Salvaged pet food contaminated with an industrial chemical was sent to hog farms in as many as six states, federal health officials said Tuesday. It was not immediately clear if any hogs that ate the tainted feed then entered the food supply for humans.

However, the Food and Drug Administration said the urine of some hogs tested positive for the chemical, melamine, in North Carolina and South Carolina as well as California.

“At this point, I don’t have a definitive answer other than to say that the issue is being addressed,” Stephen Sundlof, the FDA’s chief veterinarian, told reporters when asked if any of the hogs had entered the human food supply. A poultry farm also may be involved, he added.

Ain’t “salvaged” an interesting word. Another example of American so-called journalists willing to collaborate with hustling the body politic.

  1. god says:

    FDA statements have been in the vein of “a certain amount of melamine isn’t harmful to humans”. Of course, the difference between hitting yourself on the forehead with a fingertip – and a ball peen hammer – is only one of degree. Right?

  2. Janky-o says:

    “It was not immediately clear if any hogs that ate the tainted feed then entered the food supply for humans.”

    I *suppose* the hogs could have taken jobs as truffle hunters, or retired to a small house in Phoenix. Given the economics of US farms, is there any question that the hogs weren’t eaten?

  3. KagatoAMV says:

    So I can’t eat vegetables because of the ecoli contamination and I can’t eat meat because of the feed contamination…

    I’m going to have to start learning to absorb sunlight.

  4. mark says:

    Lets export the pork to friggen China. Send it right back.

  5. Mike Voice says:

    The FDA also said it planned to begin testing a wide variety of vegetable proteins at firms that imported the ingredients to make everything from pizza dough to infant formula, and protein shakes to energy bars. The ingredient list includes wheat gluten, corn gluten, corn meal, soy protein and rice bran.

    wheat gluten
    corn meal
    soy protein
    rice bran
    rice protein concentrate

    Why do we import vegetable proteins? We don’t grow enough corn or wheat here?

    Is all the corn going to cattle-feed, ethanol, and microwave popcorn?

    On Tuesday, the Labor Department said it was increasing inspections to address potential health hazards to workers at plants that make microwave popcorn with butter flavorings that contain diacetyl.

    Potential health hazard: just look at Orville Redenbacker

  6. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    Industrial agroculture needs to be forced to be transparent and accountable… and it won’t happen as long as there are voters and politicians who worship at the alter of conspicuous consuption… profit over ethics.

  7. John Paradox says:

    So I can’t eat vegetables because of the ecoli contamination and I can’t eat meat because of the feed contamination…
    I’m going to have to start learning to absorb sunlight.
    Comment by KagatoAMV

    Photosythesis classes will be held Tuesdays and Thursdays.

    (Still wouldn’t work.. requires water, and we all know what THAT’s like nowadays)


  8. Improbus says:

    This makes me want to eat only Kosher food. Oy!

  9. bill says:

    Maybe they could ‘salvage’ plague victims from the middle ages in Europe and feed them to the hogs?

    and you know they feed chicken ‘poop’ to cattle as a ‘salvaged food’ right?

    How about putting ‘night water’ on the vegatables?

    How about spinal guts? Let’s see, sewer sludge makes a great fertilizer!!!

    MMMMMMM give me organic anytime!!!


  10. OmarTheAlien says:

    Salvage? Like something you threw away and somebody took it from the dump and sold it to somebody?


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