declaration of Independence, arguing they were “instructive at this moment.”
The Ohio Congressman, who is running for president for the second time, noted three charges in his Articles of Impeachment, which were submitted as House Resolution 333. The first concerned manipulation of intelligence about Iraq’s threat to the US. The second concerned manipulation of intelligence on the Iraq-Al-Qaida relationship. The last concerned what he called having “openly threatened aggression against the Republic of Iran.”
You can read the articles on Kucinich’s website.
Rep. Dennis Kucinich
Yea good luck with this Dennis. As much as I enjoy Señor Kucinich, this endeavor will inevitably lead to a dead end. Vice President Cheney has enough plausible deniability for all the charges Rep. Kucinich is filling. But I’m sure this will be good for his election campaign in 2008.
“Surprisingly little national news coverage of this.”
Why? Because it’s a joke…
Gives Kucinich a chance to be the only primary candidate in tomorrow night’s debate who’s actually introduced a bill to impeach at least one of the crooks in the White House.
And I thought Pelosi had clearly said after becoming House Speaker that there would be *no* impeachment hearings.
Shows how good the leadership is.
Maybe someone should ask who will replace Cheney as VP? It sure won/t be Pelosi or any Democrat. Got an image in your mind yet? Well, drum roll please, IT WILL BE CONDI RICE!!!!
So does any Democrat really think Cheney will be impeached? NO WAY!
Unless, of course, they want the drama to trying to get Condi to say she would not run for president as the “heir apparent”. The House and The Senate are run by Democrats with their political missles ready to be fired at Cheney to blow him out of the water. But no one has considered who would replace him. At least Larry Sabato knows it would be Condi…..and now you know too!!!
Nothing more then showboating. It will go nowhere, waste money and occupy a congress that has more important things to worry about.
#5: You got me thinking… Cheney gets impeached. Takes fall for all the failures, scandals, etc. Replaced by ____ who then is automatically the nominee for Prez in 08. Sweet way for Bush & Co to select heir apparent in Repub party without nasty elections (ie, unpredictable electorate).
The best we can hope for is that he dies from a heart attack. Frankly, I am surprised that his heart hasn’t killed him yet. If only the good die young he will live forever.
How’s Bob Barr’s presidential campaign going?
“Nothing more then showboating. It will go nowhere, waste money and occupy a congress that has more important things to worry about.”
Kind of like trying to impeach a married man for lying about getting a blowjob?
No impeachment – Cheney (as well as Bush) fit well in the very negative picture the word has of the United States today.
7. As plausible a scenario as any. I hope they dont see this post, if they hadnt already thought of it.
And seriously, if no one is held accountable for this criminal beviour, the conservatives will NEVER be able to bring up impeachment of a democratic administration, espicially not for so called “immoral impropriety”.
News flash: Our media is owned by 4 or 5 corporations, all of whom serve the same interests that Dick Cheney does. They don’t go after their own.
They will tell you more than you ever wanted to know about Alec Baldwin, Anna Nicole Smith, Britney Spears, etc., but will barely print three lines on the back page about Dick Cheney being brought up on impeachment charges, or all the honeybees in the world disappearing resulting in the extinction of human beings, or the mysterious mass detention centers being built by Halliburton for a national crisis, or the Bush Administration’s secret plans to build a superhighway right up the gut of the country from Mexico to Canada, or the zillion inconsistancies surrounding 9/11, etc., etc., etc., etc.
I blame our major media for many of the problems facing our country today. They used to provide checks and balances for our country, almost like a fourth branch of government would. Now they are controlled by our one branch of our government, the executive branch, and they take orders from them just like everyone else does, so naturally they are going to be reluctant to run stories on the possible impeachment of one of their higher ups.
Probably, at this stage of the game in America, containment is a better strategy than regime change.
If Cheney is impeached, it allows Bush to appoint an presumptive GOP nominee for the next election and this could unify the party. It’s better for America to keep the GOP in disarray — they can do less harm that way.
#8 – The reason his heart hasn’t given out yet is because he doesn’t have one.
#14, no, the media is not controlled by the executive branch. It is controlled by giant corporations, who also (through lobbyists, etc.) control the executive branch. Subtle but important distinction.
When a Democrat takes over the White House, you can be sure the media won’t be dancing to his/her tune!
(tightening down my shiny hat)
This was accomplished by infiltrating the news media with spooks during the cold war. It was the perfect cover to travel the world and spread disinformation. Then the cold war ended, took them awhile but they found another enemy and cause.
(removes hat, hahaha, glances around)
18. “When a Democrat takes over the White House, you can be sure the media won’t be dancing to his/her tune! ”
It saddens me that you actually believe that.
