AdelaideNow… New earth find suggests we are not alone — Does anyone else but me think that we should load up vials of frozen life forms and launch a missile at this planet to inoculate it? Or does anyone think that perhaps there are folks on this planet that did that to us? Or do I join the nutball club for thinking this way?
ASTRONOMERS have found a “new Earth” – the first planet outside our solar system with the potential for life as we know it.
The Earth-like planet is 20.5 light years away, orbiting the “red dwarf” star Gliese 581 in the constellation Libra.It is one of three planets in that solar system, with the Earth-like planet named Gliese 581C.
Commenting on the discovery by a team of European scientists, University of Adelaide Professor Roger Clay said this was the first time a planet with a mass or weight similar to the Earth’s had been found.
To BubbaRay:
Yeah, I know… we gotta get in there early. Maybe next time.