Job description: iPhone Support Representative
The iPhone Agent is responsible for answering questions for Apple customers and partners. The candidate should be able to provide prompt, reliable, and accurate information to customers while maintaining effective communications during conversations by adjusting to the pace and technical level of the customer. The preferred person will be responsible for ensuring first call resolution in a timely manner, while maintaining the highest level of quality support in every customer interaction.
They’re hiring in Austin, TX for the grunt-level gigs. Higher ups in Santa Clara, CA. Tee hee.
I can see it NOW…
Cellphone junkies that Buy this phone and cant read a manual..
I thought Apple products were so perfect that you didn’t need tech support.
WANTED: Someone who can take full on abuse over the phone from some jerk who can’t work a cell phone. Oh yeah, we aren’t going to pay you well, we’re going to under-staff, and over-work you. Bring your screw-me-smile on down and apply today!!!!
I know this shouldn’t need mentioning (hah!) – but, if you click the link and read the job description, it’s obvious the concern is teaching Windoze users how to use the phone.
Actually, Apple does something that most MS users are not used to: Provides Customer Support. Kudos to Apple…. now where did I leave that kool-aid.
When you say customer support, do you mean wiping huge swaths of support discussions from their support site?
#3 – Bwahahahaha
You got that right on!
#3 – And to add to that, be efficient at pawning the issue off on Cingular, and transfering the customer to their customer support.
#6 – Just because they have multiple ways of solving problems is no reason to get pissy.
Just askin’, that’s all. I’m well aware of the memory hole and how powerful and good it is.
Finally, a job Lauren might be willing to accept! He can move out of his mama’s basement and become self-supporting. Start to buy Apple gear instead of stealing it. I think we should all offer our support.
Its NOT the phone its your service…they dont provide that OPTION….
#2 – Not any more
#10 – Podperson
“Finally, a job Lauren might be willing to accept! He can move out of his mama’s basement and become self-supporting.”
That ain’t the half of it; maybe Mom’ll finally quit bitching about always finding eyeholes cut in her best sheets…
You DO use the skid marked sheets, right? Thanks! I’ll be here all night!
At least they are hiring people in the US instead of outsourcing everything.
#15 – eggfou
“At least they are hiring people in the US instead of outsourcing everything.”
Exactly so. I was wondering when someone would point that out.
This is one reason why Mac prices are what they are. And I’m fine with paying a little more when the money is staying in America and benefitting my fellow citizens… lifting the Indian and Chinese peoples out of poverty at the expense of my own society is not high on my priority list.
Yeah… forget about manufacturing… let’s give the americans call centre jobs! That’s where the real money is! Sheesh!
I’m surprised there isn’t a DV entry about Apple’s financials for the last quarter. They are fracking amazing.