Here we go with the manipulation (aka “He lied!”) argument. Can anyone PROVE that there was manipulation? Again…being wrong is NOT the same thing as lying/manipulating/etc. As far as I am concerned, this is just another partisan swipe at the Republicans that is based in little more than political gamesmanship.
I guess the “Impeach Bush” types got tired of me asking, “so why do you want Cheney to become President?”
Ken in Berzerkely –
News flash: Our media is owned by 4 or 5 corporations, all of whom serve the same interests that Dick Cheney does. They don’t go after their own.
Ted Turner, Pinch Sulzberger, Katherine Graham, and the Chandler family would be very amused to hear that.
Ahh, this stuff is always good for a laugh. Ultimately it demonstrates nothing except the complete and utter emasculation of whatever party is in opposition at the moment.
I say impeach everyone. At least we’ll all get some good material out of it.
I’ve noticed that Kucinich is a dead ringer for Alfred E. Neuman
#16- Actually it doesn’t. As whomever Bush would want to appoint would have to be approved by the house, and thus it must be someone the Dems are willing to accept.
#5- The Democrats voting party line could easily impeach both the Pres and the VP, all it takes is a majority vote in the house, now conviction in the Senate, that’s a whole other story
If Cheney was impeached though, it would force one thing to be clarified in US law which is not currently clear. Who presides over the impeachment proceedings in the Senate of the VP aka the President of the Senate? Does the VP get to, or will it go to the Pres. Pro Temp of the Senate? or… So I say impeach him just for history’s sake and to figure out that, Will he be convicted, yeah right, but at least for history and for further advancement of the law it will be fun… plus tying up their time on impeachment hearings and then a trial might prevent them from being able to pass as many laws that reduce our rights and/or spend funds irresponsibly.
Excuse me Uncle Dave…..but I would consider coverage on all of the cable news outlets, all of the major networks news programs, plus all major media outlets online sites(including the major European news organisations) as just a tad bit more than **surprisingly little national news coverage**. Once again your hyperbole has grabbed your tin hat and run away. Apparently you read the Podunk Auto Trader, because thats about the only place this news hasn’t been in the last 2 days.
#18…Rob….My God ……are you REALLY that clueless?
This will go no where, but not for the conspirousy reasons of the lefties in here, but because the Democratic leadership in Congress aren’t about to lose one of the two best public reasons they have for maybe getting the White House next year. The last thing they want is not to be able to bash Bush and Cheney on a daily basis for the next 18 months.
“Surprisingly little national news coverage of this.”
Yeah, when the man god Dennis Kucinich speaks the nation listens!
I’d also add the man god Kucinich is so serious about this he pulled it because the Virgina Tech massacres were hogging all his TV time.
#11. Indeed. just as the GOP knew they did not have the votes to convict Bill Clinton, Washington’s Dwarf Don Quixote knows damn well he does not have the votes to convict Dick Cheney.
The key difference is that a majority of Democrats know better and this impeachment bill will not so much as get to a floor vote. With a war going on, we don’t have time for this bullshit.
It really is simple. They lied, they cheated, they committed high crimes and misdemeanors. Therefore, they should be impeached. Anyone who believes otherwise is probably a supporter for the Nazis in power. But the big difference is the middle-of-the-road sillys that are in the House now don’t have the votes to go ahead with impeachment to make it stick. Therefore they don’t want to waste time with it.
It doesn’t take up that much of their valuable time to introduce and subsequently ignore Rep. Kucinich’s motion so this is not a bad things. On the other hand, if we had people with more courage in office, with more chutzpah to always insist on doing the right thing when people break the law like this, then we’d have Bush and Cheney, and maybe a few more, impeached long ago. Even on circumstantial evidence alone we have enough to throw these guys in jail. Neocons don’t like that but being neocons, they don’t care ’cause they follow Machievelli’s ways. They know they can get away with what they’re doing since there’s too many people paid off with in too many places and too many of them are in positions of power anyway.
So, yeah, it’s ultimately useless but a) it’s not a terrific waste of time b) there are more important things to pursue that there are enough votes for but that’s no reason not to try anyway – look at the bring the troops home vote c) regardless of what anyone thinks about him, Kucinich did the right thing that would receive more press (John’s right about lack of coverage) if the press weren’t as p0wnd as they are now. And if you doubt that last statement, as some of you obviously do, read Bill Moyer’s recent piece on the press’ acquiescence in the run-up to the war.
One good thing: even if we can’t impeach them now and this is pie in the sky, at least this leaves open the possibility of convicting Bush & Cheney later, even as doddering old men, and sticking them in Jail or forcing them to a life in hiding in Saudi Arabia.
Oh, and #27 – You don’t know and probably have never had a conversation with Kucinich. I have. So, your comment on VT was totally out of line. STICK IT IN YOUR EAR!
-Geoff from VT
You had me at Nazis.